Here is a simple guide to explain the basics.
Main Menu

2. Unlock new units, gems, abilities, and gear
3. Glossary of unlocked content

2. Attack
3. Defense (flat dmg reduction)
4. Magic Defense (flat dmg reduction)
5. Agility (determines turn sequence)
6. Color
7. Trait
8. Skill
9. Activation Type
10. Unit Gem
Black (Bladecraft) % increase physical dmg
Purple (Magecraft) % increase magic dmg
Red (Burn) dmg at end of turn
Yellow (Shock) flat dmg with each hit
Blue (Freeze) flat dmg dealt decrease
Green (Health Command) increase Max HP
Brown (Spike) dmg dealt when attacked
Pink (Gem Cooldown) reduce gem cooldowns
Orange (Truestrike) guaranteed abil activation
White (Regen) heal HP when using abil
Gray (Tower) Paralysis – cancel attack
Purple (Magician) Illusion – avoid attack
Red (Justice) – flat dmg increase
Yellow (Fool) Godspeed – second attack
Light Blue (Hanged) Piercing – reduce defense
Blue (Shield) Barrier – prevent HP dmg
Dark Blue (Moonlight) – % increase to dmg
Green (Forest) Magic Bullet – mag dmg with abil
Brown (Fortune) – increase magic defense
Burnt Orange (Star) – increase defense
Orange (Sunlight) % increase gem dmg
Pink (Plum) heal HP at turn start
White (Chariot) Iceblade – add freeze to attack
Activation Types:
Preemptive Activates at battle start
Quick Can activate at start of turn
Battle Can activate on attack
Heavy Can activate up to once per 2 turns
Counter Can activate on attack received
Special Can activate on attack. Once per battle

2. Dungeon Floor Layout
3. Team Roster
4. Mana
5. Carats
6. Alchemy Materials
7. Current Floor
8. Equipped Ring
9. Equipped Necklace
10. Equipped Earrings
11. Current Party
12. Minimap
13. Current Gems
14. Remaining Gem Uses
Team Edit

2. Team Lineup. Characters towards the front tend to receive more phys dmg
3. Unit Details
4. Acquired Traits and number needed to reach next level
5. Current Team and cost to unlock member slot
6. Inactive Traits and number required to activate
7. Stored Units
8. Discard option to reduce inventory
Jeweler (Shop)

2. Available Units
3. Purchase Option
4. Unit Description
5. Stock Rates
6. Reroll Option
Battle Interface

2. Current Buffs/Debuffs
3. Enemy Status
4. Enemy Buffs/Debuffs
5. Character intent (phys attack, mag attack, buff/debuff, strong atk)
6. Gem use skip option
Gem Types:
1. Offensive Gem (phys atk, mag atk)
2. Map Use Gem (Heals, Unit duplication, Carat increase)
3. Defensive Gem (Defense, Heal)
1. Moonlight – Can greatly increase overall dmg dealt
2. Healing/Regen – Greatly increases unit survivability
3. Barrier – Increases unit survivability
4. Health Command – Increases unit survivablity
5. Truestrike – Allows special skill to trigger at battle start
6. Sunlight – Can greatly increase gem support
Clear most of every floor
1. Gold from enemies helps with getting colors and traits
2. Free units found on the map greatly help and are often silver or gold
Try to get 3 of most units
You may not use them in your active party, but the passive bonuses are worth leveling them up to their silver star. Don’t be afraid to go over inventory capacity, especially if you have mana recovery gems. To be honest its the colors and traits you have that make the difference rather than your unit levels or skills.
Try to carry a mana increase gem at all times
In order to best upgrade gems, you need keep moving back to the jeweler to buy and sell units. This can eat your mana and can hurt if you end up far away from the stairs.
By Aref