This is a short guide, wich features the 13 Base Classes, and their level up skills, to provide help with level ups during runs.
This guide contains spoilers on how to unlock the 5 “hidden” Classes
You can click the table of content on the right to quickly acces the classes
The Currently 13 Classes of the game are:
- Valkyrie (Wynn)
- Archon (Xurx)
- Saboteur (Nodo)
- Enforcer (Jens)
- Aegis (Maryadi)
- Marksman (Tark)
- Empath (Senya)
- Commando (Bentley)
- Varangian (Pox) [???]
- Juggernaut (Aia) [???]
- Spectre (Nava) [???]
- Gunslinger (Sidara) [???]
- Paragon (Davion) [Locked at the begining]
Beat the Game once
In this game a progeny mechanic exists, this means 2 characters can have a child together, this is indicated during camping with people either having 3 or 4 hearts with eachother.
3 Hearts indicates, that they can become realy good friends, but nothing more.
4 Hearts indicates, that they can become Soulmates, wich after reaching 4 hearts during camping unlocks the 4 ??? classes or the progenys (variant classes)
Getting 4 Hearts can rough sometimes, but it can be done as early as Area 2 if you focus on the relationship between 2 Characters.
Below this is a list with the Couples wich unlock the class:
- Varangian (Pox) Archon + Valkyrie
- Juggernaut (Aia) Aegis + Enforcer
- Spectre (Nava) Empath + Marksman
- Gunslinger (Sidara) Commando + Sabotuer

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