This guide will help you understand all the blessings in the game Totally accurate battlegrounds (TABG)

+100% Health
Epic Health
+60% Health
Rare Health
+45% Health
Common Health
+30% Health

+5 hp regeneration
+100% Healing item speed
Epic Regeneration
+3 hp regeneration
+75% Healing item speed
Rare Regeneration
+2.5 hp regeneration
+50% Healing item speed
+2 hp regeneration
+25% Healing item speed

+20% Max hp per kill
Epic Bloodlust
+12% Max hp per kill
Rare Bloodlust
+9% Max hp per kill
Common Bloodlust
+6% Max hp per kill

+4hp regeneration per meter when moving
Epic Cardio
+2hp regeneration per meter when moving
Rare Cardio
+1.5hp regeneration per meter when moving
Common Cardio
+1hp regeneration per meter when moving

50hp heal on full reload
Epic Recycling
25hp heal on full reload
Rare Recycling
20hp heal on full reload
Common Recycling
15hp heal on full reload

+30 Hp regeneration when lying down
3.2 m aura radius
Epic Relax
+15 Hp regeneration when lying down
1.6 m aura radius
Rare Relax
+12.5 Hp regeneration when lying down
1.4 m aura radius
Common Relax
+10 Hp regeneration when lying down
1.2 m aura radius

+50% Lifesteal
Epic Vampire
+30% Lifesteal
Rare Vampire
+25% Lifesteal
Common Vampire
+20% Lifesteal

1s cooldown
Dash ability when tapping sprint
Epic Dash
3s cooldown
Dash ability when tapping sprint
Rare Dash
4s cooldown
Dash ability when tapping sprint
Common Dash
5s cooldown
Dash ability when tapping sprint

+100% Movement speed
Epic Speed
+50% Movement speed
Rare Speed
+40% Movement speed
Common Speed
+30% Movement speed

+6 Extra jump
+4 Extra jump
Rare Jump
+3 Extra jump
Common Jump
+2 Extra jump

250 hp shield
8s cooldown
Epic Shield
150 hp shield
8s cooldown
Rare Shield
125 hp shield
8s cooldown
Common Shield
100 hp shield
8s cooldown
Weapon mastery

-70% Recoil
+70% Accuracy
+150% Reload speed
+200% Mag size
Weapon mastery
-50% Recoil
+50% Accuracy
+100% Reload speed
+100% Mag size
Weapon mastery
-40% Recoil
+40% Accuracy
+75% Reload speed
+75% Mag size
Weapon mastery
-30% Recoil
+30% Accuracy
+50% Reload speed
+50% Mag size
Tactical movement

+200% Movement speed when reloading
Epic Tactical movement
+120% Movement speed when reloading
Rare Tactical movement
+120% Movement speed when reloading
Common Tactical movement
+80% Movement speed when reloading

+100% Fire rate
Epic Spray
+60% Fire rate
Rare Spray
+45% Fire rate
Common Spray
+30% Fire rate

+50% Lighting strike charge per bullet
Epic Storm
+30% Lighting strike charge per bullet
Rare Storm
+25% Lighting strike charge per bullet
Common Storm
+20% Lighting strike charge per bullet

+50% Of bullets damage dealt in poison damage over 8s
Epic Poison
+30% Of bullets damage dealt in poison damage over 8s
Rare Poison
+25% Of bullets damage dealt in poison damage over 8s
Common Poison
+20% Of bullets damage dealt in poison damage over 8s

+50% Bullets slow targets movement
Epic Ice
+25% Bullets slow targets movement
Rare Ice
+20% Bullets slow targets movement
Common Ice
+15% Bullets slow targets movement
Lit beats

+50% Fire dmg when shooting on beat
-98% Projictile speed when shooting off beat
Epic Lit beats
+35% Fire dmg when shooting on beat
-98% Projictile speed when shooting off beat
Common Lit beats
+30% Fire dmg when shooting on beat
-98% Projictile speed when shooting off beat
The hunt

+20% Movement speed per kill
Epic The hunt
+10% Movement speed per kill
Rare The hunt
+8% Movement speed per kill
Common The hunt
+6% Movement speed per kill

+75% Fire rate
+90% Weapon handing
10s cooldown
[Say your catchphrase to trigger the effect] By default “Y”
Epic Battlecry
+50% Fire rate
+80% Weapon handing
20s cooldown
[Say your catchphrase to trigger the effect] By default “Y”

+200% Movement speed
10s cooldown
[Say your catchphrase to trigger the effect] By default “Y”
Epic Charge
+150% Movement speed
20s cooldown
[Say your catchphrase to trigger the effect] By default “Y”
Storm call

Lightning strikes anyone nearby for 5 seconds
10s cooldown
[Say your catchphrase to trigger the effect] By default “Y”
Epic Storm call
Lightning strikes anyone nearby for 5 seconds
20s cooldown
[Say your catchphrase to trigger the effect] By default “Y”

75hp heal
10s cooldown
[Say your catchphrase to trigger the effect] By default “Y”
Healing words
50hp heal
20s cooldown
[Say your catchphrase to trigger the effect] By default “Y”
Word of justice

Enchants you next shot with holy power
3s cooldown
[Say your catchphrase to trigger the effect] By default “Y”
Epic Word of justice
Enchants you next shot with holy power
5s cooldown
[Say your catchphrase to trigger the effect] By default “Y”

Launches an air strike
15s cooldown
[Place a maker on the map to trigger the effect]

See enimies through walls at close range
See enimies health
The assassin

Your bullets deal 200dmg over 10s
Your bullets deal 1 dmg
Your guns have 1 bullet

-40% size
The mad mechanic

Throw 3 grenades instead of 1
-20% Health
Related Posts:
- Totally Accurate Battlegrounds: Comprehensive Weapons Data (Aug 2021 Updated)
- Totally Accurate Battlegrounds: Weapon Statistics
- Totally Accurate Battlegrounds: Guns Damage List (April 2023 Updated)
- Totally Accurate Battlegrounds: How to Custom Name Color & Size