Were you caught by needle man on your final night shortly before finishing the game and you don’t want to waste your time reaching the same point again? You’re free to follow this guide for guidance in order to keep your sanity while playing this brutal and unforgiving game. Works on both Casual/Detective and even on Nightmare!
The file “sharedassets4.asset.res5” can be found in the “Scrutinized_Data” folder and can essentially be described as the save data we need to make use of. If this file is missing from the folder, you probably don’t have an active save file of Scrutinized. As soon as you begin a new game, the save file should be added.
With this, you are ready to follow the steps below to save your progression. Remember, you can still die. This method only allows you to have more chances at completing a night that’s troubling you. The methods below can be repeated indefinitely.
Simply play the game. As soon as you complete the first night and step into the second night, pause the game and copy&paste the save data into another folder that is not directly linked to Scrutinized. As such, this folder should not be within the Scrutinized game folder just to be safe. This is pretty much it.
If you’re killed in the second night now, you can simply paste the saved data into the Scrutinized_Data folder and you’re now able to retry the second night without having to worry for data deletion. Repeat this method over and over again and you’re essentially externally saving your game.
Below you’ll find a short summary …
Step 1: Complete a night.
Step 2: Pause the game and open the folder “Scrutinized_Data” within the game folder itself.
Step 3: Copy&Paste the file “sharedassets4.asset.res5” into another external folder.
Step 4: Fail the night and exit the game.
Step 5: Paste the saved data into the Scrutinized folder again and regain your save.
Step 6: Retry the night (and do this method again if you fail the night again).
Do this for every night in the game and you’re sure to beat the game easily. The game only saves data when you have completed a night. You cannot make a “save state,” so to speak. Of course, if you’re very skilled, you won’t have to do any of this.
Before I explain the method of dealing with Nightmare, you need to know how the game saves in this mode particularly. Anytime the game’s main menu loads and appears on screen, the game checks to see if save data is available. If the game detects you exited the game or failed a night in Nightmare mode, the game automatically deletes the save. As such, the method of exiting the game and pasting the save data into the game folder does not work here. But there’s a workaround.
As soon as you load into the main menu of the game, minimize Scrutinized and open the game folder. While being in the main menu, paste the save file of your Nightmare playthrough into the Scrutinized_Data folder and start a new game in Nightmare Mode. After you’ve skipped the intro, you quickly realize that your save data carried over. Your save data allows you to retry the night, even on Nightmare.
Below you’ll find a short summary …
Step 1: Complete a night.
Step 2: Pause the game and open the folder “Scrutinized_Data” within the game folder itself.
Step 3: Copy&Paste the file “sharedassets4.asset.res5” into another external folder.
Step 4: Fail the night, but stay in the main menu!
Step 5: Paste the saved data into the Scrutinized folder again.
Step 6: Start a new game in Nightmare mode.
Step 7: Retry the night.