Warhammer 40000 Darktide: Grimoire and Scripture Locations

Greetings Heretics, I will show you where to find the Grimoires and Scriptures in the various Levels.
This Guide is Work in Progress since the Game is in the Beta lul. Please send me locations that you know of and arent in this guide already.

The Locations are sorted in a chronological order. For now i only separate Grimoires from Scriptures by adding it to the Location Title. If requested i will separate Grimoires and Scriptures Locations for each Level.


Intro – What are Grimoires and Scriptures and the Spawn mechanics

The Intro is for all new heretics, that havent played Vermintide 1 or Vermintide 2 yet.
When you select and play a Mission it may have a secondary objective.

The first symbol on the left tells you the Nature of the Mission. The second symbol tells you that it has a secondary objective.

On the right side of the screen the secondary objective will be explained. At the Moment its either collecting 3 Scriptures or 2 Grimoires


  • Scriptures are replacing your Medikit or Ammo crate
  • Scriptures can be dropped again and replaced against a Medkit or Ammo Crate.
    =>Dont forget it or loose it by accident!
  • there are more spawn locations then Grimoires: 7-10 spawn locations vs 3 Scriptures


  • Grimoires are replacing your Medikit or Ammo crate
  • Grimoires can not be dropped again. If you die the Grimoire is lost
  • one Grimoire will reduce your life by almost one Wound(life slot).
  • there are more spawn locations then Grimoires: 6-8 spawn locations vs 2 Grimoires

Finishing a Mission with all 3 Scriptures or 2 Grimoires will result in extra Coins and XP.

Spawn Mechanics (Assumption)

From what I have found out the spawn mechanics of the various levels are as follows:

  • Each Mission is seperated into three stages
  • Per Stage only one Grimoire or Scripture can spawn
  • Stages are marked by Airlocks/ Elevators/ Dropping Down in Areas without return

This means as soon as you have found one Grimoire or Scripture you can rush into the next stage, without searching for more.[/b]

it happened two times to me that multiple Scripts will spawn in one Area. While rare there is a possibility. It happened to me on Silo Cluster and on Vigil Station Oblivium.


Vigil Station Oblivium – Scriptures

No Scriptures have been found (yet).

Scripture Location 1

One Script/Grim can be found at the beginning of the Level. Just before you enter a round Building with Stairs leading up there is a Grimoire behind the door.

Scripture Location 2

In the same Building there may be a Script/Grim on the middle Floor lying in the back of the railing

Scripture Location 3

After you go up the stairs in the round Building you will go over a bridge with another cylindrical building in the center. Turn left and a scripture can be on the roof of the shack. The Ladder is on the Back side of the Shack.

Scripture Location 4

After the first round building when you are passing the bridge you will see the next round building.
There can be a Script inside. Go downstairs and there it can be in a corner.

Scripture Location 5

Right at the start of Caustic Street, drop down and go left. Go downstairs and there can be Script

Scripture Location 6

A bit after the caustic Street and the Traiders you will come to this Shack with a healing Station inside. On the right side can be a Script

Scripture Location 7

At Ragtown Bazaar you can find a Scripture at the big bronze Statue.

Scripture Location 8

Before going over the Bridge where you place a “Scanning Skull” there will be a place with an big Statue in the middle to your left. The Grim/Script can be found in the corner as seen on pictures

Scripture Location 9

At the elevator when you are scanning Bodys there can be a Scripture in the left corner.

Scripture Location 10

Just after the elevator on the right side there will be an open Container the Script/Grim may lay inside

Scripture Location 11

After crossing the big bridge there can be a Script on the left side next to Stationary Gun.

Scripture Location 12

After the Market Place you will be in a big Hall with purple Banners as shown on the pictures. If you face the Banners the Script/Grim will be on the left side in a collapsed doorway.

Vigil Station Oblivium – Grimoires

No Grimoires have been found (yet).

Grimoire Location 1

After the first round Building that you go upstairs at the start of the Mission and after you cross the Bridge there can be a Grimoire on the roof of the shack. The roof is on the backside.

Grimoire Location 2

At the Start of the Caustic street there can be a Grim on the left side, shortly before going over a small bridge into the inside.

Grimoire Location 3

At the start of Traders Row there will be this huge hole in the center with a Med station closeby. Go into an Alley on the left. Go up a small stair case and then turn right. there can be a Grim.

Grimoire Location 4

Shortly after the before mentioned Med Station in Traiders Row there will be a straight hall. Go left and there will be a Grim on the cart.

