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The main purpose of this guide is to get you through the main story. This means we’re not going to be spending money on things that don’t advance the story. Once the story is complete feel free to purchase all of the pictures and outfits. If you purchase them prior you may not have sufficient funds to purchase items covered in this guide, resulting in you needing to roam the forest looking for artifacts until you have sufficient funds.
The Genesis Order is the continuation of the story started with Lust Epidemic and continued with Treasure of Nadia. While it is not necessary to play either of the earlier games, there are characters and plot elements from them that do appear in The Genesis Order and will help you better understand the story.
While The Genesis Order may seem like an open world adventure, it is more of a highly gated point and click game. Just because you see something does not mean you will be able to interact with it. You may need to wait until you have the right tool or item first. If you are stuck open your Oracle and do what Arianna tells you to do.
This game is more like Lust Epidemic as most of the action takes place inside of buildings and not outdoors like Treasure of Nadia. So maps are a bit more difficult. I will be showing images of the room, or the room on the map, so you know where you need to be.
If you are not using the walkthrough portion of this guide and are trying to find something it is best to search (Use CTRL+F to bring up the search box) for what you want and step through the guide. There are special sections for Crafting and other specific areas, but the information you need with be in the walkthrough portion of the guide.
If you read the guide your actions may not make much sences, but when you do what it says, things will normally become clear.
If something is not as the guide says you most likely missed a step, and that step may not seem to be related. During the main story you can use the Oracle to point you in the direction of what you need to do.
marked with a * after the scene number indicate NSFW content.
The percentages for when you save your game are based upon items that you pick up, like character Profiles and Karma Sutra pages. Don’t panic that it isn’t increasing as you are going through the game.
Using this Guide
If you are not following the Walkthrough and are just looking for something use CTRL+F and search for what you’re looking for.
If you are stuck search for the last scene you unlocked. Making this guide I found a few things that you have to do in order to progress, like going to the Condos to get Melissa’s condo number. You can enter the condo number without going, but you cannot progress the story.
If you read the walkthrough it frequently will not make sense, this is due to scripted events moving you to a different location. Occasionally I will give directions, this is mostly for stairs, use the left or right. It is possible to go the direction when you are clicking on the stairs, so this may put you in the wrong location. Fortunately most items that you have to interact with have an image, so you can see if you’re in the right place.
I didn’t include any of the story or scripting events as part of the guide, this was mainly to keep the size of this guide down. There are 84 different images just for the Mansion.
Enable Steam Screenshots
Go into the Game properties and add
In the Launch Options box, as shown below.
Your Phone
Your phone is a very powerful tool.
It is used to Save your game, Load a saved game, set Options, Booty Call (You can only call women who have given you their number), and the Scene Player to watch scenes that you have experienced in the game.
After Save Game and Load Game, Options are the next thing you will use frequently.
Voice Volume is actually on or off selections for Your Voice, other character Voices, and Moans during scenes
Save Reminder is how often Arianna reminds you to save your game.
Move Speed is how fast your character moves around the map. I advise that you set it to Fast as Arianna recommended.
Speed Run mode allows you to either show or skip the story. This will also skip all of the scenes.
Exit / Restart allows you to exit the game, restart returns you to the title menu.
Walkthrough – Part 1
This Walkthrough is broken down into separate parts due to the limitations of the Steam Guide Tool, one of many. One thing to note is that directions that include stairs will tell you which stairs to take and then frequently a direction to go. You may be able to go that way when you select the stairs, so the directions may seem “off” by one room. If the instructions are “Take the right stairs” and the next instructions are “Go right (east)” if you went right (east) when you click on the stairs you can disregard the movement.
I use Go to Map and Exit to Map to cut down on the directions to get you back to the map. You should know how to get back to map from where I tell you.
You start off by customizing your character’s name, if you prefer. You have to click twice on each letter, unless you have two identical letters together. The first click selects the letter and the second click sets the letter. Right click to delete.
You will then experience the introduction. If a scene is not safe for work (NSFW) I will note it with a *. This may include anything from nudity to sexual acts.
After the introduction you will be shown to the town map. This should look very familiar if you played Treasure of Nadia. The large green ! shows you items you need to complete to advance the story. Time is just an illusion. If there are multiple ! you can do them in any order, but they must all be done to advance the story. Just because there is a ! doesn’t mean that everything you need to do is that location. Go to Eve Cathedral by left clicking on the location. If you do not enter the area click again on the walk way.
Receive Oracle of the Seraph.
You meet Arianna. She informs you that she is an Empyrean and is here to assist you. She is the messenger of God’s will. Unfortunately she only knows what God has laid out for her to see, when the time is right.
Next Arianna introduces you to your phone. Please see the Your Phone section for additional information about your phone. You can now save your game. I highly recommend that you set your Move Speed to fast as Arianna recommends.
Now you will see two large green ! on your map, one at the Wilkes Mansion and one at Home. You can clear the ! in any order, but they must all be cleared in order to advance the story. Just because there is a ! at a location does not mean that everything you need to do is at that location. I will attempt to put the actions in the order that minimizes running around.
Go Home and meet Heather. There is a brief scene with Heather as she hands you the keys to the house and tells you that she will see you at dinner. Arianna will then show up and let you know that you can talk to her by selecting the Oracle option in your inventory. After talking to Heather and Arianna you will have a new ! on the map at the Rays’ Farm.
This is the perfect opportunity to introduce you to some of the items you will need to interact with in the game. Most of these things are gated and you will be unable to interact with them until you have the correct item in your inventory.
- Chest (Need Chest key to open)
- Profile (Each woman has a Profile to find)
- Metal Vase (Needs Hammer Shovel and Strength of 3+)
- Chest (Needs Lock Pick)
- Thorny Bush (Needs Weed Killer)
- Burn Barrel (Needs Blow Torch)
- Ceramic Vase (Needs Hammer Shovel)
- Rusty Locked Chest (Needs Hacksaw)
- Apple (Or any item our of reach that you need to throw something you need a Boomerang)
- Stone (Need Crowbar)
Go inside the Farm House and talk to Hannah
Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Return to the Map
Go to the Apartments
Go to the Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Enter the house
Exit your house
Go get your mail from the mailbox
Receive a check for $150
Go to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Talk to the guy outside of ♥♥♥♥’s Grill with a !
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Pick up the Car Fob and the coins. The coins will show in a few locations as you walk around, you should pick them up whenever you see them.
Enter the Shop
Right now we want to purchase the Shovel for $50, the Gym Shirt for $50, and the Jump Shoe for $50.
The first row, closest to the door, of items on the left improvements for your home. You have to improve your home in order to have women come over. The more sophisticated the woman the more stuff you’re going to need to purchase to have her come over for a booty call.
The second row on the left are crafting items. There can be only one of each item in existence. If you have the item in your inventory it won’t be for sale. As soon as you use the item it will appear available for sale in the Shop. Once you start earning money I recommend always having these items in your inventory.
The third row on the left are quest items. You will need to purchase them for various quests. These items will change as different items are required for quests.
All of the items on the right side are pictures or outfits for the women and are not necessary to complete the story.
Go to the Map
Go to the Forest
Walk around the Forest until a Sparkle appears. Unlike Treasure of Nadia, the Treasure Sparkles will not appear when you enter an area, they appear when you get close to them.
Click on the Sparkle to collect the treasure
Once you have the Stone Figurine exit to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Give the Stone Figure to the man outside of ♥♥♥♥’s Grill
Receive $200.
Go to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
You can now sell the artifacts you find to Jonathan. Unlike Treasure of Nadia the artifacts have very limited use and you can sell most of them to Jonathan for cash.
Go to the Strip Center
Go to the XXX Shop
Exit to the Map
Go to the Gym
Workout with Heather – Strength +1
Strength allows you to move heavy objects and acts as a gating mechanism, you need X strength to do Y.
Exit to the Map
Go to Rays’ Farm
Receive a Clay Idol
Now you have a push puzzle where you have to get the hay to the barn door. If you mess up on a puzzle leave the area and come back and the puzzle will reset.
Push Bale 2 left one then push Bale 1 out the door
Walk behind Bale 3 and push Bale 2 back into its original position then out the door
Push Bale 3 right one and then out the door
Push Bale 5 left two and then out the door
Push Bale 4 left three and then out the door
Exit the Barn
Receive Hannah’s contact information
Exit to the Map
Go to the Apartments
Receive Erica’s contact information
Follow Erica up the stairs to the left
A few things to note here.
The number 5 in a circle. This is similar to the Treasure of Nadia numbers, where you had to light the number of torches equal to the number and something would appear there. In this case you have to activate gargoyles. There are only eight gargoyles to activate at this time.
The piece of paper on the table. You want to read all notes and document all numbers you encounter, especially if those numbers appear in odd places, as they are normally needed to open a lock.
Talk to the man with a ! over his head. He buried a statue under a tree, but he forgot where.
Exit the mansion
Walkthrough – Part 2
Click on the key near the tree on the right

Go to the Apartments
Pick up the Wallet

Go to Channel 4
Talk to the guy with the !
Give him the Key Fob and Wallet
Receive a Chest Key
Make a note of the guy’s shirt color next to the woman with the hearts over his head

Go to the Strip Center
You’ll hear a conversation between Henry and Diane
Go into ♥♥♥♥’s Grill
Talk to the guy with the ! over his head
Tell him the color of the guy’s shirt that was outside of Channel 4 with the woman

Go to the XXX Shop
When you exit the XXX Shop you will see a black cat on the right
Click on the sidewalk to the right of the cat
Receive Angry Black Cat
If you don’t catch the cat re-enter the XXX Shop and try again until you catch the cat
Exit to the Map
Go to the Condos
Talk to the guy with a !
Give him the Angry Black Cat
Receive $200
Go to the Map
Go back to Channel 4
Receive $500 and Intelligence +1
Your Intelligence affects how much you are able to sell artifacts to Jonathan, more intelligence equals more money.
Exit to the Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Unlock the Chest at the back of the house
Pick up Kama Sutra Hannah – Handjob
Click on the Orange Sparkle at the tail of the Weather Vane
Receive Hannah’s Profile

Go to the Gym
Pick up the Dumbbell in the lower left
Talk to the guy with a !
Buy a Gym Membership for $20, no need to worry about a monthly charge, you won’t be here that long
Receive access to the locker area, the door on the right at the top of the stairs

Pick up the Jump Shoe
Now that you can jump you’ll be able to access some of the items that have been out of reach
Pick up the Lost Phone

