100% Achievements Guide with All Endings Walkthrough for Valkyrie Elysium
Story Progression
Divinity Anew
Completed the tutorial
Valkyrie, Claimer of Souls
Completed Chapter 1
Champions of the Divine
Completed Chapter 2
An Unexpected Reunion
Completed Chapter 3
Victims of the Gods
Completed Chapter 4
Those Offered the Hand of Salvation
Completed Chapter 5
Evil Arises
Completed Chapter 6
Metamorphosis & Doubt
Completed Chapter 7
The Truth Unmasked
Completed Chapter 8
The Fate of the World
Completed Chapter 9
This achievement will be unlocked after completing chapter 9, regardless of what ending you get.
Difficulty Achievements

Mid-Tier God
Completed the game on Normal difficulty
High-Tier God
Completed the game on Hard difficulty
All Endings Walkthrough
Speak to Armand in Chapter 9 and pick the first option. Make sure you have not picked up all Verdant Blossoms.
Complete Chapter 9 without speaking to Armand. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve picked up the Verdant Blossoms or not.
Speak to Armand in Chapter 9 and pick the second option. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve picked up the Verdant Blossoms or not.
Speak to Armand in Chapter 9 and pick the first option. Make sure you have picked up all Verdant Blossoms.
Ending Achievements

Twilight of the All-Father
Defeated Odin
Odin is the final boss of Ending 1.
Twilight of the Great Wolf
Defeated Fenrir
Fenrir is the final boss of Ending 2.
A Momentary Escape
Agreed to Armand’s offer
You’ll get this achievement for completing Ending 3.
Unbound Possibilities
Completed every ending
Complete all 4 Endings of the game.
Combat Achievements
An Impure Soul
Purified a monster
Defeat any mob.
An Impure Beast
Purified a Naglfar
Defeat any boss mob.
Combo Master
Raised the Combo Gauge to 300 Hits
May be difficult to reach once you first start, but becomes much more manaegable once you’ve unlocked Einherjars. You’ll likely unlock this on Chapter 9 if you haven’t before.
Purified a monster by pushing them into a hole or off a cliff
Defeat a mob by knocking them off a ledge. Can be done easily by Soul Chaining and attacking those archer mobs on the platforms in Chapter 3, between the 4th and 5th savepoint.
Lightning Strike
Defeated two monsters with a single Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt is one of the first DIvine Arts you’ll obtain in the game. Just defeat two enemies with one strike for it.
Soul Steal
Landed a Soul Steal in midair
Unlocked on the 10th tier on the Attack Skill Tree.
Soul Burst
Landed a Soul Burst Level 3 attack
Unlocked on the 15th tier of the Attack Skill Tree.
Nibelung Valesti
Landed a Nibelung Valesti I attack
A Divine Art you’ll get automatically after completing Chapter 8.
Quest Achievements

Talk of the Dead
Completed a subquest
Subquests are extra missions you can find by interacting with the various whisps in chapters or by speaking with your companions in Valhalla. There are no hidden subquests. Make sure to check your map during chapters to not miss any.
Icon of the Dead
Completed 10 subquests
Superstar of the Dead
Completed 20 subquests
Savior of the Dead
Completed all subquests
There are a total of 36 subquests in the game. You have to complete all subquests on one save for this achievement. This is a list of all available subquests I’ve adapted from powerpyx.
