All main info about Traits in FTK2
Note: For The King II is now in closed Beta and will be full released in the future.
Deep Thinker
Recieve +1 max Focus
(For example, if a blacksmith has 3 focus points from the start of the game, then with this skill he will have 4)
Also character recieve the Eureka skill, which gain a chance to fully restore focus during the game
Gain a 25% chance to strike first in combat
Your character recieve +3 to all primary stats
Your character recieve +25 to Luck stat
Recieve +1 Secondary Action in combat
Gain Support Range with any weapon or while unarmed
( Melee characters can attack from ranged positions in combat. )
Gain a chance to buff a random friendly combat tile in combat.
Long Legs
Supplying you with a Support Range Skill, Long Legs lets you join combat from futher away
Thanks to Fin de Siecle for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.