Go to the Strip Center
Go to ♥♥♥♥’s Grill
Talk to Ella
Go to the Map
Go to the Forest
Exit to Map
Exit to the Map
Receive a Dildo
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter Eve Cathedral
Pick up the Shredded Cable
Read the note
Push the box on the left up two and then right six
Pick up the Crafting Scroll
Receive Rigging Cable (Cable Crimp, Cable Crimp, Fishing Thimble, Shredded Cable)
Arianna will tell you about Crafting and adds Angelcraft to your Inventory options
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Pick up the money on the top of the vending machine
Receive $150
Enter the Shop
Purchase the Metal Detector for $140
Purchase the Formal Suit for $400
Purchase the Grease for $100
Purchase the Basic Container for $100
Purchase the Empty Box for $100
Purchase the Glue for $100
From now on you’ll want to have Grease, Basic Container, Empty Box, and Glue in your inventory. If you use an item, or two, you’ll need to replace them. You’ll know they aren’t in your inventory if they are available for sale.
Exit to the Map
Go to the Dock
Click on the Sparkle
Receive Fishing Thimble
Go to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Click on the Sparkle
Receive Cable Crimp
Go to the Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Click on the two Sparkles
The upper Sparkle is a Lock Pick
The lower Sparkle is a Cable Crimp
You now have all of the items you need to craft the Rigging Cable. Open your inventory and select Angelcraft. Click on the scroll in the upper left. If you have all of the items required to craft you will be asked if you want to craft the item. Select Yes. After the Rigging Cable is crafted you will notice that the crafting scroll disappeared. This is standard for quest items as you will not need to craft that item again. After you have crafted the Rigging Cable click on the !. This will open a portal to take you to the puzzle area. At the time of this guide there are only four puzzles completed.
You will see that you have two puzzle available to you. The solutions to the Puzzles are in the Puzzle section, if you need them.
Exit by walking out the bottom center of the screen
Enter the Farm House
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Pick up the two Sparkles on the sides of the Cathedral
The left Sparkle is a Jade Figuriene
The right Sparkle is a Lock Pick
Next pick up the Sparkle in the bush in the lower right
Receive a Chest Key
Enter the Cathedral
Go up (north)
Talk to the Priest (man with the !)
Go to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Enter the Police Station
Go Right
Go to your desk, the one with the !
You need higher security clearance
Go to Melissa’s Office
Click on the Sparkle in the file cabinet
Pick the Lock
You can press a button or click the mouse to send the arrow down the channel to push the pins to the top. Once all of the pins are in the top row the lock is picked. The pin settings are entirely random.
Receive an Access Card
Go back to your desk
Go to the Condos
Watch Melissa go into her Condo, Number 102
Go back to the Police Station
Go to your desk
Enter Melissa’s house number, 102
Exit to the Map
Walkthrough – Part 3
Go to the Gym
Talk to Larry

Strength +1
Go to the Strip Center
Click on the trash can with the !
Receive Blade Sharpener
Go into ♥♥♥♥’s Grill
Click on the woman with the !
Receive Unknown Locker Key
Exit to the Map
Go back to the Apartments
Receive Ella’s contact information
Go back into Ella’s cam room and pick up the Leather Straps
Exit to the Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Enter the House
Go into the back yard
Pick up the Wood Handle by the umbrella
Click on where the caterpillars pop up to catch them
Continue until you catch six caterpillars
Exit to the Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Pick up the key in the lower right
A snake will come out. You’ll feed the caterpillars to the snake and then you can pick up the key
Receive Chest Key
Go into the Barn
Pick up the bag of Fertilizer
Pick up the crafting scroll Machete (Dull Blade, Blade Sharpener, Wood Handle, Leather Straps)
Return to Heather’s Home
Enter the house
Go into the back yard
Talk to the women and deliver the fertilizer
Turn on the water
Go right (east) to get to the kitchen
Pick up the Dull Blade from the counter
Craft the Machete
Pick up the Hand Lotion from the Laundry Room
Exit to the Map
Go to the Forest
Use the Machete to clear the brush on the trail to the east
Receive Artifact Segment
Exit to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Talk to Jonathan
Exit to the map
Go to the Police Station
Talk to the Policeman out front with the !
Tell him, “I know everything about this city.”
He will give you a quiz, for every right answer you get $100 and if you get them all right your intelligence will increase by 1
Tell him, “Bring on the quiz! I’m ready!”
Here are the answers:
Hot tub
Exit to the Map
Go to the Apartments
Pick up the Cheese from the table
Go left (west)
Open the chest with your Lock Pick
Receive Mansion Room Key
Activate the grey Gargoyle, the eyes of the Gargoyle will flash red after being activated
Go down (south)
Go right (east)
Activate the Gargoyle
Go up (north) through the left door
Receive Burner Flip Phone
Remember that note we found on the table on a previous visit?
Open the phone and use 142 as the code
Read the texts between Charles and Moragn
Pick up the Old Book in the lower left corner
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Hannah – Blowjob
Go left (west)
Exit the mansion
Click on the Sparkle
Receive Lock Pick
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Go to the Map
Return to Eve Cathedral
Use your Machete to chop down the bush
Pick up the Crucifix
Activate the Gargoyle on the right corner of the Cathedral
Remember the note from the attic?
Note the number on the Cathedral, 215
Enter the Cathedral
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Activate the Gargoyle, this is the 4th Gargoyle and will activate the circle outside of the Cathedral
Exit the Cathedral
You will see the Circle 4 being replaced by a key
Pick up the Mysterious Key
Exit to the Map
Go to Rays’ Farm
Enter the Barn
Exit the Barn
Receive crafting scroll Drive Shaft (Bearing, Rubber Boot, Grease, Broken Drive Shaft)
Receive Broken Drive Shaft
Exit to Map
Go to the Warehouse
Cut down the bush in the lower right
Pick up the Rubber Boot
Pick up the Bearing
Craft the Drive Shaft
Exit to Map
Since we’ve used our Grease, lets go replace it
Go to the Shop
Click on the mouse to the left of the Shop
You will put out the Cheese and the mouse will knock down the key for you
Pick up the Chest Key
Enter the Shop
Purchase Old Book ($100)
Purchase Rubber Wrap ($200)
Purchase Grease ($100)
Go to the Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Go into the Barn
Hannah will fix the tractor and open the path to the Cave
Go to the Farm House
Receive Lantern
Go back to the Cave
Enter the Cave
Exit to the Map
Go Home
Go to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Exit to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Exit to the Map
Return to the Police Station
Enter the Police Station
Go right (east)
Click on David’s computer and enter a password, any password will do
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Enter the Interrogation Room (right door)
Enter the Police Gym (center door)
Notice the Basket Ball on top of the water stream in the women’s locker room?
Exit the Police Station
Use some Grease on the valve handle on the left
Go back inside the Police Station
Go to the Women’s Locker Room
Click on the Basket Ball
Go back to the Gym
Click on the Basket Ball, this will activate the Trick Shot mini game
If you click the mouse when the arrow is over the net you will get a basket. How much you earn depends on your Intelligence. With an Intelligence of 1 you earn $5, with an Intelligence of 2 you earn $6. Each consecutive shot will add that amount, so if shot 1 is $5, shot 2 is $10, shot 3 is $15, and so on.
Right now you want to knock the key off the backboard
Play until you knock off the key
Pick up the Chest Key
Pick up the Dumbbell
Go down (south)
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Go to the Map
Walkthrough – Part 4
Talk to the woman with the !
Receive $300
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Purchase Grease ($100) to refill your supply
Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Go to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Go to the XXX Shop
Receive Mysterious Key
Exit to the Map
Return to the Wilkes Mansion
Use the Mysterious Keys on the locks on each side of the mansion
Push the push block to either one of the pressure plates, then stand on the other pressure plate
Exit to the Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Go to the Cave
Enter the Cave
Go up (north)
Activate the Gargoyle to the right of the stairs
Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Enter the Mansion
Go left (west)
The circle 5 will now change
Pick up the Hammer Shovel
Go right (east)
With your new Hammer Shovel break the two jars, bottom left and right
Receive a Silver Figurine and a Copper Idol
Exit to the Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Enter the house
Go upstairs
Click on the Orange Sparkle in the lower left
Receive Heather’s Profile
Go to the Bathroom (middle door)
Break the jar
Receive a Chest Key
Click on the two Sparkles
Receive Soap
Receive Suntan Oil
Receive Carol’s contact information
Go to the back yard
Go upstairs
Go to the bathroom
Put on your clothes
Ignore the Sparkle, it just puts your clothes back on the floor
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Break the jar by the barn
Pick up crafting scroll for Aloe Lotion (Hand Lotion, Aloe Plant, Basic Container, Essence of Medicine)
Go up (north)
Click on the rocks blocking your path to the north.
Go up (north)
Collect the Aloe plant
Aloe, like the grease, basic container, empty box, and glue will only appear if you do not have it in your inventory, so just like those items you’re going to want to get another one when you use the one in inventory.
Return to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Break the jar in the entry way
Receive Old Book
Go up (north)
Break the jar on the stage
Receive Clay Idol
Go up the stairs on the right
Read the note
Click on the Offering Plate
The Offering Plate allows you to convert artifacts into Essences, which you will need for crafting. Long story short non-metal (other than Jade) items will give you an Essence of Intelligence and Jade and metal items will give you an Essence of Intelligence. Currently you cannot create an Essence of Strength. You can carry multiple Essences. Please see the Offerings section for the preferred order of offerings, listed from least valuable to most valuable.
Since we need an Essence of Medicine offer a Stone Figurine if you have one, a Clay Statue if you do not.
Receive an Essence of Medicine
Craft Aloe Lotion
While you’re here offer a Jade Figurine also, if you have one.
Receive an Essence of Intelligence
Exit to the Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Enter the house
Go right (east)
Click on one of the women to give them the Aloe Lotion
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Go right (east)
Break the jar
Receive crafting scroll for Seed of Knowledge
Craft a Seed of Knowledge
Open your Inventory
Use the Seed of Knowledge
Click on the Clock
Receive Batteries
Go left (west)
Go up (north)
Click on the pile of clothes
Receive Judy’s Clothing
Exit the Cathedral
Chop down the bushes blocking the path to the right (east)
While walking in the Forest you may discover treasures, Sparkles will appear as you walk near them. Pick up any treasures you discover.
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Break the rocks blocking your path to the right (east)
Break the rocks blocking your path up (north)
Go up (north)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Gym
Talk to Larry and give him the batteries
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Enter the Police Station
Go right (east)
Go left (west)
Talk to the woman with an !
She’s expecting a package
Don’t give her anything
Go right (east)
Open your inventory and select the Empty Box
Select Yes to put something in the box
Put a Silver Figurine in the box if you have one, if not you can use a Copper Idol or Silver Statue
Go left (west)
Click on the woman with an ! and give her the Filled Heavy Box
Go up either set of stairs
Click on the Weak Wall section near the right hand stairs
Talk to the guy with the !
Talk to Andrea, she is standing by the vending machine
Go right (east)
Read the note on the table in the upper right
Take note of the time on three clocks on the wall (169)
Go left (west)
Go downstairs
You’ll now see a key at the top of the center column on the right, because you broke the weak wall. You can’t pick it up yet, but that’s why you broke the wall.
Click on the Safe on the right
Pick the lock
Receive a Belt Buckle
Go back up stairs
Talk to the guy with the !
Receive a Chest Key
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Purchase the Basic Container and Empty Box so you’ll have them in your inventory again
Exit to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Go to ♥♥♥♥’s Grill
Break the jar in the upper left
Receive Phosphoric Acid
Talk to the Bar Tender, the guy with the !
Buy the Red Wine for $50
Exit to the Map
Walkthrough – Part 5
Go to Andrea’s Home
Click on the green vines right of the door
Receive Sodium Carbonate
Break the jar in the lower right
Pick up crafting scroll Seed of Strength (Dumbellx3, Essence of Strength)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Enter the Police Station
Go left (west)
Break the jar
Pick up crafting scroll Soot Cleaner
Craft Soot Cleaner
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter Cathedral
Go left (west)
Break the jar
Receive Essence of Strength
Go to Judy’s room (left door)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Enter the Farm House
Talk to either of the women
Enter the house
Go upstairs
Pick up the Dumbbell
Craft Seed of Strength
Open your inventory and use the Seed of Strength
Strength +1
You can now break open the metal jars
Time to pick up some stuff
Exit the Farm House
Break the Metal Jar in the lower left corner
Receive crafting scroll Hatchet (Axe Head, Handle, Grip, Glue)
Exit to the Map
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Break the Metal Jars that are left and right of the door
Receive Copper Idol
Receive Silver Statue
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Break the Metal Jar by the vending machine
Receive Rubber Waste
Enter the Shop
Replace your Basic Container
Exit to the Map
Go to the Apartments
Break the Metal Jar in the upper right
Pick up crafting scroll 2-Sided Dildo (Empty Package, Dildo x 2, Glue)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Dock
Click on the weak ground
Receive Limestone
Exit to Map
Go to Andrea’s Home
Break the Metal Jar in the lower left and by the tree
Receive Gold Figurine
Receive Titan Shovel Handle
Return to Map
Go to the Police Station
Enter the Police Station
Go up stairs
Break the Metal Jar in the Interrogation Room
Receive Metal Hook
Go down (south)
Go right (east)
Go up stairs
Break the Metal Jar in the upper right
Receive Lock Pick
Exit to the Map
Go to Channel 4
Enter the building
Pick up the Rigging Cable
Create Grapple Hook
Good, now we can get a lot of that stuff that has been out of reach
Pick up the Bag of Junk in the lower right corner
Go left (west)
Pick up the Bag of Junk to the left of the plant in the lower center (click on the wall to pick up)
Pick up the Bag of Junk behind the desk, next to the woman with the !
Take the elevators down to the first floor
Talk to the man with the !
Break the jar in the lower left corner
Receive $300
Pick up the Bag of Junk in the lower right corner
Open your inventory and select the Empty Box
Select Yes
Select the Bag of Junk x 4
Receive Filled Box
Take the elevators
Talk to the woman with the ! (click on the desk in front of her)
Take the elevators
Talk to the man with the !
Receive $2,000
Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Use your Grapple Hook to pick up the Axe Head on the left roof
Use your Grapple Hook on the Gargoyle, on the right, to enter the Mansion
Receive Lillian’s contact information
Enter the Mansion
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Click on the greenery on the right fire place
Receive Sodium Carbonate
Activate the Gargoyle in the upper right
Go up (north)
Click on the weak ground
Receive Coal
Go left (west)
Break the jar
Receive Titan Shovel Head
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Use your Grapple Hook to pick up the Handle
Break the rocks and cut down the bushes in front of the arch
Go left (west)
Enter the mansion
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Enter the Police Station
Go down (south)
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Go to Melissa’s office
Exit to the Map
A Grappling we will go
Go to Andrea’s Home
Use your Grapple Hook to pick up the Grip on the roof
Craft Hatchet
Exit to the Map
Go to Rays’ Farm
Go up (north)
Use your Grapple Hook to pick up the Sparkle
Receive Silver Statue
Go up (north)
Pick up the Aloe Plant for your inventory
Use your Hatchet on the dead tree
Receive Chest Key Half
There are two different Chest Key Halves, a Front and a Back. You need one of each to make a complete Chest Key using Glue.
Go left (west)
Chop down the old, dead tree
Pick up the Farmhouse Key
Open the chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Lillian – ♥♥♥♥♥ Sex
Exit to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Use your Hatchet on the two dead trees
Receive Wrench
Yes, another tool
Use the Wrench on the rusted out car
Receive Rubber Boot
Receive crafting scroll Grippy Shoes (Old Shoe x 2, Rubber Waste, Glue)
Exit to Map
Walkthrough – Part 6
Use your Grapple Hook to get the Old Shoe off the roof

