Just a guide to help with the quiz in Amame’s somnium and to get the secret achievement.
Scavenger Quiz Answers (Stage 1)
Answer: Vokeman (Label No.9)
Question 2: *music* The BGM is Symphony no.5 ( are you seeing a pattern..?)
Answer: Elephant Trinket (Label No.5)
Question 3: *music* The BGM is Air on G String
Answer: Mono-Wheel Robot, Shoma’s Robot (Label G)
Occult Quiz Answers (Stage 2)
Question 1:”Which of these represents a historical secret society and can you name it?”
Answer: Freemasons
Question 2: “Many unidentified mysterious animals, or UMAs, have been discovered. Which one is smaller?”
Answer: Chupacabra
Question 3: “Which of these two things affect the human psyche and behaviour? A or B?”
Answer: Subliminal
Spot the Difference Answers (Stage 3)
Answer 1: Split blue figure
Answer 2: Mizuki (looks dead)
Answer 3: Kizuna (looks dead)
Answer 4: Torn magazine
The order doesn’t matter but those are the answers.
Ultimate 50/50 (Stage 4)
Find the Truth (Final Stage)
Thanks to Auccoon for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.
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