This guide is a full achievement guide for The Expanse: A Telltale Series, with all 35 achievements.
Welcome to my The Expanse: A Telltale Series achievement guide! Unlike most Telltale games, there are achievements based on collectables as well as decisions. Some collectables you get or decisions you make will directly impact what achievements you can get right until the end of the game. Naturally, this guide will include spoilers, so if you don’t want spoilers you might want to complete the main story first. However, if you already have completed it or don’t care about spoilers and want to do all of these in a single playthrough, I’d recommend going through the achievement list first so you’re aware of what you need to do from the get-go.
Episode 1

Data Logger
Find all Data Logs in Episode 1

Found all Scavenge Items in Episode 1
The last Scavenge Item in this episode is required for the Stogie for Fogey and Khan’s Revenge achievements, so make sure you get it. Ben-Gun made a great video that shows all Scavenge Items and Data Logs in this episode.

Found a Laser Crystal for Virgil
There is a Scavenge Item that can be found when you enter the exterior of the ship. It is required for this achievement, Urshanabi Hoarder and Khan’s Revenge. It is included in Ben-Gun’s video above.

Captain Drummer
Complete Episode 1 of The Expanse
Episode 2

Data Master
Complete Episode 2 with all Data Logs

Complete Episode 2 with all Scavenge Items
Ben-Gun made a great video that shows all Scavenge Items and Data Logs in this episode.

Give Khan a Gift
You get the Cigar as a Scavenge Item during Episode 1. When you’re back on the ship you’ll have the option to speak to every crew member before going to sleep. Speak to Khan and after giving her the cigar you’ll hear her story. Doing this is required for the Khan’s Revenge achievement.

Discover the truth about Virgil’s past
With the data hack cube you got earlier in the episode as a Scavenge Item, you can head to the medbay and into Virgil’s room. Hack into his computer to find the truth about Virgil’s past.

Give the Twins some Medicine
You’ll get the medicine earlier as a Scavenge Item in the episode. Head to the mess hall area and you’ll see the twins sat at the table sleeping. Place the medicine on the table. This is also required for the No Belter Left Behind and/or Brother’s Reaper achievements.

Give Virgil the Mushroom Powder
You’ll get the mushroom powder earlier as a Scavenge Item in the episode. After you’ve given the medicine to the twins, head behind them into the kitchen area where Virgil is cooking and hand him the mushroom powder. While you’re there, talk with him about his UNN past. When asked if it will cause problems, answer “We’ll see.”
Bottoms up!
Give Cox the Bottle of Scotch
Grab the bottle from Cox’s room on the deck below Khan. Take it down to Cox in the brig for this achievement. This is also required for the Call it Even achievement.
Martian Music
Listen to Maya’s Music
Down in the brig, you’ll see Maya as well. There will be a music box next to her playing Martian music. Interact and listen to the music for the achievement.
Celebrations are in Order
Complete Episode 2 of The Expanse
Episode 3

Data Recoverer
Complete Episode 3 with all Data Logs

Complete Episode 3 with all Scavenge Items
Ben-Gun made a great video that shows all Scavenge Items and Data Logs in this episode.

Impossible Objects
Complete Episode 3 of The Expanse
Episode 4

Complete Episode 4 with all Data Logs
Ben-Gun made a great video that shows all Data Logs in this episode. Note that there are no Scavenge Items.

Made it past the Drones in the Mines without being caught
At some point in this episode you’ll get to a section with 3 drones. Avoid the drones and reach the other side without being detected.

The Pit and the Pirates
Complete Episode 4 of The Expanse
Episode 5
Complete Episode 5 with all Data Logs
Ben-Gun made a great video that shows all Data Logs in this episode. Note that there are no Scavenge Items.