Go to the Police Station
Use your Wrench on the Fire Hydrant
Pick up the Chest Key

Go to the Apartments
Use your Grapple Hook to pick up Chest Key Half
While we are here open up the Chest in the upper left
Receive Kama Sutra Erica – Eat Out

Go to the Strip Center
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Purchase the Empty Box and Glue to refill your inventory
Exit to the Map
Go to the Forest
Go right (east)
Use your Grapple Hook to get the Sparkle
Receive a Gold Figurine
Click on the weak ground
Receive Sand
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Ella – Sixty-Nine

Go up (north)
Use your Hatchet on the dead tree by the Bee Hive
Receive Chest Key Half
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Erica – ♥♥♥♥♥ Sex

Go left (west)
Use your Hatchet on the dead tree
Receive Copper Idol
Use your Grapple Hook on the Sparkle
Receive Silver Statue

Go down (south)
Click at the base of the wall under the Chest Key to use your Grapple Hook to get the Chest Key

Go left (west)
Go up stairs
When you arrive the 6 in a circle will change into a Lid of Extreme Holiness, pick it up
Pick up the Old Book
Break the jar to the left of the door
Pick up crafting scroll for Glass Pane (Sand, Coal, Limestone, Sodium Carbonate)
Craft Glass Pane

Talk to the Priest
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Enter the Police Station
Go upstairs
Go downstairs
Go right (east)
Go to Melissa’s Office
Exit to the Map
Go to the Cathedral
Enter Cathedral
Go left (west)
Go to Judy’s room (left door)
Go up (north)
You should see a number of Sparkles appear along the trip, feel free to pick them up as you go, they will be random artifacts.
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Go down (south)
Talk to the Priest
Receive crafting scroll for Holy Water Bomb (Holy Water, Chalice, Essence of Intelligence, and Lid of Extreme Holiness)
Enter the Cathedral
Click on the Fountain
Provided you have a Basic Container in your inventory you will receive Holy Water
This will use up your Basic Container. I recommend that you add Holy Water to the things you always have on hand. You can have both Holy Water and a Basic Container in your inventory at the same time.
Go up (north)
Go up the left stairs
Go upstairs
Use your Grapple Hook to get the Chalice
Pick up the Old Book
Go downstairs
Go downstairs
Go up the right stairs
Make an offering of a Jade Figurine if you have one (You can offer a metal item, but they are worth more, see the Offering Section for values)
Receive an Essence of Intelligence
Craft a Holy Water Bomb
Exit the Cathedral
Talk to the Priest
Enter the Cathedral
Go left (west)
Enter Judy’s bathroom (right door)
Click on the edges of the screen to follow the arrow path. This is one of my big complaints about the Genesis Order, too many of these objects hidden in the walls for you to find. In general when there is one of these I will show an arrow path. Once you’re inside the wall the rest of it is easy as you click near the edge of the screen to walk to the end of the path.
Receive a Chest Key
Exit to the Map
Go to the Apartments
Break the Metal Jar in the lower left corner
Receive Empty Package
Exit to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Enter the XXX Shop
Talk to Tasha
Buy the dildos for $200
Receive Dildos
Craft 2-Sided Dildo
Exit to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Talk to Jonathan
Sell all valuables
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop, time to refresh our inventory
Purchase the Treasure Detector for $3,000 (This is why we cashed out our artifacts)
Purchase Basic Container and Glue
Open your inventory and select either Chest Key Back Half or Chest Key Front Half
Receive a Chest Key
Purchase another Glue
Exit to the Map
Return to Ella’s Apartment (Right Door)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Enter the Police Station
Go left (west)
Talk to the officer guarding the door to the gym (center door)
Refuse the bribe
Give a $500 bribe
It is possible to get it down to $50 if you raise your Intelligence to four, but that will require you to create another Seed of Intelligence and come back. Since money is easy, now that you have a Treasure Detector, I advise paying the $500.
Go up (north)
Exit the Police Station
Talk to the two officers out front
Exit to the Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Enter the house
Go upstairs
Break the Metal Jar in the lower right
Receive Chest Key Half
Enter Chloe’s Room (right door)
Pick up the Dumbbell
Exit to the Map
Open your Inventory and select either Chest Key Back Half or Chest Key Front Half
Receive a Chest Key
Go to the Shop and replace your Glue
Go to the Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Enter the house
Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Enter the Mansion
Receive Chapel Key Half
Go up (north)
Go up the right staircase
Go right (east)
Break the Metal Jar in the lower right
Receive Chapel Key Half
Open your inventory and select one of the Chapel Key Halves
Receive Chapel Key
Go left (west)
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Go right (east)
Chop down the three dead trees with your Hatchet
Receive Gold Statue
Receive Clay Idol
Receive Clay Statue
Open the door in the arch with the Chapel Key
Click the smoking item on the altar
Read the two notes
This is the combination to the chest in the room
I’ll save you the running around
There are Four (4) Lions above the fires
There are Six (6) Guardians on the red carpet
There are Two (2) Gardians by the clock
The combination is 462
Use the combination 462 to open the box
Receive Artifact Segment
Exit to the Map
Walkthrough – Part 7
Talk to either of the women
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Exit to the Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Click on Carol to give her the grease and rubber boot
Exit to the Map
Go to the Apartments
Exit to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Trade Jonathan a Clay Statue for Erica’s Apartment Key
Exit to the Map
Go to the Apartments
Talk to Erica to give her the Apartment Key
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Purchase Grease and Glue
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Receive Roof Shingle
Go downstairs
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Go to the Priest Room (left door)
Pick up the Old Shoe
Craft Grippy Shoes
Read the note on the floor
Exit the Cathedral
Click on the weak area of the roof
Pick up the Chisel on the other side
Enter the Cathedral
Go left (west)
Go upstairs
Go right (east)
Go to the Priest Room (left door)
Remember that note we found a long time ago?
Click on the Sparkle and use the number (215) to open the safe
Receive Old Book
Receive $200
Receive Bottle of Pills
Receive Zephaniah’s Journal
Go to the Fountain in the Cathedral Entry and get some Holy Water
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop and buy a Basic Container and some Glue
Exit to the Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Enter the house
Receive Judy’s contact information
Exit to the Map
Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Pick up the Chisel on the right roof
Exit to the Map
Go to Rays’ Farm
Pick up the Chisel from the roof of the Barn
Go into the Barn
Pick up the Hacksaw
The Hacksaw will allow you to open the blue boxes with the yellow chains
But not the blue boxes with the green chains
Exit the Barn
Open the blue box on the right
Receive Chest Key Half
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Enter the Police Station
Go right (east)
Go left (west)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Gym
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Go right (east)
Click on the weak wall
Click on the weak wall
Click on the weak wall
Exit to the Map
Go to the Gym
Pick up the Sparkles on the lights of the Climbing Walls
Receive Locker Key
Receive Locker Key
Go upstairs to the Locker Room
Go upstairs to the Locker Room
Open the third locker in the center section
Receive Dumbbell
Open the fifth locker in the center section
Receive $250
Open the center locker in the right hand section
Receive Unbreakable Pick
Now you can open any of the remaining locked boxes
Go down (south)
Let’s try out our new lock pick
Open the chest on the left
Receive Rubber Heel
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Enter the Police Station
Click on the bottom of the middle column on the right section to pick up the Chest Key
Go right (east)
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Go left (west)
Enter Judy’s Bedroom (left door)
Take the stairs down to the caves
Pick the lock on the chest on the left
Receive Unknown Amulet
Go up (north)
Pick up the Sparkle
Receive Locker Key
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Carol – Cowgirl
Go down (south)
Take the stairs up to Judy’s Bedroom
Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Enter the Mansion
Open the blue box on the left
Receive Silver Statue
Go up (north)
Open the chest at the top of the left stairs
Go down the stairs back to the main room
Go up (north)
Open the locked chest on the left
Receive crafting scroll Titan Shovel (Titan Shovel Head, Titan Shovel Shaft, Titan Shovel Handle, Glue)
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Lillian – ♥♥♥♥♥ Play
Go down (south)
Go down (south)
Talk to the man blocking the stairs on the left
Go up the right stairs
Enter the balcony on the left (west)
Exit the balcony to the left (west)
Go left (west)
Pick the lock on the chest in the upper left
Receive Silver Statue
Go left (west)
Pick up the Old Book on the right
Activate the Gargoyle
Open the Chest on the left
Pick up Kama Sutra Nellie – Ass Play
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Go left (west)
Enter Judy’s Bedroom (left door)
Take the stairs down to the caves
The Seven in the circle turns into a Blowtorch
Pick up the Blowtorch
Pick up the Old Book by the rock in the center
Go up the stairs
Exit to the Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Pick the lock on the chest left of the stairs
Pick up crafting scroll Goat Dessert (Corn, Barley, Oats, Soybeans)
Click on the burn barrel by the barn
Receive Chest Key
Go up (north)
Pick up the Corn on the right
Enter the Cave
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Ella – Lapdance ♥♥♥♥
Go up (north)
Pick the lock on the chest on the left
Receive Gold Figurine
Click on the Sparkle
Receive Copper Idol
Light the TNT
Move the far left rock up 3
Move the center rock of the lowest level down 1
Move the right rock of the bottom level right 3
Move the left and right rocks up one
Move the center rock left or right
Collect the Sparkle
Open the blue box
Receive Silver Statue
Walkthrough – Part 8
Receive Nelly’s contact information
Go up (north)
Go right (east)
Light the TNT

