Battle Shapers: Adamant Core Guide (V0.1.2)

In this guide, I described the key points that will help you easy playthrough with a stock gun. It’s all about the ability “OUTBURST” of the adamant core, which when upgraded, will give invulnerability for 2 seconds with cooldown of 5 seconds and strong aoe damage. With “OUTBURST” you will annihilate all bots in room and the boss (if you reflect his attack). Enhancement “Reflective Punches” will remove any necessity for weapons.


About build

First you will need unlock the “Recycle Gear” talent from “Cipher cloud“in order to recycle weapons / abilities into credits (gold). You will also needed unlock talents “Shop Restock“, “Extra Credits” from “Cipher cloud” for Huck’s emporium store, since all the credits (gold) will go to buy “enhancement core“. For an additional chance to get “enhancement core“, you will help unlock the talent “Reroll Hacks“. For this build you will need to get a secondary core “VOLT CORE” from the boss “VOLT COLOSSUS”, if you don’t have yet.
When you start the run, recycle all the things you found into credits (gold), for buy “enhancement core” in the store between floors. In the first “enhancement cores” choice if possible the “Reflective Punches” ability to make it easier for you fight with bots, because the core ability “OUTBURST” at the beginning is weak. Try to complete all events in the room, it give you extra “enhancement core“.

The priority choice for “enhancement core” is OUTBURST upgrade > SECONDARY CORE (VOLT CORE) upgrade > PUNCH upgrade  > FURY / FORTIFY upgrade > all other upgrades.

For safe playthrough, you can spend “enhancement core” on the enhancement “Phoenix Protocol” (I think it a waste your enhancement core).


The upper enhancement have a higher priority.


The upper enhancement have a higher priority. You can take “Surge Reloaders” if you use your weapon a lot (I think it a waste your enhancement core).


The upper enhancement have a higher priority.


The upper enhancement have a higher priority.


The upper enhancement have a higher priority. This is alternative and more safe option instead of “FURY”.

Thanks to Beastwood for his excellent guide; all credit belongs to his effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. Enjoy the game.

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About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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