An early Guide to Shopping for Parts and Creating Pens.
The following is offered as
Primer and
Reference for
Pen Creation for new players of
Aquillanto such as myself.
Given the various challenges ahead, it is apparent that creating a variety of pens to carry with us will prove vital to successful adventure!
Shopping for Parts
You’ll soon collect enough
Gold Coins and
Crowns to consider
Crafting your very first custom pen which requires
6 different parts to assemble:
Grips, Tanks, Nibs as well as
Base-, Mid- & Tip-Bands all of which contribute various characteristics (see
Creating a Pen below for full run-down of each part).
Enter the Shop to review the parts on offer:

Note that only 3 parts are available for purchase at a time while you can Change the Offering by spending Crowns; the more Crowns spent increases the Rarity of the next 3 parts made available from Random to Super Rare.
You can buy more than one of the same part if you so choose.
Creating a Pen
Begin Crafting your pen by selecting the various parts from those available in your
Inventory using respective
[Left/Right] controls while noting the characteristics that each contributes to your new weapon:
Note that we can hold
15 of each
type of Part in our
Inventory which can be reviewed individually by selecting respective
[View All] buttons:
Pen Library
We can keep up to
8 different pens in our
Library which can be
Modified further or
Cleared (destroyed) to free up space, as becomes necessary:

Remember, we can carry up to
3 different pens along with us during a given Mission so, as we build our collection, developing pens with various traits for use in Missions with different challenges will become key!
Note: pen 1 is selected as the 1st pen of 3 we will carry on our side in the image above.
Test Range
Test Range allows for quick configuration of pens tho individual characteristics are not displayed beyond the visible:

Changes made here
do modify respective pens in our library so be sure to note any new characteristics before embarking!
Thanks to Virtual Nomad for his excellent guide, all credit to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.