Exit to the Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Enter the house
Go to the back yard
Exit to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Light the burn barrel
Talk to the man with the !
Receive $1,000
Go to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Go up (north)
Go up the right stairs
Make an offering of a Jade Figurine
If you don’t have a Jade Figurine you can either walk around in the Forest until you find one, or substitute a Silver Figurine, Copper Idol, or Silver Statue. However if you substitute the other items are much more valuable than a Jade Figurine.
Receive Essence of Intelligence
If you have a second Jade Figurine you might want to Offer it now also.
Craft a Seed of Knowledge
Open your Inventory and use the Seed of Knowledge
Intelligence +1
Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Enter the Mansion
Exit to the Map
Go to the Forest
Go up (north)
Click on the wood under the bee hive
Receive Honey Comb
Go down (south)
Go down (south)
Return to the Wilkes Mansion
Enter the Mansion
Go up (north)
Go up the right stairs
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Exit to the Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Go into the house
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Go left (west)
Go to Judy’s Bathroom (right door)
Click on the Sparkle
Receive Toothbrush
Exit to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Exit to the Map
Go to Wilkes Mansion
Enter the Mansion
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Enter the Mansion
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Light the burn barrel on the left
Receive Essence of Strength
Pick up the Crucifix on the right
Go right (east)
Click on the person hiding
Receive Wireless Transmitters
Go left (west)
Enter the Mansion
Go down (south)
Click on the left Sparkle when the man is around the corner and cannot see you
If you fail, you will have to try again
Go down (south)
Go up the left (west) stairs
Go left (west)
Same concept as the last one, you need to click on the Sparkle when the man is facing away from you
Exit to the Map, you won’t be able to place the last Wireless Transmitter until you increase your strength and can move the barrel in the kitchen
Go to the Strip Center
Go to the XXX Shop
Pick the locked chest in the upper right
Receive Dumbbell
Craft Seed of Strength
Open your Inventory
Use Seed of Strength
Strength +1
Exit to Map
Return to the Wilkes Mansion
Enter the Mansion
Go up (north)
Take the right (east) stairs
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Open the Chest in the upper right
Pick up Kama Sutra Erica – Anal Sex
Open the chest in the lower right
Receive Soybeans
Move the Barrel blocking the passage down (south)
Pick up the Sparkle in the upper left
Receive Driver’s License
Note the number on the sacks (349)
Click on the Sparkle in the lower left to place the last Wireless Transmitter
Exit to the Map
Go to the Dock
Light the burn barrel
Receive Gold Figurine
Exit to the Map
Go Home
Exit to the Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Since you’re here, pick up the Aloe Plant
Go down (south)
Pick the Corn from the right field
- Click to enter the corn field
- Click to pick up a Chest Key
- Click to find a Silver Statue
Exit the corn field
Go down (south)
Enter the house
Go upstairs
Go to the bathroom (center door)
Click on the sink
Receive Closet Key
Click on the tub
Receive Rubber Toe
Go back to the first floor
Click the Orange Sparkle in the bottom left corner
Receive Carol’s Profile
Unlock the pantry door
Click on the crafting scroll Wading Shoes (Rubber Heel, Rubber Toe, Rubber Wrap, Rubber Sole)
Click on the Sparkle
Receive Catnip
Open the chest
Receive Oats
Read the book
Exit to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Go to ♥♥♥♥’s Grill
Click on the Barley on the bar to the right of the Bar Tender
Purchase Barley for $500
Craft the Goat Dessert
Click on the ! and purchase Energy Drink for $1,000
Click on Chips
Purchase Chips for $100
Read the Note
Exit to the Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Click on the goat
The goat will knock down the Rubber Sole, pick it up
Craft Wading Shoes
Go left (west)
Exit the house
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Go left (west)
Click on the green arrow to go down stream
Click on the Sparkle
Receive an Artifact Segment
Click on the area in the woods to receive a Chest Key
Return to the Farm house
Go up (north)
Enter the cave
Go up (north)
Go right (east)
Click on the green arrow to go down stream
Jump in the water
- Move the right rock up one
- Move the left rock left one
- Move the left rock up one
- Move the right rock right one
- Move the rock right one
- Move the center rock up two
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Lillian – Throat ♥♥♥♥
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Go right (east)
Go up the stairs
Exit to the Map
Go to Channel 4
Enter the building
Exit to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Go to ♥♥♥♥’s Grill
Give Melissa the Driver’s License you found at the Mansion
Click on the Cat
Pick up the Chest Key Half
Exit to the Map
Go to the Apartments
Open the locked blue box
Receive Note
Open your Inventory to read the Note (1998)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Enter the XXX Shop
Exit to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Receive Package
Light the burn barrel
Receive Nails
Open the locked blue box
Receive Silver Statue
Exit to the Map
Walkthrough – Part 9
Go to the XXX Shop
Talk to Tasha
Lose Package
Receive Love Potion
Exit to Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Enter the Cave
Go up (north)
Go right (east)
Go up (north)
Pick up the Crate of Bullets
Click on the green arrow pointing left
Jump in the water
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Nellie – ♥♥♥♥♥ Sex
Click on the green arrow pointing right
Jump in the water
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Go down (south)
Go down (south)
Talk to either of the women
Exit to the Map
Go to Andrea’s Home
Enter the house
Exit to the Map
Go to Channel 4
Enter the building
Use the elevators
Go right (east)
Receive Wireless Transmitter
Click on the Sparkle in the lower right corner
Receive a Chest Key
Note the number over the mirror (124)
Go down (south)
Go through the right door
Pick up the key
Receive Channel 4 Locker Key
Open the locker in the upper left
Receive Crowbar
Receive Transmitter Battery
Read the note on the floor
Click the Orange Sparkle in the lower left
Receive Kimberly’s Profile
Exit the building
Lift the right manhole cover
Receive Briefcase
Exit to the Map
Go to the Condos
Lift the manhole cover
Receive Briefcase
Open your Inventory
Select either Chest Key Back Half or Chest Key Front Half
Receive Chest Key
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Open the manhole cover in the lower left
Receive Briefcase
Enter the Shop
Purchase Glue
Exit to the Map
Go to the Gym
Go up the stairs to the Locker Room
Open the far right locker
Receive Shinto Shrine Bell
Exit to the Map
Go to the Forest
Lift the rock
Receive Right Swim Shoe
Go right (east)
Click on the green arrow
Jump in the water
Receive Acacia
Lift the rock on the right
Receive Mace Grip
Go left (west)
Go up (north)
Go left (west)
Open the blue box
Pick up crafting scroll Weed Killer (Dicamba, Mecoprop, Glyphosate, Basic Container)
Go right (east)
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Lift the rock in the upper left
Receive Antique Key
Go down (south)
Enter the Cathedral
Go up (north)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Lift the rock (it is easiest if you are above it)
Receive Saw Blade
Enter the Mansion
Go up (north)
Go up the right stairs
Go right (east)
Attempt to go right (east)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Apartments
Go down (south)
Click on the Sparkle to replace the Wireless Transmitter
Make note of the number on the wall (969)
Exit to the Map
Go to Channel 4
Enter the building
Use the elevators
Go right (east)
Receive Kimberly’s contact information
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Exit to the Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Lift the rock in the upper left
Receive Gylphosate
Enter the house
Go to the back yard
Lift the rock in the lower left
Receive Safe Key
Go to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Open the manhole in the lower left
Receive Briefcase
Co to the XXX Shop
Go to the Map
Go to the Apartments
Open the manhole in the lower left
Receive Briefcase
Exit to the Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Enter the house
Go upstairs
Go to Heather’s Room (left door)
Talk to Heather
Talk to Heather again, to give her the Safe Key
Exit to Map
Go to Rays’ Farm
Lift the rock lower center
Receive Dicamba
Enter the farm house
Receive Bin Keys
Exit the Farm House
Open the Bin on the right side of the porch
Receive Cheese
Go up (north)
Open the Bin in the upper right
Receive Mecoprop
Craft Weed Killer
You can now kill the spiky weeds, try it out on the weeds around the bin
Pick up the Chest Key that was behind the weeds
Go down (south)
Kill the weeds in the Barn Yard
Pick up crafting scroll Pen Door (Wood, Nails, Hinge, Latch)
Pick up Wood
Enter the Barn
Open the Bin
Receive Black Pepper
Exit the Barn
Enter the Farm House
Talk to Carol
Go down stairs
Exit to the Map
Go to the Forest
Go up (north)
Go right (east)
Use the weed killer on all of the weeds blocking your way
Lift the rock
Receive Left Swim Shoe, this completes the set and you now have Swim Shoes
Notice the green arrow that appeared you can now swim in deep water
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Judy – Blowjob
Go left (west)
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Kill the weed in the lower left
Receive Mace Handle
Go up (north)
Kill all of the three weeds in a row preventing you from grabbing the Sparkle
Grab the Sparkle
Receive Silver Statue
Exit to Map
Walkthrough – Part 10
Enter the Farm House
Go upstairs
Go to Hannah’s Room (right door)
Pick up the Dumbbell in the lower right corner

Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter Cathedral
Go right (east)
Go upstairs
Open the Chest
Receive an Old Book
If you have an Essence of Intelligence craft a Seed of Knowledge
Open your Inventory
Use the Seed of Knowledge
Sneak to the hallway when the Henchwoman isn’t looking at you.