Keep All Possible Crewmates Alive
You’ll need to finish the game with all possible crew members alive for this achievement. If you go for this achievement and follow the steps below you will also get the individual achievements for keeping the crew members alive. Following these steps should grant you the following achievements: No Belter Left Behind, Heal Thy Medic, Brother’s Reaper, Call It Even, Khan’s Revenge and Miraculous Maya. You can skip those achievements listed later if you follow this. The prerequisites are all the way from Episode 1, so strap in:
- In Episode 1, break up the fight between Arlen and Rayen and then ignore Arlen instead of punching him.
- In Episode 1, choose to save Rayen’s leg.
- In Episode 1, get the laser crystal for Virgil (this is a scavenge item and obtained doing the Doctor Approved achievement).
- In Episode 1, find the cigar (this is a scavenge item and obtained doing the Stogie for Fogey achievement)
- At the end of Episode 1, you’ll need to throw Cox in the brig instead of throwing him out of the airlock.
- In Episode 2, give the cigar to Khan and learn her story about her husband and how they handled pirates
- In Episode 2, give the twins the medicine doing the Drug Gifter achievement.
- In Episode 2, give Cox the bottle of scotch, as done in the Bottoms up! achievement.
- At the end of Episode 2, sleep with Maya.
- At the end of Episode 3, choose TRUST Rayen instead of fighting. In the following dialogue say “You can.”. He should hit Arlen and save Maya.
- At the beginning of Episode 5, choose FIGHT and save Rayen instead of killing him.
- During your conversation with Virgil, choose to STAY with him.
- Calm Virgil down during his panic attack by choosing the correct dialogue options:
- Things are bad, but we’ve seen worse.
- You’re afraid your fake identity will be found out.
- You can go back to being our medic.
- Pass every QTE during the fight against the pirates with Khan. Virgil should come in and take care of her.
- During the fight with Arlen in the brig, Cox will use the bottle of scotch to help you.
- After the fight is over, you should find out Maya is also still alive.
Heal Thy Medic
Help Virgil overcome his panic attack
Once you dock the Artemis you’ll encounter Rayen. Tor will tell you to kill him. Instead, choose FIGHT. You’ll take Rayen to the medbay and talk to Virgil who is having a panic attack. You’ll need to calm him down by choosing the correct dialogue choices. First choose to STAY with him and make the following choices:
- Things are bad, but we’ve seen worse.
- You’re afraid your fake identity will be found out.
- You can go back to being our medic.
Brother’s Reaper
Rayen kills Arlen
During your final confrontation with Arlen down in the brig, Rayen needs to kill his brother. There are some prerequisites that need doing here all the way from Episode 1 in order for Rayen to take your side:
- In Episode 1, break up the right between Arlen and Rayen and then ignore Arlen instead of punching him.
- In Episode 1, choose to save Rayen’s leg.
- In Episode 1, get the laser crystal for Virgil (this is a scavenge item and obtained doing the Doctor Approved achievement).
- In Episode 2, give the twins the medicine doing the Drug Gifter achievement.
- At the end of Episode 2, sleep with Maya.
- At the end of Episode 3, choose TRUST Rayen instead of fighting. In the following dialogue say “You can.”. He should hit Arlen and save Maya.
- At the beginning of Episode 5, save Rayen instead of killing him. Follow the instructions in the Heal Thy Medic achievement in order to allow Virgil to help Rayen in the autodoc.
- If all goes well, Rayen will turn up during the right and kill his brother and pop the achievement.
Call it Even
Keep Cox alive
You’ll need to finish the game with Cox alive for this achievement. Here are the prerequisites:
- At the end of Episode 1, you’ll need to throw Cox in the brig instead of throwing him out of the airlock.
- In Episode 2, you’ll need to give him the bottle of scotch, as done in the Bottoms up! achievement.
During the fight with Arlen in Episode 5, he will use the bottle of scotch to help you and will be saved. You should see him on the ship at the end of the episode.
Khan’s Revenge
Keep Khan alive
You’ll need to finish the game with Khan alive for this achievement. Again, there are prerequisites that need doing from Episode 1 to the end of the game to allow this:
- In Episode 1, get the laser crystal for Virgil (this is a scavenge item and obtained doing the Doctor Approved achievement).
- In Episode 1, find the cigar (this is a scavenge item and obtained doing the Stogie for Fogey achievement)
- In Episode 2, give the cigar to Khan and learn her story about her husband and how they handled pirates
- In Episode 5, FIGHT Tor and save Rayen.
- In Episode 5, pass every QTE during the fight against the pirates with Khan
If all goes well, after the fight Virgil will enter the room and take care of Khan. You should see her on the ship at the end of the episode.
Miraculous Maya
Keep Maya alive
You’ll need to finish the game with Maya alive for this achievement. This requires you to have a good relationship with Rayen, so the steps will be similar to the Brother’s Reaper achievement.
- In Episode 1, break up the right between Arlen and Rayen and then ignore Arlen instead of punching him.
- In Episode 1, choose to save Rayen’s leg.
- In Episode 2, give the twins the medicine doing the Drug Gifter achievement.
- At the end of Episode 2, sleep with Maya.
- At the end of Episode 3, choose TRUST Rayen instead of fighting. In the following dialogue say “You can.”. He should hit Arlen and save Maya.
- At the beginning of Episode 5, save Rayen instead of killing him.
After the fight with Arlen, you should find out Maya is still alive. You should see her on the ship at the end of the episode.
Scavenger Star
Find all the Scavenge Items in the game
If you followed the above videos for each episode, once you finish Episode 5 this achievement will pop.
Data Collector
Find all Data Logs in all Episodes
If you followed the above videos for each episode, once you finish Episode 5 this achievement will pop.
Oyedang, Kopengs
Complete Episode 5 of The Expanse
Complete all Episodes of The Expanse
Note this achievement does not include completing the Archangel DLC episode.
Archangel (DLC)

Practice meditation at the Buddha statue
The Buddha statue is by the windows. You can interact with it pretty much the entire way of the episode.
Safe Cracker
Open the Secretary-General’s safe
On the desk there is a puzzle where you’ll need to slide sections around to unlock it to reveal a key. You can’t use the key straight away, you’ll need to progress the episode until you’re prompted to look in the safe. Interact with it using the key to open it.
Keep Arjun in Check
Play three chess moves against Arjun
This episode is essentially split into 3 stages. When a stage finishes activities like chess, computer messages and meditation have new options to interact with. You’ll need to do a chess move in each stage for this achievement. If the chessboard only says “Look” you’ll need to progress the episode a bit more.
Master Negotiator
Get the votes to oppose Mendez’s motion on the first try
You’ll need to select the correct voters based on their view points when prompted. The three options are:
- Don’t raise taxes
- Deregulate the space port
- No new water tower
Madame Undersecretary
Complete the Archangel story
Thanks to Moon for their great guide, all credit to their effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.