A simple achievement guide to your 100%, quick and easy!
Introduction and breakdown
All achievements up till now (updated: 24th April, 2023) can be obtained by playing the game in single player. The game can be played in single player mode but not offline. You have to connect to the servers in order to create public or private lobbies. Please find the achievements and their explanations below.
Setting up the game
It is highly advised that you finish the tutorial of the game. The gameplay taught in it is crucial to successfully playing the game and finishing achievements. Some achievements can literally be completed inside the tutorial itself. Pay attention to how lean mechanics work and practice pulling tricks. Remember the specific keys. Ease into the gameplay. Good luck!
Achievements (9/9)
Fickle Fashionista:
From the main menu, go to ‘Edit Style’, choose any style, save by going back to the main menu. Do this 10 times and the achievement will pop!
Solid Performance:
Keep playing in private or public lobbies. Whether you win or lose at the end of a race, you go on the podium. Just finish 5 races and the achievement will pop!
A New Champion:
Just win any race after practice time. You can do this by racing alone in a private lobby and it would count for the the achievement.
Lover of Plants:
Keep playing in private or public lobbies, you’ll eventually find maps that have cactus plants. Hit them 50 times and the achievement will pop!
Eager Explorer:
Keep playing in private or public lobbies, you’ll eventually find maps that are in different biomes. No need for progression or any unlocks. Just keep playing and the achievement will pop!
Dangerous Driver:
When you pass by an obstacle (bushes, poles, structures etc.) you get a little speed boost. This is called a ‘miss boost’. Just keep passing by obstacles (500 times, don’t worry ^_^ ) and the achievement will pop!
Big Tricker:
When you’re in the air, you can do tricks by pressing the required button. You’ll eventually find maps that will give you high jumps, just press the ‘trick’ button, wait for the trick to finish, do 2 more tricks and you’re done! Don’t worry, you can also do this in the tutorial where it literally teaches you to do 3 tricks in a single jump. On the main menu, click the ‘How to Play’ button and then do the tutorial, in the third section, it will give you a high jump in which you can do 3 tricks!
I can fly:
Keep playing in private or public lobbies. You’ll eventually find maps that will give you high jumps. Lean properly (press ‘Up’ to lean forward when going down and press ‘Down’ to lean backwards when going up a surface), go into a high jump, lean backwards to lengthen your air time. The community still needs to find a perfect strategy to land such a jump easily. For now, finding your luck in lobby races and weekly races is the best way to get this.
Dedicated Racer:
Keep playing in private or public lobbies. Whether you win or lose at the end of a race, finishing it will count towards the achievement. Just finish 200 races and the achievement will pop!
Thanks to RAMSULE for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.