Simple walkthrough to the 2nd chapter of Crown of Leaves.
If you can’t find something in the game, look at the screenshots in “Points of interest (Screenshots)” sections.
I don’t plan to post screenshots of all possible scenes as they often aren’t hard to navigate but if you think an additional screenshot would be useful feel free to ask in the comments.
Act 1
- Take the necklace from the telescope.
- Look at the board.
- Use the necklace on the stars.
- Go outside.
- Go top-right.
- Use the necklace on the stars.
- Go left and enter the hut.
- Use the necklace on the stars.
- Look at the instructions.
- Take the knife from the vending machine.
- Look at the projector, take the frame from the slide tray.
- Go back to the party area.
- Look at the table on the left and use the knife to take the coin.
- Go back to the room you started.
- Look at the tv and use the knife on top regulator.
- Use coins on the vending machine on the right.
- Take the film.
- Go back to the party area and look at the piano.
- Open the film slot and put the film in there.
- Use the necklace on the round slot.
- Use the lever.
- Go back to the projector hut.
- Use the knife on the film and then put the slide in the frame.
- Look at the projector, put the frame in, start the projector.
- Open the box.
- Use the rook token on the vending machine on the left.
- Take half of a photo/scissors and coins.
- Use the coins on far right machine.
- Take the film and repeat the development and start the projector.
- Go back to the party area.
- Go right.
- Make Roui use the shovel/axe to open the door by clicking on the lock.
- Go inside
- Look at the desk on the right and at the painting there.
- Look at the bed on the left.
- Use the knife on the flowers.
- The lamp in the middle of the room will flicker, click on it.
- Use the necklace on the stars.
- Go downstairs.
- Take the Whirligig from the box.
- Take the key from the table.
- Go upstairs.
- Look at the desk and use the key to open the secret compartment.
- Take the other half of photo/scissors.
- Connect the photo/scissors halves.
- Put the Flower, Whirligig and the photo/scissors on the desk.
- Take the Mereoak card.
- Go downstairs.
- Talk with the creature about the card.
- Go upstairs and use the bracelet on the dead body lying in bed.
- Go back to the party area and then top right.
- Ask Mereoak about fire.
- Use the necklace on the stars (optional).
- Use the necklace on the stars (optional).
- Go further.
Act 2
- Go home.
- Go to the cemetery.
- Talk with Serban.
- Take a pendant from the grave.
- Go left.
Depending on your previous choices you will meet a different person here.
Go to the part of this guide with the person’s name to see how to resolve that part of the act.
After that is done:
- Go far right on the cemetery to the wagon.
- Knock.
- Go back to Junyver.
- Go to the top-right of the cemetery.
Act 2 – Kudret
- Cut Down route OR Dig Out but without Grullo’s quest.
- Take the drawing that lies on the rock on the cemetery.
- Take the drawing from the greenhouse door.
- Take the drawing from the table at the Goblin Cafe
(there was also one more optional drawing not used by this quest). - Show the pictures to Kudret.
- Talk with Serban (he’s sitting on Rasko’s wagon).
Act 2 – Anoosh
- Dig out route.
- Grullo’s quest done with “His help”.
- Click on the top right person (Roban).
- Talk with Roban (person with a backpack in the middle of the cemetery).
- Go talk with Candy (throw the keychain to the water).
- Talk with Roban.
- Take the plaid from the girl sitting on the wagon next to yours.
- Put the plaid on the grave (right from the one you took the pendant from).
- Talk with Roban.
- Go to the road that brings you to the cemetery.
- Talk to the dirty person.
- Fill cup with the mud.
- Put the cup next to the grave.
- Talk with Roban.
- Sing to the grave.
- Talk with Roban.
- Talk with Anoosh.
- Go to the beach.
- Talk with Roban.
- Talk with Anoosh.
Act 2 – Fel
- Dig out route.
- Grullo’s quest done with “To ask the hillcampers for help”.
- Go to Goblin Cafe.
- Talk with Bartender.
- Talk with Vander about the veve.
- Go to the area with Grullo’s well.
- Use the book on the veve on the pole far right.
- Go to the unlocked area.
- Take the papers.
- Read them (optional).
- Go back to Fel.
- Talk about the pages.
Act 2 – Raakel
- Dig out route.
- Grullo’s quest done with “To write a letter to singlit”.
- Go to Alek.
- Talk with Alek about the Fish.
- Go inside.
- Use the Shovel three times on the fish.
- Pick up a ship model named “Tuna”.
- Go back to Raakel and give her the ship.
Act 1 – Points of interest (Screenshots)