No Grimoires have been found (yet).

No Grimoires have been found (yet).

No Grimoires have been found (yet).

No Grimoires have been found (yet).

Silo Cluster 18-66/a – Scriptures

Scripture Location 1

Relatively at the start, after you are going down into the first big fighting area you will turn left. There you will jump down a small ledge. Turn left and go up and over the bridge. then turn right and run to the end of the Railing.

Scripture Location 2

At the first healing Station there can spawn a Scripture right next to it. Pretty easy to spot.

Scripture Location 3

After the first Healing Station in this Mission go upstairs, go inside and turn left. There can be a Script.

Scripture Location 4

After the first Healing Station in this Mission go upstairs, go inside and turn right. Go to the end of the Hallway and on the right side at a Window can be a Script.

Scripture Location 5

After the first Healing Station you are going up the Stairs. Go through the Doorway and run to the end of the corridor. There can be a Scripture.

Scripture Location 6

After the first Healing Station you are going up the Stairs and you have to jump down a Hole. Near the hole is one of the Scripts

Scripture Location 7

Just after the big Elevator where you have to hold out go left. In the corner can be a Script.

Scripture Location 8

After the elevator go straight. after the first stairs turn right and go through 2 doorways. There can be a Script next to the Trash Can.

Scripture Location 9

After the elevator you will come to a healing Station before going over a big bridge. There can be a Script in the corner.

Silo Cluster 18-66/a – Grimoires

Grimoire Location 1

After the first healing Station you will up the Stairs and into a Building. Run straight and there may be a Grim behind the Boxes.

Grimoire Location 2

After jumping done through the hole and fighting a bit you will come to a Hall with purple Banners. If you look towards the Banners turn left and go through the Door and turn right. The Grimoire will be near the window.

Grimoire Location 3

Just after the Elevator turn left. Next to the dumpster can be a Grim.

Grimoire Location 4

A bit after the Elevator there will be a huge Hologram. The Grim will be a bit behind the Hologoram there next to some Boxes. Just run to the right side of the Hologram.

Chasm Station HL-16-11 – Scriptures

Chasm Station HL-16-11 – Scriptures

No Scripture Locations have been found (yet).

Scripture Location 1

After the start you will cross a Bridge with a Train wreck. Before going down the into the Ventilation tunnels, you should go right into the Building. On top behind the Sandbarricade can be a Scripture

Scripture Location 2

After you drop down from the Ventilation Tunnels there may be a Scripture on the Ground in front of you.

Scripture Location 3

If you go Left of Location 2 or if you jump down from the Ventilation Tunnel and go to the left you can go downstairs and into the Tunnel as seen on the pictures. There can be a Script in the Tunnel.

Scripture Location 4

Before the Airlock there can be Scripture on the Oil barrel. Almost not missable.

Scripture Location 5

In the Room where you hack with the Skull, just after leaving the Airlock there will be a Script on the Table.

Scripture Location 6

After the hacking Sequenze with the Skull there leave through the Gate you have to open. Turn right and there may be a Script in the Corner.

Scripture Location 7

After the Hacking Sequenze go through the Gate and Drop down to the Train Tracks. There will be a maintenance Tunnel. At the left end of the Tunnel can be a Scripture on a Box.

Scripture Location 8

When you come to the Station Area, go over the Bridge, down the Stairs and stay left. You will come to the Place as seen on the left picture. Go inside the Station and turn left. There can be a Scripture

Scripture Location 9

At the Station when you are under the Bridge you went over earlier you will see this Building and the Big Gate in the Background go left into the narrow Alley and check for a Scripture.

Scripture Location 10

Still at the Station before you enter the Building there will be a destroyed building to the left. There can be a Script.

Scripture Location 11

After you drop inside the Station and fight a bit there is a healing station and the Mission continues if you go upstairs. Behind the stairs can be a Script.

Scripture Location 12

After you went up the Stairs turn go behind the Train and turn left. There can be a Scripture on the edge.

Scripture Location 13

You will went a while through the inside of the Station. Then you will have to drop down quite a bit. The Scripture is under the drop down point.

No Scripture Locations have been found (yet).

Chasm Station HL-16-11 – Grimoires

No Grimoires have been found (yet).

Grimoire Location 1

At the end of the Bridge after fighting the first enemies you will have to drop down. From there it goes to the Ventilation Tunnels. Where you drop down can be a Grim near the big pile of Rubble.
Thanks @Ichibani for providing the Screenshot and Location.

