In this guide, I’ll describe the puzzles which have multiple solutions. For the ones with only one solution, you can use the hint system in the game.
This guide is still a work in progress as I’m still playing through the game as well. Feel free to leave solutions in the comments below and I’ll add them to the list.
I’ll only list the solutions of puzzles which has multiple solutions, as for the others the hint system in-game will most likely help you out.
Chapter 1: Home Sweet Home
Books: 1. Sorted on height. 2. Sorted on the width of the books.
Red Books: 1. Sorted on height. 2. Follow the pattern on the bottom. The book with )( at the bottom is the middle one (if I remember correctly).
Pencil: On colors from blue, green, yellow, and pink. On how big the gum on the bottom is, on how sharp the top of the pencil is.
Books: 1. Sorted on height. 2. Sorted on the small banner on every side of the book from high to low.
Pencils: 1. On the height of the pencils. 2. On the symbols at the bottom of the pencils, the flat line in the middle.
Chapter 2: Lost Recipe
Cans: 1. All 3 with the tomatoes to the front. 2. Fist can tomatoes, second barcode, third only the grey swirls.
Jars: 1. The height of the Jars. 2. Sorted on how high the liquid inside is. 3. based on color, from all yellow, blended to green, to all green.
Spoons: 1. On the size in a row. 2. On size on top of each other starting with the biggest one.
Dishes: Sorted on the yellow lines. 2. Sorted on the breaking lines they all have.
Jars: 1. Sorted per row on the high of the ingredients. 2. Sorted on the color of the ingredients.
Fruit: 1. Removing all stickers. 2. Removing only the blue stickers and putting the right color sticker on the right fruit.
Chapter 3: Nitty Gritty
Coins: 1. Stacking them from big to small. 2. Laying them in a row from big to small. 3. Sorting them is based on # of sides on the coins. from 0, then 6, 8, 10, 12…
Paint Buckets: 1. Based on the wrap on the buckets. 2. Based on the paint on the outside of the buckets, Start with the blue, green, and red on the top one.
Buttons: 1. Sorted on color. 2. Sorted on holes in the buttons.
Keys: 1. Sorted on size. 2. Sorted on holes at the top of the key 3. based on the teeth of the key. Straight key goes first, then key with 2 and 3 prongs. Then the key that looks like a 4, the gold squiggly key is a 5, then 6 prongs, and the key that looks like a 7. (Credit to Shinxycat)
Coasters: 1. All black. 2. all cleaned. 3. From light to dark.
Boxes: Sorted on type (Garden, shoes, sports, electronic). 2. Sorted on color.
Boxes: 1. Follow the arrows. 2.???
Chapter 4: Inner Nature
Note: the leaves can be sorted with the holes on them. the one on the left side has to line up with the ones on the right side from the leaf beneath.
- Sorted on color.
- sort so that tie stones fit into each other like puzzle pieces.
- by the number of pieces each stone is cut into (by the lines on them).
Chapter 5: Near Earth Organizer
Thanks to missiloon for his original guide, as well as tasselfoot, meike‘s additions, all credits belong to their effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.
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The missing solution for leaves in Nitty Gritty is to match up the holes in the leaves
For keys, the last solution is based on the teeth of the key. Straight key goes first, then key with 2 and 3 prongs. Then the key that looks like a 4, the gold squiggly key is a 5, then 6 prongs, and the key that looks like a 7.
The explanation for the crates solution 2 is that the tape on the boxes forms two rectangles.
You haven’t mentioned the solution for coloured stones in part 4 – not sure what the non-hint solution is – it’s the only one in the whole game I haven’t gotten
The only 2 star in chapter 5 is the candles: (1) all candles the same height (2) ascending in height from left (lowest) to right (highest). The match will increase the height of the candle when white and decrease when black, click on the flame to extinguish.
You haven’t mentioned the solutions for the coloured stones in chapter 4, that’s the only one in the game I haven’t gotten
The explanation for the crates is that the tape on the boxes makes two rectangles.
The only multi-solution one in part 5 is the candles: (1) all candles the same height (2) ascending from lowest (left) to highest (right). When the match has a white tip it’ll increase the height of the candles, and decrease when black, click on the candle’s flame to stop it.
second solution for the boxes is following the tape on the boxes to form two rectangles (one inside the other)
You can follow the arrows or the tape on the one with the boxes
Chapter 4 colored stones alternative solution is to put the dual colored stones in the corners with their matching solid stone between them. The stone will all the colors stays in the center.
Thank you so much! I was stuck on that for ages!
Solution #2 for the boxes is the line the tape up so that they are connected instead of the arrows.
at Nitty Gritty where you have to stack the boxes is the second way to sort them by the tape, where there will be a square in another square
For the Chapter 3 level with the boxes where you match with the arrows there is two solutions, 2nd soloution is matching the tape pattern on the boxes