A guide for all the artifact, security camera and dandelion locations. Level select is available if you missed any. The rest of the achievements are for completing the game.
Graphite Tutorial Level
Push the tutorial box in the elevator and bring it with you to reach the hole in the ceiling to get Lab photograph.

Colored Pencil Level
Jump left in the hidden wall to get Strange Medallion.
Jump right in the hidden wall, then use the shooting plant to open the way so you can drag the jumping block to get Glowing Egg.

Charcoal Level
At the rotating light, jump right in the hidden wall to get Hand Sculpture.
After the first stealth section, at the limited light part, jump left to get Moth Specimen.

Watercolor Level
Swim left at the second pair of blowfishes to get Ancient Mosaic.
Go left in the hidden wall to get Claw Shield.

Acrylic Level
After solving the puzzle with the 4 rotating platforms, instead of going forward, drop down to the left to get Tinkerer’s Goggles.
Use your grappling hook to swing to the left and up to get Tuft of Icy Fur.
During the Yeti boss fight, use your grappling hook to reach the area up on the left to get Monk’s Journal.

Pen & Ink Level
After you throw the square to open the door, throw him at the first security camera.
After you throw the square to open the second door, be careful not to rush too far ahead and fall down, throw him at the second security camera.
At the first fight with the circle, throw the square at the third security camera.
In the next scene with another circle fight, throw the square at the fourth security camera.
When you are pushing the cage, jump right in the hidden wall to get Triangle Skull.
At the scene where you find the third square, throw the square at the fifth security camera.
At the fight with the 3 circles, throw the square at the sixth security camera.
At the same fight with the 3 circles, go left of the lever in the hidden wall to get Ominous Medallion.
After unlocking the door by throwing the 3 squares, throw the square at the seventh security camera.
After unlocking the door using the weight trigger, throw the square at the eighth and last security camera.

After the tennis playing circles, jump right in the hidden wall to get Circle Propaganda.

Oil Pastel Level

When solving the beetle seesaw puzzle, jump in the hidden wall to get Red Feather.
After leaving the beetle, at the area with the ropes, jump below to the right to activate the lever to drop the box down. After talking to the frog, don’t go in the newly opened left path, go down, then right to use the box to jump to the right to get Familiar Painting.
When you find the bee, fly straight up to get Eerie Medallion.
After solving a few puzzles with the spider, crawl on the ceiling to find an opening in the hidden wall to get Spider’s Collar.

Collage Level
After jumping on the balconies, when using the elevator, hold left to find a hidden wall and get Haunting Medallion.
When the portals open and you find the first box, push it first to the left, to reach the platform and get Meteorite Chunk.
After solving the big puzzle with portals, jump left in the hidden wall to get Corrupted Rabbit.

Gouache Level
Jump between the spikes to get Abstract Hand.


Thanks to FrozenShiver for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.