is a simple game you can play only like 20-30minute
or if you are speedrun can be like 5-10minute
World’s Strongest Creature

go in Mansion and let him Caught you
Unmatched Thief

Collect All Of Yujiro’s Items
so here the thing
1st floor has 3 items
2st floor has 7 items
3st floor has 5 item

Find And Drink The Cola
so The Cola is on floor 3st
You can’t get it because you don’t have 15 items yet
Collect 15 items so you can take it
So close…yet so far…

The Normal Ending
at this ending you Collect All Of Yujiro’s Items and Escape The Mansion “with out Drink The Cola”
at this ending you Collect All Of Yujiro’s Items and Escape The Mansion “with out Drink The Cola”
World’s Strongest Son?!

The Secret Ending
at this ending your need to Collect 15 Yujiro’s Items and “Remember To Drink The Cola” and Escape The Mansion
at this ending your need to Collect 15 Yujiro’s Items and “Remember To Drink The Cola” and Escape The Mansion
Thanks to Kozeki Ui for his excellent guide; all credit belongs to his effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. Enjoy the game.