Be’elzean Territory
- Thanks to a Comrade (1) – Eygon after Chapter 3
- Cypher’s Belief (1) – Cypher after Chapter 4
- Mother’s Ring – Chapter 1
- A Dead Man’s Warning – Chapter 1
- An Imprisoned Soul (1) – Chapter 6
- My Hometown – Chapter 2
- Midgardian Studies (2) – Orb in library after Chapter 6 (and complete prior subquest)
- Thanks to a Comrade (3) – Eygon after Chapter 5 (and complete prior subquest)
Galdban Territory
- O’ Mine Beloved Land – Chapter 3
- A Blacksmith’s Wish – Chapter 6
- An Old Man’s Discerning Eye – Chapter 3
- The Unfinished Masterpiece – Chapter 4
- Years of Ill Will – Chapter 4
- An Imprisoned Soul (2) – Chapter 7
- Midgardian Studies (1) – Orb in library after Chapter 5
- Cypher’s Belief (3) – Cypher after Chapter 6 (and complete prior subquest)
- Woes of a Gallant Princes (1) – Kristoffer after Chapter 6
Lucardan Territory
- Village Request (1) – Chapter 5
- Village Request (2) – Chapter 5
- Mother, Where Art Thou? – Chapter 5
- Long Lost Reconciliation – Chapter 5
- Forever a Child in a Parent’s Eyes – Chapter 5
- Thanks to a Comrade (2) – Eygon after Chapter 5 (and complete prior subquest)
- Woes of a Gallant Princes (2) – Kristoffer after Chapter 6 (and complete prior subquest)
- Woes of a Gallant Princes (3) – Kristoffer after Chapter 7 (and complete prior subquest)
Romalian Territory
- A Mage’s Miscalculation – Chapter 6
- Midgardian Studies (3) – Orb in library after Chapter 8 (and complete prior subquest)
- Secrets Hidden in Danger – Orb in library after Chapter 7
- Cypher’s Belief (2) – Cypher after Chapter 6 (and complete prior subquest)
- The Flower for Thee (1) – Taika after Chapter 7
- The Flower for Thee (2) – Taika after Chapter 7 (and complete prior subquest)
- The Flower for Thee (3) – Taika after Chapter 7 (and complete prior subquest)
Training Ground
- Training Duel with Eygon – Automatically available after completing Chapter 6
- Advice for Cypher – Automatically available after completing Chapter 6
- A Bout with Kristoffer – Automatically available after completing Chapter 6
- Combat Training for Taikia – Automatically available after completing Chapter 6
A Loyal Servant
Obtained “S” rank on a quest
The scores for S Ranks aren’t fixed, but the threshold is around the range of 30k points.
The All-Father’s Right Hand
Obtained “S” rank on every quest
Completionist Achievements Part I

Vestige of a Soul
Obtained a Hollow Blossom
Collectibles in the form of blue flowers you can find during story chapters. They are marked on the map with blue dots.
Beyond Reminiscence
Obtained every Hollow Blossom
A Mysterious Flower
Obtained a Verdant Blossom
Collectibles in the form of Green Flowers you can find during story chapters starting from Chapter 3. Essential for Ending 4.
Truth of the Gods
Obtained every Verdant Blossom
Rune Novice
Obtained a rune
Extra items you can equip to weapons for bonus stats. Can be found in chests and subquests.
Rune Master
Obtained every rune
This is a list of all runes that can be found, adapted from powerpyx.
- Physical Attack Boost I – Story-related, required to be picked up to progress in Chapter 3
- Physical Attack Boost II – Chapter 7, in the final large building, drop down the hole on the west side of the second floor to get into the room containing a Hollow Blossom and a chest with this rune.
- Physical Attack Boost III – Complete “Midgardian Studies (3) subquest (available after Chapter 8)
- Magic Attack Boost I – Chapter 1, (NOTE: you must have completed Chapter 2 first to be able to summon Eygon), in the final area of the castle (large round room with the two chains) go up the round circular staircase left from where you enter to reach the top floor that looks like a dead end. Summon Eygon to break the electrified wall, defeat all enemies in the room and grab rune from the red chest
- Magic Attack Boost II – Complete O’ Mine Beloved Land subquest (Chapter 3)
- Magic Attack Boost III – Complete “Advice for Cypher” subquest (automatically available after Chapter 6)
- Physical Damage Reduction I – Chapter 3, after defeating the Naglafar Cypher, in the next area go north to where there is a bridge you can drop to reach a destroyed building. After defeating the two Violet Dracos, you can open the chest at the north edge to obtain this rune.
