A guide on the damage output of most standard weapons in the game, up-to-date as of the August 2nd 2021 hotfix patch.
A Guide to This Guide
Gun Basics
- Small (in a Yellow box)
- Normal (in a Green box)
- Big (in a Blue box)
- Shotgun (in a Red box)
- Bolts
- Musket (in an open Brown box)
- Taser
Which type of ammo a gun takes can give you an idea of its power, however there is a lot of variation even between guns which fire the same ammo. Try to keep a mixture of guns that take different types of ammo with you, so you’re not out of luck if you run out of one type.
Guns which fire Bolts, Musket Ammo or Taser Ammo tend to have a short range before the bullet drops to the ground. Attach a Fast Barrel to these guns if you find one!
Also, guns which fire Taser Ammo can stun the opponent if they hit! They won’t be able to aim or move for a while, but be careful as they can still hold down the trigger.
Each gun in TABG also uses any number of three fire modes;
- Auto, which fires at a set rate while you hold down the trigger
- Burst, which fires a set number of bullets each time you pull the trigger
- Single, which fires one bullet each time you pull the trigger
In this guide, I will be listing how many bullets a gun in Burst mode will fire, as well as which modes each gun is compatible with.
Damage Basics

Shots to the head will deal double damage, and can be an instant kill for some weapons.
Shots to the torso will deal regular damage.
Shots to the limbs will deal diminished damage depending on how far down the limb the hit is.
On top of this, equipping the Heavy Barrel to your gun will cause it to deal approximately 130% of its regular damage output. This means a shot to the head can deal up to 260% damage!
Shotguns ignore where on the body they hit, so always aim for your opponent’s centre of mass to make sure as many pellets hit them as possible.
Melee weapons also ignore where on the body they hit, so don’t worry about trying to damage your opponent’s head from that distance.
Weapons start to do less damage the further you are from your target, depending on the gun. Sniper rifles can deal maximum damage from a longer range, while shotguns and pistols lose damage rapidly the further your opponent is.
Sniper Rifles
Bullets drop off very rapidly, find a Fast Barrel!
Battle Rifles
Can’t have scopes attached to it
Machine Guns
Currently does not spawn with the correct ammo, be sure to find Taser ammo elsewhere!
Can’t have scopes attached to it;
Bullets drop off very rapidly, find a Fast Barrel!
*The damage values given in this table are approximate for all pellets hitting the opponent at point blank.
Explosive Weapons
*The damage values given in this table are approximated for detonation at point blank with the opponent.
Melee Combat
Unique Guns
- The Mossberg-5000, which can ricochet bullets off walls!
- The Flying Blunderbuss, which launches you into the air when you fire!
- The Taser Minigun, which fires stunning Taser rounds instead of Normal!
- The Liberating Garands, which fit in one hand each and are always fully Automatic!
- The Really Big Barrett, which is really, really big!
- Healing Aura, which heals your and your nearby teammates!
- Track, which guides you to the nearest opponent in any direction!
- Gravity Field, which lifts everyone in a huge radius helplessly into the air!
- Teleport, which launches a small pellet that teleports you instantly to where it lands!
- Summon Rock, which summons a rock!
Synergy & Final Tips
- Blessings like Storm and Ice only care about how many bullets hit the opponent, not how much damage is done, so use them with weapons that have a high rate of fire!
- Accuracy Barrels reduce the amount of spread a gun has, so don’t bother putting it on something like a Musket and save it for your Blunderbuss!
- If you get downed, you’ll drop the weapon in your first slot, so keep anything precious to you in the second one!
Thanks to Onyyx for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.
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