This guide will help you solve the numerous puzzle laid out in the Horde Mode maps.
Void Puzzle

When you’ve set up the four levers correctly, the door to the pyramid will open and you will get to see what’s inside.
Congratulations, you solved the first puzzle on Void. You can buy the shotgun and call it quits here, but why not do a little extra homework for more goodies? Behind the shotgun are 4 altars with symbols arranged in a square. To summarise the altars below:
– Top left symbol = Bull room, to the right of the pyramid
– Top right symbol = Herb room, to the left of the pyramid
– Bottom left symbol = Khopesh room, the room below the pyramid
– Bottom right symbol = Pharaoh room, the farthest room from the pyramid
Thanks to Demon Wolfie for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.