Receive Machine Gun
Go upstairs
Exit to the Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Enter the house
Exit to the Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Go left (west)
Enter Judy’s Bedroom (left door)
Exit to the Map
Go to Andrea’s Home
Enter the house
Go right (east)
Note the number on the wall (9112)
Go left (west)
Go upstairs
Watch the lights above the door as Andrea plays the code (132)
Go to the Map
Go to the Shop
Purchase the Basic Container
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Go right (east)
Go upstairs
Read the note on the floor
Go left (west)
Click below the mouse, it will jump down to the table
Click on the mouse to catch it
Receive Rat in a jar
Open the box
Receive Titan Shovel Shaft
Craft Titan Shovel
Artifacts will now be picked up more quickly
Click on the Orange Sparkle bottom center
Receive Judy’s Profile
Go left (west)
Unlock the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Hannah – ♥♥♥♥♥ Sex
Exit Cathedral
Go up (north)
Use the weed killer
Releases a cat
Click on the cat
Pick up Chest Key
Exit to Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Enter house
Go upstair
Enter Chloe’s Room (right door)
Click on the Orange Sparkle in the lower right
Receive Chloe’s Profile
Exit to the Map
Go to Channel 4
Enter the building
Use the elevators
Go right (east)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Purchase a Basic Container and Glue
Exit to the Map
Go to the Apartments
Kill the weeds
Receive Ella’s Key Fob
Click on the Red vehicle
Receive Large Buttplug
Receive Bubble Gum
Receive Shinto Shrine Bell
Exit to Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Kill the weeds to the left of the stairs
Pick up crafting scroll Diamond Saw (Rough Diamond, Saw Blade, Saw Handle, Glue)
Enter the Mansion
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Kill the weeds
Receive Saw Handle
If you’ve been clicking on the Sparkles in the Forest you should have picked up the Rough Diamond. The Rough Diamond is a random drop and does not have a fixed place to find it.
Craft Diamond Saw
The Diamond Saw will open all of the blue boxes
Go right (east)
Click on the stone Gargoyle on the right
Go up the right stairs
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Go down (south)
Click on the Sparkle
Receive Watcher’s Eye
Go up (north)
Go left (west)
Click on the Orange Sparkle on the center Gargoyle
Go left (west)
Open the blue box
Receive crafting scroll Mace (Mace Handle, Mace Grip, Mace Head, Glue)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Go to the XXX Shop
Exit to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Click on the gate
Sell all valuables
Receive Melissa’s contact information
Kill the weeds
Receive Hinge
Lift the rock
Receive Latch
Go up (north)
Click on the Orange Spark right of the door
Receive Nellie’s Profile
Click on the Copper Wire
Buy it for $900
Pick up the Dumbbell
Click on the box with the !
Purchase Defrost Timer – $1,000
Purchase Nut and Bolt set – $600
Purchase Condenser Fan – $2,000
Purchase Motor Pulley – $2,500
Purchase Blower Wheel – $3,000
Purchase Handle Seat – $500
Total cost is $9,600
Click on the wall by where the mouse ran
Receive Chest Key
Exit to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Go to ♥♥♥♥’s Grill
Break the Metal Jar
Receive Old Book
Go up (north)
Click on the Safe
Remember that note we found in the blue box out in the parking lot?
Unlock the safe (1998)
Receive Small Buttplug
Go upstairs
Pick the lock on the chest
Receive Medium Buttplug
Go downstairs
Go into the Cam room
Talk to Ella
Exit to the Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Enter the house
Exit to the Map
Go to the Apartments
Go to Ella’s Apartment (right door)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Enter the Mansion
Exit to the Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Exit to the Map
Go to the Dock
Open the blue box
Receive Boomerang
Go to the Map
Go to the Ray’s Farm
Click on the base of the tree with the apple in it to use the Boomerang to knock the apple down
Pick up the Apple
Go up (north)
Talk to either of the women
The goat will race back and forth and then try to run past you
Stand still until the goat makes its break and then click to be in front of it
Open the blue box
Receive Nails
Craft Pen Door
Talk to Heather
Exit to the Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Enter the house
Go upstairs
Go to Heather’s Bedroom (left door)
Read the book on the floor
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Judy – Footjob
Exit to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Open the blue box behind the tree
Receive Gold Figurine
Click on the Key up in the tree
Receive Chest Key
Go to ♥♥♥♥’s Grill
Talk to the Bar Tender with the !
Buy Red Wine for $200
Exit to Map
Walkthrough – Part 11
Enter the house
Go right (east)
Talk to Hannah

Double click, once to select and the second to submit, each item

Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Enter the Mansion
Exit to the Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Exit to the Map
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Talk to the office with the ! in the parking lot
Give him the Nut and Bolt Set
Receive Chest Key Front Half
Enter the Police Station
Go right (east)
Go left (west)
Go upstairs
Go right (east)
Go to Andrea’s Office (right door)
Go left (west)
Go downstairs
Go right (east)
Go to the Map
Go to Channel 4
Open the blue box on the right
Receive Silver Statue
Enter the building
Use the elevators
Exit to the Map
Go to the Apartments
Go to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Go up (north)
Receive Diving Mask
Use the Boomerang on the Compressor
Receive Compressor
Exit to the Map
Go to the Forest
Go up (north)
Go right (east)
Click on the Snorkel in the tree
Receive Snorkel
The Snorkel and Mask complete the Snorkel Gear set
Click on the green arrow and collect the Sparkle
Receive Valuable Coin
Exit to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Go up (north)
Receive Ella’s Apartment Key
Exit to the Map
Go to the Apartments
Enter Ella’s apartment (right door)
Go to the cam room
Exit to the Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Go left (west)
Click the green arrow pointing up
Receive crafting scroll Electromagnet (Burner Flip Phone, Copper Wire, Nails, Electric Tape)
Continue north
Break the jar
Pick up crafting scroll Stun Gun (Batteries, Glue, High-Voltage Inverter, Nails)
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Judy – Anal
Click on the green arrow pointing left to return
Exit to the Map
Go to Andrea’s Home
Enter the house
Go upstairs
Click on the Piano
Play C Chord
Play E Chord
Play D Chord
Open the blue box
Receive Electric Tape
Craft Electromagnet
Now you will be able to get some of those items you have seen in the walls
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Nellie – Hole Buffet
Go through the door on the right
Go right (east)
Click in the wall where the cockroach ran
Find a note
Go to the Apartments
Go to Ella’s Apartment (right door)
Go to the cam room
Click on the Metal Jar in the wall
Receive Dumbbell
Go up (north)
Go upstairs
Click on the Metal Jar in the wall
Receive crafting scroll Flame Thrower (Blow Torch, Basic Container, Gasoline, Compressor)
Click on the black rectangle by Ella
Go to the back yard
Exit to Map
Go to Andrea’s Home
Enter the house
Go right (east)
Go down (south)
Click on the Hot Tub
Get in the tub
Receive Andrea’s contact information
Exit to map
Go to the Condos
Click on the Orange Sparkle
Receive Melissa’s Profile
Go to Melissa’s Condo (right door)
Exit to the Map
Go to Channel 4
Enter the building
Use the elevators
Go right (east)
Go to Kimberly’s Dressing Room (left door)
Open the blue box
Receive Sunglasses
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Buy Glue
Exit to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Go to the XXX Shop
Receive Fake Mustache
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Click on either of the Police Cars with a !
Receive Police Uniform
Sunglasses, Fake Mustache and Police Uniform create Disguise
Enter the Police Station (You will automatically put on the Disguise)
Go up the left stairs
Go right (east)
Go into Andrea’s Office (right door)
Click on the Safe
Remember that note we found a long time ago?
Unlock with 169
Receive Thumb Drive
Click on the red light left of the file cabinets
Go down (south)
The Pylon is no longer blocking the corner
Click in the corner
Click under the file cabinet to the left of the first chair
Receive Chest Key
Go left (west)
You need to sneak past Bobby
Wait until he is at the vending machine and then go to the left staircase
Go downstairs
Exit to the Map
Go to the Condos
Go to Melissa’s Condo (right door)
Talk to Melissa
Exit to the Map
Go to Channel 4
Enter building
Use elevators
Go right (east)
Click on the Red Button in the upper left
A crafting scroll will drop onto the cabinet
Pick up crafting scroll Ant Killer (Soap, Vinegar, Baking Soda, Basic Container)
Go to the right door
Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Enter the Mansion
Go up (north)
Click on the Sparkle in the right wall
Receive Mace Head
Craft Mace
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Receive Dark Chapel Room Key
Click on the Old Book in the tree
Go right (east)
Go up (north)
Go up (north) (through the door)
Pick up the Crucifix in the lower left corner
Push the blue button
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Chloe – Mouth Fun
Go down (south)
Go up the ladder
Go down (south)
Left (west)
Enter the Mansion
Exit to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Exit to the Map
Walkthorugh – Part 12
Enter the Farm House
Go upstairs
Go into Carol’s Room (left door)
Go into Carol’s Room (left door)
Open the Chest in the upper left
Pick up Kama Sutra Carol – Mouthwork
Exit to the Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Click on the pile of clothes on the couch
Receive Bathroom Key
Go to the back yard
Go back into the house
Go upstairs
Go to Heather’s Room (left door)
Go into the bathroom
Pick up the Dumbbell in the lower left
Click on the Sparkle
Receive Soap
Exit to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Go to ♥♥♥♥’s Grill
Click on the Red Button
Receive Vinegar
Go to the Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Enter the Farm House
Go to the Pantry
Get the Baking Soda from the high shelf
Craft Ant Killer
Exit to Map
Go to Heather Home
Enter the house
Go to the back yard
Click on the Ant Mound
Receive Chloe’s contact information
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Go up (north)
Take the right stairs up
Open the blue box
Receive Nails
Make an offering of a Jade Figurine
Receive Essence of Intelligence
Exit to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Go to the XXX Shop
Receive Ammo for Machine Gun
Exit to Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Click on the Burning Cross on the left
Receive Essence of Strength
Craft Seed of Strength
Open your Inventory and use the Seed of Strength
Strength +1
Exit to the Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Go left (west)
Click on the Chest Key
Click the green arrow pointing up to go north
Move the small round rock out of the way, direction doesn’t matter
Every time you use this path in the future you will need to move the rock again
Go right (east)
You need to avoid the police office or you will get tossed back to the area you just came from. The easiest way it to move behind the trees and then make a dash for the Mansion when he is turned the other way.
Enter the Mansion
Go down (south)
Again you have to avoid the police officer. I found going to the right, behind the statues, then to the base of the stairs, finally up the stairs was the best route.
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Use the right stone Gargoyle to open the path down
Go down the path you just opened
Return to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Go up (north)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Go up (north)
Move the center rock up
Go down (south)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Go up (north)
Click on the Sparkle in the left wall
Click on the Sparkle to collect it
Receive Batteries
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Click on the power box to the right of the entrance
Receive High-Voltage Inverter
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Purchase Basic Container and Glue
Craft Stun Gun
Purchase Glue
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Receive Artifact Segment
Pick up Demon Horn
Pick up the Crucifix next to the path down, on the left
Go down (south)
Go down (south)
Enter the Cathedral
Go up (north)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Apartments
Talk to the woman with a !
Give her the Condenser Fan
Receive Chest Key Back Half
Walk to the front of the blue car on the left, near the tree. A man will come out of the tree and drop money and a Chest Key
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Enter the Police Station
Enter the Police Station
Go left (west)
Click on the outlet by the Gym Door (center)
This will cause a temporary power outage and everything will go black
Move down (south) to the wall, then move left (west) past the guard
Wait until the two police officers are together in the center then pick up the flashlight on the table, then make a break for the door
Pull the power outage again and go back to the interrogation room
Read the note on the floor
Exit to the Map
Go to Channel 4
Go into the building
Use the elevators
Enter Kimberly’s Dressing Room (left door)
Go through the On-Air door
Pick up the key on the ground
Receive Studio Key
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Go right (east)
Go upstairs
Go up (north) through the door
Open the Chest in the bottom left corner
Pick up Kama Sutra Melissa – ♥♥♥♥♥ Sex
In order to read a book you click on the books by the Priest and then pick a row and number
Here are the Notes we have found that relate to books
Read Row 2, Book 98
Receive Attic Box Key Half
Read Row 2, Book 78
Receive Old Book
Craft a Seed of Knowledge
Open your Inventory and use the Seed of Knowledge
Intelligence +1
Read Row 1, Book 12
Receive crafting scroll Snake Trap (Empty Box, Glue, Egg, Basic Container)
Go down (south)
Go downstairs
Go left (west)
Go up (north)
Go up the right staircase
Move the front barrel to the left 1
Pick up the Attic Box Key Half
Click on the nest
Receive Egg
Create Snake Trap
Exit to the Map
Walkthrough – Part 13
Purchase the Siphon for $3,500
Purchase Basic Container, Empty Box, and Glue
Open your Inventory and select either Chest Key Back Half or Chest Key Front Half
Receive Chest key
Purchase Glue
Open your Inventory and select Attic Box Key Half
Receive Attic Box Key
Purchase Glue
Exit the Shop
Talk to the man with a !
Trade your Aloe for a Chest Key
Click on the light colored car on the right
Receive Gasoline

Return to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Go up (north)
Take the left staircase up
Take the staircase up
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Erica – Blowjob
Open the other chest
Receive Reliquiae