Grimoire Location 2

Just after you hacked the Skull in the circular room there can be a Grim in the next Area. You can see the big door you went through in the screenshots

Grimoire Location 3

In Burnside, when you are standing under the Bridge you went over go left into the Alley. There can be a Grim next to the Barrel.
Thanks to @Adanar for providing the screenshot and Location.

Grimoire Location 4

In the Building with the Healing Station under the Bridge there maybe a Grim next to the Exit of this Building. The screenshot on the left looks back from where you came from.

No Grimoires have been found (yet).

No Grimoires have been found (yet).

Chasm Logistratum – Scriptures

Scipture Location 1

Right at the Start after you encounter the first enemys look on the left. There can be a Scripture in the far back on the Ground.

Scipture Location 2

Right at the Start after you encounter the first enemys look on the left towards Building 315. There can be a Scripture near the Dumpster that is illuminated.

Scipture Location 3

After the very first encounter with enemys you will see the first Arch. Go through and look in the left in the corner. There can be a Scripture.

Scipture Location 4

After the first Arch you will see a Guard Post building with a Ladder. Go up the Ladder and there can be a Scripture.

No Scriptures Locations (yet).

No Scriptures Locations (yet).

Scripture Location 5

You are getting pretty fast to the Train Station. At the end of the Station you are going into the ground. Turn immediatly right and the Script is there near the pipes.

Scripture Location 6

After the Skull hacking you are getting to a section where the Way splits into 4 Tunnels. Turn immediatly left and there can be a Script.

Scripture Location 7

The next one is a bit complicated to explain. After hacking with the skull and going through the Airlock you will get to a “maze”. There will be a Med station. The Script is under the parallel train track (if you look up) in a similiar building.

Scripture Location 8

The next Location is a bit complicated again. Basically in the Subway Rails section stay at the right side. After a while you will leave this Maze and go into underground again. At this transition zone can be one Scripture.

Scripture Location 9

Soon you are going to jump down into the Tunnels where a train wreck is. Follow the Arrow and jump from the Plattform. The Script will be in the corner on the ground.

No Scriptures Locations (yet).

No Scriptures Locations (yet).

Chasm Logistratum – Grimoires

Grimoire Location 1

Right at the Start after you encounter the first enemys look on the left. There can be a Grimoire on the Ground. Its pretty good visible since its shining green.

Grimoire Location 2

Right at the Start after you encounter the first enemys drop to the left to find a Grim under the sign 315.

Grimoire Location 3

at the Start of the Map when you encounter the first enemys. After you fight your way over the Bridge, there will be this Building. At the rear Exit lies the Grim

No Scriptures Locations (yet).

No Scriptures Locations (yet).

No Scriptures Locations (yet).

No Scriptures Locations (yet).

Grimoire Location 4

After you went through the Airlock you will see four ways. Take the 3rd or 4th and go through the Gate thats between them. Then stay on the right side and there will be the Grim

Grimoire Location 5

A bit after the Airlock you will come to the maze under the train tracks. Go right and to the end of the Hallway. A Grimoire can be behind the Chests there

Grimoire Location 6

Right after the “maze” you are going down the stairs. At the end of the stairs go left and look into the corner to find another Grim/Script

No Scriptures Locations (yet).

No Scriptures Locations (yet).

No Scriptures Locations (yet).

Hab Dreyko – Scriptures

No Scriptures have been found (yet).

Scripture Location 1

Right after dropping down into Iron Side Alley, turn around and a Scriptue may lie there at the Pillar.

Scripture Location 2

When you enter the Building 315 on the left side will be a security office. Inside can be a Script.

Scripture Location 3

On the second Floor of 315 near the door that you have to open by pressing a button can be a Scripture in the corner.

No Scriptures have been found (yet).

Scripture Location 3

After you scan items for the servo skull 3 times in a row, a big wide door will open.
You will drop down into the 2nd Stage of the Game. At the bottom can be a scripture

Scripture Location 4/5

After a bit of fighting you will get to the Airlock. From here go straight ahead and open the second door on the left. There can be a Scripture either on a barrel or on the table.

Scripture Location 6

After entering Hub Laranax go right. Open the last door at the end of the Hallway on the right side and there can be a Scripture.

No Scriptures have been found (yet).

Hab Dreyko – Grimoires

No Grimoires have been found (yet).

Grimoire Location 1

At the beginning you will go towards gate 315. Before you go up the stairs, look on the right. There can be a Grimoire on the ground.

No Grimoires have been found (yet).

