Team Fortress 2: Prime Cuts Achievement Guide

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Prime Cuts Achievement

Description: While using The Classic, gib all 9 classes during a single round.

Gib all 9 classes? With The Classic? In ONE round? Crikey!

The Classic

The Classic is a primary weapon for the Sniper. It differs from the other sniper rifles in TF2 in the way that you can charge your shot while not scoped in. If you kill an enemy with The Classic fully charged, the enemy will gib. The kill does not have to be a headshot for this effect to occur. You still want to aim for the head though because a fully-charged body shot will do 135 damage instead of 150.

The Hightower Strategy

First, join a Casual Mode Hightower (plr_hightower) server.
It is listed under the โ€œalternative game modesโ€ tab in the maps list. It doesnโ€™t necessarily matter if the Hightower is Casual Mode or not, but this way you will get XP whether or not you succeed in unlocking the achievement.
The reason you want to attempt this on Hightower is because the TF2 community treats this map like deathmatch. This is a result of a lack of playing the objective which makes rounds typically last much longer than on other game modes/maps. Round time is a factor that makes this achievement very difficult.

Equip The Classic

The secondary and melee slots are not important- just donโ€™t use the Razorback so you can be overhealed by Medics.

Take advantage of the independent charge feature

The best part about The Classic is how you can just stand around holding a full charge. The technique I used was keeping the rifle fully charged while looking around the map for enemies without the scope (you can see more this way). Once you locate a target, you can zoom in while still holding that same charge and take your shot.

Keep track of the classes you gib

Keep track of the classes you gib.
Remember, you have to gib all 9 classes, not just kill them. The only way to successfully gib an enemy is by killing them with a full charge. Be cognizant of how much health each class has. Honestly the hardest part of this achievement might be remembering how many different classes you have gibbed in the round.

Know the best places to snipe from

As mentioned before, round time is very important to getting this achievement. For this reason, you want to snipe from places that youโ€™ll probably die the least to maximize your time. Respawn times are pretty long on Hightower. Sniping near spawn is always a safe bet. From the upper area you can see a majority of the map and also have cover to hide behind.

Take the W

It may take a few rounds, but if you keep a close eye out you should be able to gib all 9 classes with this method. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.


Equip The Classic, then join a Hightower server. Hightower servers tend to have very long rounds since people typically donโ€™t play the objective. Sit near spawn and take advantage of the independent charge feature to see more of the screen. Make sure your rifle is fully charged every time you take your shot, because this is the only way to gib a player. Gib all 9 classes by the end of the round and unlock โ€œPrime Cuts.โ€

Thanks to SilverFlame for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.

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About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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