These commands were left in the game’s Steam release. Anytime you’re not in a cutscene, you can press backtick (`) to access the commands, tab to autocomplete, backtick again to cancel, and enter to execute. Note that the autocomplete feature is case sensitive, but the commands themselves are not. When the command interface is open, pressing space will pause or unpause the game.
In this guide, <angle brackets> are required arguments, and [square brackets] are optional arguments. If an argument is in “quotes”, you should enter the literal text inside the quotes.
Result: Loads main menu if player typed “mainmenu”, does nothing otherwise.
Result: Fully charges the corresponding weapon.
Result: Resets player’s Steam achievements for this game.
Result: Sets currency to specified amount. The amount must be a 32 bit signed integer (which means it can be negative).
Result: “max” displays enemy systems and crew, “mid” displays systems and hides crew, and “off” hides systems and crew.
Result: Allows or prevents enemy from doing things.
Result: Makes the enemy submarine, the player submarine, or a specified crew member invincible.
Result: “crew all” and “player” instantly lose the fight, “enemy” instantly wins the fight, and “crew [name]” kills the specified crew member.
Result: Skips to corresponding scene. Number must be an integer between 0 and 14, inclusive. If players enter a fight with no weapons or no crew members, they will get a phase torpedo, burst laser, sonar, resilience shield, 3 grunts, and a medic.
Result: Starts an electric hazard at the player’s submarine’s bottom left corner.
Result: Starts a fire hazard at the player’s submarine’s bottom left corner.
Result: Unlocks The Power of Automation, A Full Deck, or The Best Defense …
Thanks to sumwun for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.