Exit to the Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Exit the Farm House
Go up (north)
Go into the corn field from the top left
Go down to where the snake turns around
Go over to the snake
Use your Snake Trap
Receive Snake in a Box
Pick up Corn
Exit the corn field and head over to the women
Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Enter the Mansion
Go up (north)
Use the Gargoyle to open the stairs down
Go down
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Melissa – Sixty-Nine
Go right (east)
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Kimberly – ♥♥♥♥♥ Sex
Light the burn barrel
Receive Nails
Go to the Map
Go to Channel 4
Go into the building
Take the elevators
Go through the doors on the left
Read the note on the table
Go up (north) through the doors
Pick the lock on the chest
Pick up crafting scroll Antibiotic Cream (Aloe Plant, Essence of Medicine, Basic Container, Penicillin)
Go to the Map
Go to the Forest
Go up (north)
Go left (west)
Kill the weeds
Pick up the Gold Idol
Pick up the Crucifix
Continue to walk around the Forest until you find a Stone Figurine. A Clay Statue or Clay Idol will also work, but a Stone Figurine is the least expensive item.
Once you have a Stone Figurine head to Eve Cathedral
Enter Cathedral
Go up (north)
Go up right staircase
Make an offering of a Stone Figurine
Receive Essence of Medicine
Make an offering of a Jade Figurine
Receive Essence of Intelligence
Go downstairs
Go down (south)
Go right (east)
Go upstairs
Go up (north)
Read Row 1, Book 88
Receive Chest Key
Exit to Map
Go to the Rays’ Farm
Enter the Farm House
Exit the Farm House
Go to the Barn
Click on the Goat
Click on the pile of rotten hay
Receive Truck Key
Exit the Barn
Click on the back corner of the truck to drive it into the goon
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Pick the Aloe Plant
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Talk to the woman with the dog
Give her Bubble Gum
Receive Penicillin
Craft Antibiotic Cream
Open your Inventory and use the Antibiotic Cream
Enter the Shop
Purchase Basic Container
Exit to the Map
Go to Andrea’s Home
Enter the house
Click on the slot in the bottom wall
This will release your Snake in a Box
It will go get the mouse and move the key up
Click on the key
Receive Kitchen Key
Open Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Andrea – Tits and Mouth
Go down (south)
Click the red button on the wall
Go right (east)
Step on the pressure pad
Go up (north) through the door
Click on the Sparkle on the right wall
Receive Fuse
Open the Safe
Remember the number on the wall from the room with the statue?
Enter the code 9112
Receive Vinegar & Baking Soda
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Go up (north)
Break the Metal Jar behind the chair in the back
Receive Gold Figurine
Exit to the Map
Go to Heather’s Home
Enter the house
Exit the house
Click on the green box and replace the fuse
Enter the house
Go upstairs
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Go right (east)
Go upstairs
Go up (north)
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Since you can’t go downstairs you need to cut through the balcony, it may take a couple of tries to come out the other side, which is why I preferred to go down the stairs and then back up.
Go left (west)
Click on the Red Button
Then go up (north) through the left door
You need to move the rock onto the pressure pad
Move it left two
Move it down four
Move it left three
The secret passage will open
Now you need to go back and get the rest of your group
Go down (south)
Go right (east)
Go right (east) cutting through the balcony
Go up (north)
Exit to the Map
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Click on the Sparkle on the back of the right black car
Receive Gasoline
Craft Flamethrower
Enter the Police Station
Go upstairs
Go right (east)
Go to Andrea’s office (right door)
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Go to the Map
Go downstairs
Go left (west)
Go up (north)
Click on the Torn Page on the left side
Go up the left stairs
Go up the stairs
Go down stairs
Go down stairs
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Enter Judy’s Bedroom (left door)
Go down the stairs into the Cave
Receive Cellar Box Key Half
Go up stairs
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Enter the Shop
Purchase the Miner’s Shaft for $12,000
Purchase the Basic Container
Exit to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Go up (north)
Click on the Sparkle
You will use your Flamethrower on the spiders
Click the Sparkle again
Receive Dimmer Circuit
Exit to the Map
Walkthrough – Part 14
Enter the Cathedral
Go up (north)
Go up the right stairs
Go upstairs
Pick up the Crucifix to the right of the stairs, under the beam
Pick up the Demon Feather
Pick up the Cellar Box Key Half
Open your Inventory
Select one of the Cellar Box Key Halves
Receive Cellar Box Key

Go downstairs
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Enter Judy’s Bedroom (left door)
Go down into the Cave
Open the box
Receive Porn Magazines
Go left (west)
Click on the green arrow pointing left
Jump in the water
Click on the spider to introduce them to your friendly Flamethrower
Go left (west)
Pick up the Gold Idol
Go right (east)
Click the green arrow pointing right
Jump in the water
Go right (east)
Go up the stairs
Exit the Cathedral
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Pick up the Demon Fang
Click on the squirrel
The squirrel will run into the trees and come out the other side, this is the path you need to use (in reverse) to move the propane tank.
Click on the squirrel again and he will go back to where it was the first time.
Move the Propane Tank up five
Move the Propane Tank right five
Move the Propane Tank up four
The Propane Tank will explode clearing the way up (north)
Receive Heather’s contact information
Let’s go back and get that Chest
Go up (north)
Click the green arrow pointing left
Go up (north)
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Heather – Oral Pleasure
Go down (south)
Click the green arrow pointing right
Go down (south)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Enter the Mansion
Click on each of the Green Sparkles to place a demon part from your Inventory
Pick up the Demon Fang
Go down (south)
Pick up the Demon Horn from the couch on the left
Go up the left stairs
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
This one I can’t explain to you why you get caught. I found going to the right of the Gargoyle, then to the candle stand to the left of the door, and then finally for the Demon Feather, allowed me to get it. Keep trying until you succeed.
Go right (east)
Go right (east), if you didn’t get caught getting the Demon Feather
Go up (north)
Use the stone Gargoyle to open the path down
Go down
Go left (west)
Pick the lock on the chest
Pick up crafting scroll Hellfire Extinguisher (Holy Water, Toilet Paper, Vinegar, Baking Soda)
Click on the three Green Sparkles again, to place the demon parts and open the portal
Go right (east)
Go upstairs
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Enter the Police Station
Pick up the gun
Shoot the outlet on the back wall
Talk to Bobby
Talk to Bobby again to leave
Go down (south)
Enter the Men’s Locker Room
Click on the power unit on the back wall with the flashing red light
Don’t worry about the fire now, you started it by shooting the outlet in gun range
Return to the gun range
Pick up the gun
Shoot the target three times
You want to lead the target by about one panel width, when it starts to enter the panel before where you are aiming press the mouse button to shoot.
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Go right (east)
Go upstairs
Go up (north)
Talk to the Priest
Talk to Judy
Go left (west)
Click on the Sparkle to place the 1st Crucifix
Go left (west)
Go downstairs
Click on the Sparkle to place the 2nd Crucifix
Go right (east)
Click on the Fountain to create another Holy Water
Click on the Sparkle to place the 3rd Crucifix
Go up (north)
Talk the left stairs up
Click on the Sparkle to place the 4th Crucifix
Go downstairs
Take the right stairs up
Click on the Sparkle to place the 5th Crucifix
Go right (east)
Go upstairs
Go up (north)
Go upstairs
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Go downstairs
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Go to Judy’s Bathroom (right door)
Receive Toilet Paper
Craft Hellfire Extinguisher
Exit to the Map
Go to Wilkes Mansion
Enter the Mansion
Go down into the basement
Go right (east)
Go up (north)
Pick up the Chest Key in the lower left
Click on the flames
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Enter the Police Station
Go left (west)
Go to the Gym (center door)
Go to the Men’s Locker Room
Click on the fire
Pick up the Chest Key
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Talk to Larry, the guy shooting fireworks
Give Larry the Porn Magazines
Receive Firework
Enter the Shop
Purchase Basic Container and Glue
Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Enter the Mansion
Go up the left stairs
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Enter the left door
Click on the Orange Sparkle in the middle of the lower left wall
Receive Ella’s Profile
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Open the Chest in the lower left
Pick up Kama Sutra Chloe – ♥♥♥♥♥ Sex
Go right (east)
Go down (south)
Chop down the bushes in the upper left
Receive Useless Key
Exit to the Map
Walkthrough – Part 15
Click on the Sparkle on the blue car on the left
Receive Gasoline

Go to the Forest
Go left (west)
Go up (north)
Click on the burn barrel
Put Firework
Click on the burn barrel
Put Gasoline
Click on the burn barrel to light it

Pick up the Church Key

Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Move the small rock down 2
Move the small rock left 5
Move the small rock up 4
Move the small rock left 4
Go and stand on the last switch

Pick up the King Idol
Go down (south)
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Go up (north)
Talk to Jon
Sell all valuables
Go down the stairs into the Bunker
Pick up the Unknown House Key
Go up (north)
Break the jar
Pick up crafting scroll Fingerprint Lift Kit (UV Flashlight, Fluorescein, Rhodamine, Basic Container)
Go left (west)
Click on the wall below the box
Click on the right wall at the tip of the arrow
Click on the Copper Wire
Exit to the Map
Go to Andrea’s Home
Enter the house
Go upstairs
Use the door on the right
Go up (north) through the right door
Click on the Sparkle
Receive Unknown Amulet
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Click on the Fountain to refill your Holy Water
Go left (west)
Go upstairs
Go up (north) through the door
Read the note in the lower left corner
Pick up the Torn Page in the upper left corner
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Kimberly – Anal Sex
Pick up the Useless Key in the lower right corner
Go down (south)
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Go up (north)
Time to read some more books
Read Row 3, Book 88
Receive Book of Genesis
Read Row 2, Book 21
Receive crafting scroll Zephaniah’s Last Letter (Torn Page x 3, Glue)
Go down (south)
Go downstairs
Talk to Heather
Go up (north)
Pick up the Torn Page in the lower left
Craft Zephaniah’s Last Letter
Read Zephaniah’s Last Letter
Pick up the Chalice in the upper left
Go down (south)
Go upstairs
Go up (north)
Talk to the Priest
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Purchase Basic Container and Glue
Go to the Map
Go to Channel 4
Enter the building
Use the elevators
Go right (east)
Go to Kimberly’s Dressing Room (left door)
Pick up the clothes on the floor
Receive Maid Uniform
Receive Security Card
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Use the elevators
Go right (east)
Click on the Orange Sparkle, center of the bottom wall
Receive Erica’s Profile
Talk to the guy in the upper right corner
Give him Disguise
Receive Chest Key Back Half
Talk to him again
Give him the Maid Uniform
Receive Chest Key Front Half
Open your inventory
Select either Chest Key Back Half or Chest Key Front Half
Receive Chest Key
Click on the Red Button in the upper left
Go up (north) through the left door
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Purchase Glue
Exit to the Map
Go to Andrea’s Home
Enter the house
Exit to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Go to the XXX Shop
Ask Alia, “Where did you go today?”
Ask Alia, “What did you do after you got here?”
Ask Alia, “What did you do after lunch?”
Ask Alia, “What did you do right before you came here?”
Ask Alia, “Where did you throw the rocks?”
Exit the Shop
Go to ♥♥♥♥’s Grill
Go up (north) through the door on the left
Click on all three of the fires
Pick up the Dropped Book, behind the range
Click on the sink
Click on the Sparkle on upper the wall
Receive Rhodamine
Click on the Sparkle on the left wall
Receive Fluorescein
Craft the Fingerprint Lift Kit
After you craft the Fingerprint Lift Kit you will see Footprints on the floor. Click near the edge of the screen in line with the Footprints.
Receive Cooking Timer
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Enter the Shop
Restock any missing items
Pick up the Dropped Book in the upper right
Exit to the Map
Go to the Dock
Pick up the Dropped Book at the end of the dock
Click on the green arrow pointing left to jump in the water
Pick up the Useless Key
Now you have an idea of how swimming off the dock works you have seven seconds to swim and then you are back on the dock
Go to the Strip Center
Go to the XXX Shop
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter Cathedral
Enter Cathedral
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Enter the Police Station
Exit to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Go up (north)
Click two squares in from where the footprints end
Receive Used Rag
Go up (north)
Go left (west)
Move the stack of boxes to the right
Click on the keypad
Enter 2780
Go up (north)
Move the TNT right 2
Move the TNT down 5
Move the TNT right 5
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Andrea – Anal Sex
Go left (west)
Walkthrough – Part 16
Click up one and right one from the last set of foot prints
Receive Chest Key Front Half

Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Go down the ladder
Go down (south)
Click on the Orange Sparkle by the barrels
Receive Andrea’s Profile
Click on the wall where the cockroach disappered
Receive Bunker Key

Go right (east)
Pick up the Chalice
Pick up the Ladder Segment

Go left (west)
Click low on the wall, in line with where the foot prints end
Receive crafting scroll Thermite Grenade (Powdered Aluminum, Iron Oxide, Used Rag, Grease)
Go down the stairs

Go down (south)
Go through the door

Move the TNT down 4
Move the TNT left 1

Walk one space inside the wall and then to the top
Receive Chest Key

Go up (north)
Light the TNT
Click on the Sparkle
Receive Powdered Aluminum
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Go upstairs
Go down (south)
Go upstairs
Exit to the Map
Go to the Condos
Go to Melissa’s Condo (right door)
Click on the Sink
Use Handle Seat
Click on the Refrigerator
Use the Defrost Timer
Click on the Washing Machine
Use the Blower Wheel
Go down (south)
Go to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Step on the blue pressure plate
Go up (north)
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Pick up the clothes
Receive Hannah’s Clothes
Go right (east)
Go upstairs
Go up (north)
Receive Zephaniah’s Journal
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Go downstairs
Pick up the clothes
Receive Carol’s Clothes
Enter Judy’s Bedroom (left door)
Go downstairs
Pick up clothes
Receive Heather’s Clothes
Go left (west)
Pick up clothes
Receive Chloe’s Clothes
Go down (south)
Click on the wall at the end of the footprints
Receive Iron Oxide
Craft Thermite Grenade
Click on the green arrow pointing up
Receive a Gold Statue
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Stand where indicated in the image below to throw the Thermite Grenade and bring the platform down
Go left (west)
Exit to the Map
Go to Wilkes Mansion
Enter Mansion
Go up (north)
Use the stone Gargoyle on the right to open the stairs
Go down stairs
Go right (east)
Go up (north)
Talk to the Priest
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Go upstairs
Go up the left stairs
Go left (west)
Click on the Red Button
Go in the right door
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Andrea – ♥♥♥♥♥ Sex
Click on the bottom of the left wall
Receive Lillian’s Hair
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Break the jar
Pick up crafting scroll Miner’s Tool (Miner’s Shaft, Pickaxe Head, Mining Shovel Head, Hercules Grip)
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Go through door on left
Click in the corner at the end of the footprints
Receive Lillian’s Hair
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Go through door on left
Click in the corner at the end of the footprints
Receive Lillian’s Hair
Go down (south)
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Go up (north) (through the door)
Use the stone Gargoyle on the right to open the stairs
Go down stairs
Go left (west)
Click on the three Green Sparkles to place Lillian’s Hair
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Go up (north)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Go up (north)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Enter the Police Station
Go left (west)
Go to the Gym (center door)
Go down (south)
Use your Stun Gun on the outlet to take out the lights
Go down and left to sneak past the guard in the dark
Pick up the Bagged Lunch in the lower left corner when the Police officers aren’t looking
Go right (east)
Go upstairs
Go left (west)
Talk to the man with the !
Receive a Pencil
In the lower left corner go down 1
Go right to be directly under the woman with the green shirt
Receive Chest Key Back Half
Click on the security box by the door
Go up (north) through the door
Pick up the Fingerprint Lock
Pick up Chest Key Front Half
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Go right (east)
Go upstairs
Go up (north)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Restock any items missing from your inventory
Exit to Map
Go to the Warehouse
Go up (north)
Talk to Jonathan
Exit to the Map
Go to Andrea’s Home
Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Go to the Rift Room
Talk to the Priest
Click on the spot just out of sight on the right
Receive Hell Boot
Go up (north)
Click on the column to the left of the entry
Receive Hell Boot
Throw the switch on the left
Go down (south)
Pick up the Sparkle behind the lowest column
Receive Devil’s Container
Click on the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Chloe – Anal Sex
Move the bottom rock left 2
Move the bottom rock up 4
Move the bottom rock left 5
Move the top rock up 1
Move the top rock left 8
Ella will walk over to you, you need to either get her on the top pressure pad, or the bottom one by where the Sparkle was. Once she is on the pad you need to stand on the last pressure pad.
Exit to the Map
Go to the Police Station
Enter the Police Station
Go upstairs
Go right (east)
Go to Andrea’s office (right door)
Click down the wall where the footprints stop
Receive Locker Room Key
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Go downstairs
Go left (west)
Go to the Gym (center door)
Go to the Women’s Locker Room (left door)
Exit to the Map
Walkthrough – Part 17
Enter the Shop
Open your inventory and select either Chest Key Back Half or Chest Key Front Half
Receive Chest Key
Purchase Glue
Exit to Map
Go to Channel 4
Enter the building
Use the elevators
Go up (north) through the door
Go up (north) through the door
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Go left (west)
Enter Judy’s Bedroom (left door)
Go down the stairs into the Cave
Go left (west)
Click on the green arrow pointing left
Jump in the water
Go left (west)
Click at the bottom of the screen directly below where the footprints end
Receive Pickaxe Head
Go right (east)
Click on the green arrow pointing right
Jump in the water
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Click at the bottom of the screen directly below where the footprints end
Receive Mining Shovel Head
Go up the stairs
Go up the stairs
Click at the bottom of the screen directly below where the footprints end
Receive Devil’s Container
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Carol – Stimulation
Click the flashing item on top of the statue
Receive Hercules Grip
Craft Miner’s Tool
Open the blue box in the lower right
Receive Silver Statue
Go down (south)
Go down stairs
Go right (east)
Go up (north)
Enter the Bunker
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Up the ladder
Go down (south)
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Receive Ladder Segment
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Move the rock
Click on the green arrow pointing left
Go right (east)
Pick up Aloe Plant
Go down (south)
Go down (south)
Enter the Farm House
Go upstairs
Go to Hannah’s Room (right door)
Click deep in the wall opposite the last set of footprints
Receive Ladder Segment
Exit the Farm House
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Now that you have the Miner’s Tool you’re going to start seeing ground like this. Click on it to receive an artifact, they are pretty much just like the Sparkles.
Go left (west)
Click on the green arrow pointing up
Move the rock
Go right (east)
Place the Ladder Segments just right of Henry over the gap.
Pick up the Chest Key Back Half at the top of the pillar
Go down (south)
Click on the circle on the head of the statue
Receive Demon’s Offering Coin
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Heather – Anal
Go up (north)
Go right (east)
Go down (south) (where the pipe is going)
Open your inventory
Select Chest Key Back Half or Chest Key Front Half
Receive Chest Key
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Melissa – Anal Sex
Click on the equipment at the base of the tower
Click on it again to put the Gasoline in
Go up (north)
Go left (west)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Open your Inventory and select either Chest Key Back Half or Chest Key Front Half
Receive Chest Key
Purchase Glue
Exit to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Go up the left stairs
Go upstairs
Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Go up (north)
Click on the Sparkle
Receive Master Key
Go down (south)
Now you need to go into all of the rooms with green doors
Go up (north) through the right door
Pick up the Gasoline
Make note of the 8 in a circle, when you activate the next Gargoyle you’ll need to come back here
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Go left (west) (You’ll need to go down and then up the left stairs)
Go up (north) through the left door
Pick up the Useless Key
Go down (south)
Go down (south) through the wall
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Go up (north) through the right door
Pick up the Sparkle on the left side by the dresser
Receive Demon’s Offering Coin
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Pick up the crafting scroll Chest Key (Useless Key x 3, Key Mold) in the bottom right corner
Go down (south)
Click on the equipment at the bast of the tower
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Pick up the Useless Key on the chair on the right
Click on the right side of the screen one space below the carpet
Receive crafting scroll Hell Key (Unholy Ashes, Unholy Metal, Unholy Water, Key Mold)
Go down (south)
Go right (east)
Go down (south)
Use the switch to active the 8th Gargoyle
Go up (north)
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Go right (east), need to go down and then up the right stairs
Go up (north) through right door.
Pick up the Sparkle in the lower left corner
Pick up the Treasure Map
Receive Demon’s Offering Coin
Throw the switch in the lower right
Return to the room with the 8 in a circle
Go left (west)
Go up (north) through the door
Take the right stairs
Go right (east)
Go up (north) through the right door
Pick up the Key Mold
Craft a Chest Key
Go down (south)
Click just behind the weak wall at the foot of the table
Go down (south) to enter the newly opened area
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Kimberly – Oral Fun
Pick up the Orange Sparkle in the rocks
Receive Lillian’s Profile
Use the ladder to return to the Dining Room
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Go left (west)
Go to Judy’s Bedroom (left door)
Go down the stairs into the Caves
Go left (west)
Go up (north)
Go left (west)
This is the area that the Treasure Map refers to
Pick up the Useless Key
Craft a Chest Key
Click the bottom of the screen, one space left of the rock
Receive King Idol
Open the Chest
Pick up Kama Sutra Heather – ♥♥♥♥♥ Sex
Go right (east)
Go down (south)
Go right (east) not into the Bunker
Click on the weak area of the floor
Receive Unknown Relic
Go up the stairs
Go down (south)
Go up the stairs
Go right (east)
Click the weak area on the pillar
Receive Unknown Relic
Go left (west)
Go downstairs
Go right (east)
Go up (north)
Go up the right stairs
Go up the stairs
Click the right side of the screen, inline with the last footprints
Receive Unknown Relic
Go downstairs
Go downstairs
Talk to Arianna
Give her the right relic
Exit to the Map
Walkthrough – Part 18
Enter Mansion
Go up (north)
Use the stone Gargoyle on the right to open the path down
Go down
Go right (east)
Go up (north)
Talk to either woman
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Go upstairs
Go down (south)
Go up the left stairs
Go left (west)
Go up (north) through the right door
Click towards the edge of the screen inline with the footprints
Receive Devil’s Container

Go right (east)
Talk to Ella
Tell Ella, Go to the Bunk Room
Go up (north)
Take left stairs
Go left (east)
Go left (east)
Talk to Ella
Receive Devil’s Container
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Click on the Fountain five times
Receive Unholy Water x 4 and Holy Water x 1
Go up (north)
Go up the right staircase
Click on the Offering Bowl
Use Demon’s Offering Coin
Repeat two more times
You should now have Unholy Metal x 3
Exit to the Map
Go to the Shop
Enter the Shop
Purchase a Basic Container
Exit to Map
Go to Wilkes Mansion
Enter Mansion
Go up (north)
Use the stone Gargoyle on the right to open the path down
Go down
Click on the fire to put it out
Receive Unholy Ashes

Click on the three fires to put them out
Receive one Unholy Ashes per fire extinguished
Craft three Hell Keys

Go upstairs
Go down (south)
Go up the left stairs
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Go up (north)
DO NOT open the Chest in the lower left corner unless you have two, or more, Chest Keys
Click each of the three Demon Chests
Receive Amulet of Shmine
Receive Amulet of Hamalos
Receive Amulet of Kimpet