- Physical Damage Reduction II – Chapter 6, after the 6th save point, before going up the set of switchback stairs in the area with all the crumbled buildings, turn around and go to the top of the thin staircase (southeast corner of this map section) to find a chest
- Physical Damage Reduction III – Complete Midgardian Studies (1) subquest (Chapter 5)
- Magic Damage Reduction I – My Hometown subquest (Chapter 2) completion reward
- Magic Damage Reduction II – Completed The Unfinished Masterpiece (Chapter 4)
- Magic Damage Reduction III – Complete “Training Duel with Eygon” subquest (automatically available after Chapter 6)
- Soul Gauge Restoration Boost I – Chapter 5, in the room where you obtain the White Dress after the 4th save point, go out the east side into the hallway, then to the north end to find a chest.
- Soul Gauge Restoration Boost II – Complete Village Request (2) subquest (Chapter 5)
- Soul Gauge Restoration Boost III – Complete “A Bout with Kristoffer” subquest (automatically available after Chapter 6)
- Arts Gauge Restoration Boost I – Chapter 4, after the third save point, you can go into a large room to the north before the pair of circular stairs, defeat all enemies in the room to access the chest with this Rune
- Arts Gauge Restoration Boost II – Complete Village Request (1) subquest (Chapter 5)
- Arts Gauge Restoration Boost III – Complete “Combat Training for Taika” subquest (automatically available after Chapter 6)
Weapons Collector
Obtained every weapon
The Deluxe Edition weapons is not needed for this achievement. There are a total of 6 in-game weapons to obtain. This is a list of the weapons adapted from powerpyx.
- Alfodr – Starting weapon
- Bolverkr – Story-related, Chapter 1 completion reward
- Baleygr – Chapter 3, can be picked up from a chest after defeating Naglafar Cypher midway through the chapter
- Gagnrathr – Complete An Old Man’s Discerning Eye subquest (Chapter 3)
- Herteitr – Story-related, Chapter 4 completion reward
- Sidgrani – Complete Midgardian Studies (2) subquest (Orb in the library after Chapter 6 and complete prior subquest)
Anvil Master
Upgraded every weapon to its full potential
The Deluxe Edition weapons is not needed for this achievement. You need gems to upgrade weapons, and the higher level gems are only available on the later chapters. You can check what gems are dropped by pressing R3 in thge mission select menu. This is a list of gems needed for leveling the weapons, and from their respective chapters, adapted from powerpyx.
- 1 -> 4 – Emerald Gems – Chapters 1 and 2
- 4 -> 6 – Azure Gems – Chapters 3 and 4
- 6 -> 7 – Ruby Gems – Chapter 5
- 7 -> 9 – Silver Gems – Chapters 6 and 7
- 9 -> 10 – Black and Rainbow Gems – Chapters 8 and 9
Skill Master
Learned all of Valkyrie’s skills
Similar to weapons, learning skills is done by investing Gems in the skill trees located in the Valkyrie menu. Note that some skills are proficiency locked, meaning you need to have a certain proficiency level on each weapon to be able to learn them.
Weapons Master
Reached SSS proficiency with every weapon
The Deluxe Edition weapons is not needed for this achievement. Proficiency is a stat that increases the more you use a weapon. It is earned specifically from hitting enemies with your weapon attack, not just from killing them. Avoid using Divine Arts or summoning your Einherjar when trying to level proficiency, and you’ll want to turn off all auto-summon options for your Einherjar in the Valkyrie menu.
Completionist Achievements Part II

Arts Master
Learned every Divine Art
This is a list of all Divine Arts in the game, adapted from powerpyx.
- Fire Lance I – Story related, acquired in Chapter 1 during progression
- Fire Lance II – Chapter 6: Located in the same room as the first Verdant Flower.
- Fire Lance III – A Mage’s Miscalculation subquest (Chapter 6)
- Lightning Bolt I – Automatically equipped at the start of the game
- Lightning Bolt II – Chapter 5: At the 4th save point there is a crystal wall you can break through with Eygon. In the area after you can pick this up from a chest.
- Lightning Bolt III – Training Duel with Eygon subquest (automatically available after Chapter 6)
- Heal I – Chapter 1: When you enter the building with the first subquest pickup, in a chest after the Lingering Enemy Soul tutorial popup
- Heal II – Chapter 3: After the first Einherjar puzzle (where you get Eygon to break the crystals) this is in the courtyard just ahead on the left side.