Grimoire Location 2

When you enter Building 315, after a bit of fighting you have to press on a button to open the Gate. Go through the Gate and on the right side there can be a Grimoire on the bed.

Grimoire Location 3

After you scan items for the servo skull 2 times in a row, a big wide door will open.
The left pictures has been taken while standing on the door. The Grim is behind the alter as shown on the right picture.

Grimoire Location 4

Quite a bit after the first probe scanning Mission you will run up a lot of stairs. Then you will run across a few Railings. Dont drop down in the Area with the Airlock but instead go left up. There can be a Grim.

No Grimoires have been found (yet).

No Grimoires have been found (yet).

Relay Station TRS-150

Location 1

After you drive done with the Elevator at the start, you will fight a bit. Before you go outside, there will be a Hall with a Planet in the Center. One of the Halls is lit in red as seen on pictures there will be a Grim/Script

Location 2

After you went outside, shortly after you will go through a small Gate. The Script/Grim will be on the right side.

Location 3

After you disabled the Ventilator you will go through a short passage and then drop down. Under the spot where you dropped down lies the Grim/Script

Magistri Oubilette TM8-707 – Scriptures

Scripture Location 1

Right at the Start after the first Fight you can proceed further by dropping down as seen in the left Screenshot. Go right instead and there can be a Scripture. Use the halfburied Pipe for Reference.

Scripture Location 2

At the end of the first section after a bit of fighting you will drop down from this Railing. Right under the Railing can be a Scripture. At the End of the Tunnel starts the Section “Sink”

Scripture Location 3

After dropping down to the Sink, run to the other side and turn right. The Scripture will be behind the Pillar.

Scripture Location 4

After dropping down to the Sink, run to other side and turn left. There can be a Scripture at a Pillar.

Scripture Location 5

After dropping down into the Caustic Street stay on the left side. After a short while you can go left into an Alley. There can be a scripture.

Scripture Location 6

Near Location 5. In the Caustic Street stay left and proceed a bit. There will be an Alley on the left side, that leads into Traders Row. At the Start of the Alley is an Arch with an closed door on the left side. There can be a Scripture. Thanks @Adanar for providing the Screenshot and Location

Scripture Location 7

At the start of Traders Row will be the Sandbags as seen in the Screenshot. The Sandbags are in the same Hallway as the Healing Station. Next to this Sandbags there can be a Scripture in the backcorner.

Scripture Location 8

Before entering the Mag House you will face this Fortifications. One Scripture can be on the right Watchtower.

Scripture Location 9

In the Mag House after going up the first Stairs you will stand in the same Location as in the left Screenshot. Go Forward-Right through the Doorway and up rhe Stairs into the most far right Corner. Then look left and there can be a Scripture

Scripture Location 10

After you went through the Mag House you will see the Church. Right at the drop point can be a Scripture.

No Scriptures have been found(yet)

Magistri Oubilette TM8-707 – Grimoires

Grimoire Location 1

Right at the start after fighting the first enemies you can drop down to progress the Mission. Dont do it instead go right and there in the Corner can be a Grimoire. Look at the half buried big pipe of Orientation.

Grimoire Location 2

A bit after the start after a bit of fighting you will drop down from this small railing. Behind you in the Corner is this Grimoire.

Grimoire Location 3

After dropping down into the Sink run straight ahead. At the 2nd Piller(counting from right) there can be a Grim.

No Grimoires have been found (yet).

Grimoire Location 4

In Traders Row near the healing Station. Turn left and down the Stairs. Go through into the Alley there. In this Alley can be a Grimoire

Grimoire Location 5

On the Way to the Mag House you will see this Fortifications. A Grim can be in the left Watchtower.

Grimoire Location 6

Right after entering the Mag House there can be a Grimoire in the left Corner. Its left from the Stairs. Thanks to @Borb for providing the Location.

No Scriptures have been found (yet).

No Scriptures have been found (yet).

Relay Station TRS-150

Location 1

After you drive done with the Elevator at the start, you will fight a bit. Before you go outside, there will be a Hall with a Planet in the Center. One of the Halls is lit in red as seen on pictures there will be a Grim/Script

Location 2

After you went outside, shortly after you will go through a small Gate. The Script/Grim will be on the right side.

Location 3

After you disabled the Ventilator you will go through a short passage and then drop down. Under the spot where you dropped down lies the Grim/Script

——-Work in Progress——–

Smelter Complex HL17-36 – Scriptures

under construction

Smelter Complex HL17-36 – Grimoires

Under construction

Thanks to predestruction for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.

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About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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