Receive crafting scroll for Lasso Gun (Crossbow, Fishing Net, Fishing Weights, Rope)
Exit to Map
Go to the Warehouse
Go up (north)
Talk to Jonathan
Receive crafting scroll Detonator (Cooking TImer, Switch, Batter, Copper Wire)
Exit to the Map
Go to the Dock
You are going to need to explore all six areas of the Lake to get the items needed for the Lasso Gun
As soon as you drink the Energy Drink the timer starts
You can always purchase another Energy Drink, but you can only have one in your inventory
I recommend going the farther areas first
You need to collect the following items from the Lake:
Lid of Extreme Holiness x 2
Fishing Weights
Rusted Handgun x 3
Fishing Net
There is a Chest also
Pick up Kama Sutra Carol – Anal Sex
Chug your Energy Drink, click on the green arrow pointing left and go hunting
Exit to the Map
Go to Channel 4
Enter the building
Use the elevators
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Click near the edge of the screen, in line with the footprints
Receive Switch
Go down (south)
Go right (east)
Go down (south)
Go up (north) through right door
Click on wall, in line with the footprints
Receive Battery
Craft Detonator
Exit to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Go up (north)
Talk to Jonathan
Receive Crossbow
Craft Lasso Gun
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter the Cathedral
Go up (north)
Go up right stairs
Make two offerings of Jade Figurines (you can also use Silver Figurine, Copper Idol, or Silver Statue, but Jade Figurine is the cheapest)
Receive Essence of Intelligence x 2
Craft two Holy Water Bombs
Go downstairs
Go down (south)
Go right (east)
Go upstairs
Go up (north)
Talk to the Priest
Talk to Tasha
Go left (west)
Go upstairs
Go down (south)
Go up left stairs
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Go up (north)
Go down (south)
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Go up (north) through door
Go up left stairs
Go left (west)
Go up (north) through left door
Stand on the last pressure plate
Receive Lillian’s Pube
Fortunately you don’t have to escort all of the women, just two. However, the lightening strike pattern changes on every trip.
Go right (east)
If you click on the squares it should auto path to where you need to be, the arrows are provided for reference.
Go into the hidden passage by the left two lightening strikes
Go down (south)
Go to the far right wall and then out the door
Go to the right of the lightening strike on the left stairs, then up (north) through the door
Go right (east)
Go to the top of the lightening strikes on the left
Down (south) past the top row
Left (west) to the left row
Down (south) to the wall
Down (south) the secret passage
Go to either side of the top lightening strike
Go to the center of the lightening strikes
Go down (south) out the door
Go to the candle stand on the left (west)
Go to the center of the room
Go to the top left of the right lightening strikes
Go right (east) to the wall
Go right (east) out the door
Go to the right of the lightening strike on the left stairs
Go to the bottom of the left stairs
Go to the carpet
Go up (north) through the door
Walkthrough – Part 19
Go left (west)
Go up (north)
Click on the columns on the left and right to install the Shinto Shrine Bells

Go down (south)
Go right (east)
Go up (north)
Click on the Sparkle
Receive Demon’s Offering Coin
Click on the weak ground
Receive Chest Key
Need to return to the Offering Plate to turn the Demon’s Offering Coin into Unholy Metal
Go down (south)
Go down (south), exit the Rift
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Go upstairs
Exit to the Map
Go to Eve Cathedral
Enter Cathedral
Go up (north)
Go up the right stairs
Make an offering of the Demon’s Offering Coin
Receive Unholy Metal
Craft a Hell Key
Exit to the Map
Return to the Wilkes Mansion
Enter the Mansion
Go up (north)
Use the stone Gargoyle to open the path down
Go down
Go right (east)
Go up (north)
Go up (north), enter the rift
Go left (west)
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Click on the Orange Sparkle by the box in the middle of the right wall
Receive Arianna’s Profile
Click on the lock in the center of the top wall
Go down (south)
Go up (north)
Make sure you don’t step on the red flashing footprints or you will be attacked and have to start over. Auto pathing really sucks here, so plan on making a lot of clicks.
Move up (north) behind the top police officer
Move right (east) over to Lillian
Move down (south) to the rock
Push the rock down 2
Push the rock left 3
Get back to the top behind the police office by reversing the path you just took, if you click there auto pathing will take you to the left and you get to start over
Go left (west) to line up with the rock
Push the rock down 4
Push the rock right 4
Ring the left bell
Daemalius will move against the left rock
Click on Ella and she will attack
VERY IMPORTANT, click left and walk around the back to ring the right bell. If you click the bell directly you will be attacked and have to start over
After you right the right bell Daemalius will be against the right rock
Click on Henry and he will steal the box
Ring the left bell
Ring the left bell again so that Daemalius is against the left rock
Click on Ella and she will attack
VERY IMPORTANT, click left and walk around the back to click on Bobby. If you click Bobby directly you will be attacked and have to start over.
Go up (north)
Open the chest in the upper right
Pick up Kama Sutra Judy – ♥♥♥♥♥ Sex
Go down (south)
Go down (south)
Go right (east)
Go up (north)
Click on the Sparkle
Receive Artifact Segment
Take the Portal to return
Since you can’t take the usual route back you have to climb the rubble on the right to get out
Go up the stairs
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Go right (east)
Go up (north) into the Dark Chapel
Pick up the Soul Crystal from the altar
Go down (south)
Go left (west)
Enter the Mansion
Go down (south)
Go up the right stairs
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Go down (south)
Click in the lower left corner to go to the basement
Walk down into the room
Click on the Portal
Enter the Police Station
Click on the doors to enter the court room
Click on the Chest Key in the lower left by the third seat
Click on the phone
The judge will walk over and drop piles of money
Pick up the money
Exit to the Map
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Talk to Judy
Continue to the party
Congratulations, you have completed the main story.
Post Story – Part 1
As the game has been released in Early Access a lot of this content is currently missing. I will cover what has been released as of this time.
You no longer have access to the Oracle.
Go to the Map
Go to the Apartments
Go to Erica’s Apartment (left door)
Pick up the Chest Key by the Kitchen table
Exit to the Map
Go to the Condos
Go to Condo 101, this is Andrea’s new location
Exit to the Map
Go to Andrea’s Home
Enter the house
Go right (east)
Go right (east)
Go down (south)
Click on the left side, in line with the bottom wall to get to the back yard
Pick up the Sparkle under the tree
Receive Bedroom Key
Go up (north)
Go up (north)
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Go upstairs
Go into the “secret” room
Use the door on the right
Enter the Bedroom (left door)
Open the Safe with the code 821, that you found on the note in the wall of the previous room.
Receive Crypto Wallet
Open the Chest at the foot of the bed
Pick up Kama Sutra Ella – Pound Town
Exit to the Map
Go to the Condos
Go to Andrea’s Condo, 101
You can access the Bonus Scenes by using the Teleport in the bottom of the Scene Player
Open Angelcraft
Go through the Blue Portal
You have to clear the four puzzles. Each puzzle will put an Angel Feather at the bottom of the screen.
Pick up the four Angel Feathers at the bottom of the screen
Go down (south)
Craft Arianna’s Bonus Profile
Go to the Wilkes Mansion
Enter the Mansion
Go up the left stairs
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Go left (west)
Go up (north)
Open the Chest in the lower left corner
Pick up Kama Sutra Lillian – Anal Sex
Exit to the Map
Go to the Warehouse
Go up (north)
Talk to Jonathan
Sell all valuables
Exit to Map
Go to the Briefcase section and open the five Briefcases
Go to the Shop
Purchase all of the upgrades for your house, You cannot currently purchase the Jukebox.
Purchase all of the outfits
Purchase all of the pictures and profile upgrades
Exit to the Map
Go to the Strip Center
Go to the XXX Shop
Click on the !
Purchase all of the X-Rated Content
I had to go search for Artifacts to purchase all of the content
The Shop
In addition to selling crafting and quest items the shop also sells improvements for your house, pictures of the women, and outfits for the women.
The total cost to upgrade your house from 0 to maximum is $48,310. You need to upgrade your house to have a successful Booty Call. Each woman has different requirements, please see the Booty Call Requirements.
I find it easier to wait until the end to do it. You can only purchase each item once and once all of the items are purchased the icon will no longer appear in the shop.
Each woman has:
A $100 photo x 12 = $1,200
A $300 photo x 12 = $3,600
An $400 outfit x 12 = $4,800
Total: $9,600
Everyone except Arianna has:
Profile Upgrade $1,000 x 11 = $11,000
Pinup $2,000 x 11 = $22,000
Total $33,000
Grand Total: $42,600
Basically the non-metal items will get you an Essence of Medicine and the metal items will give you an Essence of Intelligence. Do yourself a favor and only use the “cheap” items. You can carry multiple Essences, so you can stock up.
Stone Figurine – base worth – Essence of Medicine
Clay Statue – 2 x base – Essence of Medicine
Clay Idol – 3.5 x base – Essence of Medicine
Jade Figurine – 5 x base – Essence of Intelligence
Silver Figurine – 15 x base – Essence of Intelligence
Copper Idol – 25 x base – Essence of Intelligence
Silver Statue – 37.5 x base – Essence of Intelligence
There are five Briefcases you can find after you find the Crowbar. All five Briefcases are located under manhole covers.
After you have the Briefcases you can open them with codes that you find around town.
The NPC at Channel 4 tells you where to look for one
124 from the mirror in Kimberly’s Dressing Room
349 from the sacks in the Mansion Pantry
576 from the note in the Channel 4 Media Room
666 from talking to an NPC, I haven’t found the character, but the number works
969 from the wall of the Rift Room
Open your Inventory, select Briefcase and then enter one of the combinations to open it: 124, 349, 576, 666, 969. The amounts are tied to the combination you use to open the Briefcase. Each combination can only be used once.
I received:
Briefcase 1: $1,000 (124)
Briefcase 2: $2,000 (349)
Briefcase 3: $800 (576)
Briefcase 4: $3,000 (666)
Briefcase 5: $1,500 (969)
Booty Calls
All items from Part 1 must be purchased in addition to the listed items
Use your phone to call a woman who has give you their contact information. They will come over, and provided your house has their required amenities, they will accompany you to your bed room.
If you have purchased their outfit from the Shop you can click on the sparkle in the upper right to change them into it. The Kama Sutra scrolls you have found for them will be available to select from on the right. If you don’t have any Kama Sutra scrolls for them you won’t be able to do anything with them.
These puzzles are both similar and different from the Treasure of Nadia puzzles. In this puzzle you need to pick up the three hearts, one for each demon. Then walk to the chest. You will lose one heat each time a demon touches you and the demon will disappear. If you don’t have an available heart you will fail the puzzle and have to start over.
Open the chest
Receive a Clay Statue
- Pickup the lower left heart
- Pickup the bomb
- Pickup the second heart
- Blowup the yellow spinner
Open the chest
Receive a Clay Statue
Push the slider up to trap the demon
There are many ways to get the bombs, the easiest is to push up the center right three push blocks up one and then collect the bombs.
Blow up the three yellow spinners
Open the chest
Receive a Clay Statue
This puzzle serves to introduce you to some of the different object in the puzzles and how they behave.
- Push the push block four spaces to the left
- Push the slider to the right
- Pick up the lower bomb
- Blow up the upper right yellow spinner
- Pick up the upper bomb
- Pick up the heart
- Blow up the center yellow spinner
The demon will attack you taking your heart
Open the treasure chest
Receive a Clay Statue
If you found this guide helpful, please leave me a tip[].
Thanks to Kilroy for his excellent guide; all credit belongs to his effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. Enjoy the game.
This was the best! It helped me out a ton! Thank you for sharing!
Yks so much, wonderful job !
What version of TGO was it made with ?
I got to go to “Strip Center” get mystery key.

But I did not see any mystery Key, now it could have been right in front of me
But I know I have been in the area under Wilkes Mansion of my previous run
Oh also I did not see any like blinking on the wind mill at the farm nor did I find any snake and item at the farm.
Note sure how to check my version of the game. V.31062 does not seem like 1.0