- Heal III – Chapter 5: In the same room where you obtain the White Dress, in a chest on the same staircase.
- Convergence I – Mother’s Ring Subquest (Chapter 1)
- Convergence II – Story related, acquired in Chapter 5 as a completion reward
- Convergence III – A Blacksmith’s Wish subquest (Chapter 6)
- Fire Storm I – Story related, acquired in Chapter 2 as a completion reward
- Fire Storm II – Chapter 6: In the building after the third save point, the chest is located in the small room underneath the stairs leading up to the second floor.
- Fire Storm III – Combat Training for Taika subquest (automatically available after Chapter 6)
- Punishment Blast I – Chapter 4: Located right beside the final Verdant Blossom in the castle at the end of the Chapter
- Punishment Blast II – Story related, acquired in Chapter 6 as a completion reward.
- Punishment Blast III – Secrets Hidden in Dancer subquest (Chapter 7)
- Mortal Suppression I – Chapter 3: Past the 5th save point you reveal a new part of the map and progress through what looks like a coliseum. When you exit the northwest corner to progress, before going over the next section of water, go directly south to find a chest in the corner.
- Mortal Suppression II – Story related, acquired in Chapter 7 as a completion reward
- Mortal Suppression III – Secrets Hidden in Dancer subquest (Chapter 7)
- Glacial Blizzard I – Cypher’s Belief (1) subquest (speak with Cypher after Chapter 4)
- Glacial Blizzard II – Cypher’s Belief (2) subquest (speak with Cypher after Chapter 6 and complete prior subquest)
- Glacial Blizzard III – Cypher’s Belief (3) subquest (speak with Cypher after Chapter 6 and complete prior subquest)
- Grave Edge I – Chapter 1: After dropping in the hole before the final save point of the chapter, in a chest before the boss battle
- Grave Edge II – Story related, acquired in Chapter 3 as a completion reward
- Grave Edge III – A Bout with Kristoffer subquest (automatically available after Chapter 6)
- Meteor Swarm I – Thanks to a Comrade (1) subquest (speak with Eygon after Chapter 3)
- Meteor Swarm II – Thanks to a Comrade (2) subquest (speak with Eygon after Chapter 5 and complete prior subquest)
- Meteor Swarm III – Thanks to a Comrade (3) subquest (speak with Eygon after Chapter 5 and complete prior subquest)
- Hail Shot I – Chapter 1: Beside the save point on the second (middle) floor in the castle
- Hail Shot II – Chapter 5: Before the final save point, you can head east through a darkness gate using Kristoffer. South is the Verdant Blossom for this area, north is a chest containing this Divine Art.
- Hail Shot III – Advice for Cypher subquest (automatically available after Chapter 6)
- Nibelung Valesti I – Story related, acquired in Chapter 8 as a completion reward.
- Nibelung Valesti II – Midgardian Studies (3) subquest (Orb in library after Chapter 8 and complete prior subquest) NOTE: There isn’t a Nibelung Valetsi III Divine Art.
- Ifrit Caress I – This Flower for Thee (1) subquest (speak with Taika after Chapter 7)
- Ifrit Caress II – This Flower for Thee (2) subquest (speak with Taika after Chapter 7 and complete prior subquest)
- Ifrit Caress III – This Flower for Thee (3) subquest (speak with Taika after Chapter 7 and complete prior subquest)
- Extreme Void I – Woes of a Gallant Princess (1) subquest (speak with Kristoffer after Chapter 6)
- Extreme Void II – Woes of a Gallant Princess (2) subquest (speak with Kristoffer after Chapter 6 and complete prior subquest)
- Extreme Void III – Woes of a Gallant Princess (3) subquest (speak with Kristoffer after Chapter 7 and complete prior subquest)
Commanding Master
Learned every Einherjar attack and their normal attacks
Each character starts off with one Einherjar attack, and learns one more per subquest related to that chacater for a total of 4 each. You’ll get this achievement the same time as you earn Fellowship of Souls.
Unlocked all terms
Affinity of a Soul
Unlocked an Einherjar memory
Fellowship of Souls
Unlocked all Einherjar memories

Obtained every achievement
Thanks to b3 for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.