List of letters for “Complete every request.” achievement
1. Dad took a day off work…
2. My pen pal and I are having a joke contest…
3. My dear grandson heard I was…
4. I assume I need no introduction…
5. Angel said she’d sneak this in…
6. So, I made a nice frog…
7. Hi, Mx. Fields, it’s that time of year…
8. Hey, eh, I need an apology…
9. Hey, {your name}! I’m Angel…
10. Ooh, well I need to tell Elias…
11. I wanted to write my high school pal, see how…
12. My daughter asks for a bedtime story…
13. Hey, my little sis Jess asked me to come…
14. I need a letter to Dr. MacLean…
15. My pen pal and I have been exchanding jokes for a while…
16. So, I made a nice frog sculpture for the park…
17. Big news! We just had a baby! …
18. Thank you for the time. My son was a cold…
P.S. There might be 19th letter, leave a comment with it if there is any other ones.
Thanks to Easy Target for his excellent guide; all credit belongs to his effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. Enjoy the game.