Welcome, here is a list of all available codes to help to get free gems, extra boosts or double XP in Roblox Anime Dimensions.
Updated June 8, 2022 | We checked for new Anime Dimensions Codes
Roblox Anime Dimensions Codes June 2022
These codes below will allow you to obtain gems, boosts and more XP for free which will let you become more powerful.
Roblox Anime Dimensions Codes (Working)
- 100 Gems, 100 Tokens and boosts → ONIMIL4 (New)
- 100 Gems, 100 Tokens and boosts → GEAR5
- 100 Gems, 100 Tokens and boosts → KONNOMIL3
- 100 Gems, 100 Tokens et boosts → MIL2MIKA
- 100 Gems, 100 Tokens et boosts → MIL1ALIS
- 100 Gems, 100 Tokens and boosts → SLIME
- 100 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → TYFOR1MILLION
- 100 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → 10KMORETOAMILION
- 100 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → 20KMORETOAMIL
- 50 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → 970COMBAT
- 50 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → STRONGEST
- 50 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → ESDEAF960
- 50 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → 950SUNG
- 1 x Pet gratuit → PETS
Note: Keep in mind that you should redeem these working codes below as soon as possible because you’ll never know when they could expire!
Roblox Anime Dimensions Codes (Expired)
50 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → 940NOJO50 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → 09300050 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → 9200050 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → 910KC00DE50 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → 890KCODE50 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → 100KTOAMIL50 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → INFINITY50 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → 88880K50 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → NOTSHORTCODE50 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → SHORTCODE1 x Free Pet → PETS250 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → HALF850K50 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → 840K840100 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → DOPEOPLEREADTHESE100 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → TITAN50 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts → TOOMANYCODES100 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → WHOCARES810K250 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → 800KTHANKS400 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → 400MV50 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → 790ABCDEF100 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → 7809100 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → 770LUCKY100 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → 7605432120 minutes of all boosts → 750POGGER20 minutes of all boosts → UPDATE1950 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → 72050 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → BOO710S20 minutes of all boosts → 740LUL20 minutes of all boosts → 730KEK50 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → SEVENHUNDREDYEET50 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → CONTENTDELETED50 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → 680BOOSTO50 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → 1234567050 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → 660SPOOK50 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → 650KNOICE50 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → SOMEONEGUESSTHISCODE50 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → 630KNICE50 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → UPDATE1750 Gems and 20 minutes of all boosts → UPDATE1650 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → 620KSOMEHOW50 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → 610KFTW30 minutes of all boosts → 300MVISITS30 minutes of all boosts → AMAZINGSIXHUNDRED30 minutes of all boosts → CHRISTMASUPDATE50 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → ALL590BOOSTS50 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → 5ITS8FREE050 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → UPDATE1450 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → REW570ARD30 minutes of all boosts → 560K78930 minutes of all boosts → UPDATE1330 minutes of all boosts → 550K555520 minutes de 2x Gold Boost, de 2x Extra Drop Boost et de 2x EXP Boost → UPDATE1220 minutes de 2x Gold Boost, de 2x Extra Drop Boost et de 2x EXP Boost → HALLOWEENUPDATE30 minutes of all boosts → GUESSTHISCODEPLS30 minutes of all boosts → PLSDONTGUESSTHISCODE20 minutes de 2x Gold Boost, de 2x Extra Drop Boost et de 2x EXP Boost → 540123K30 minutes of all boosts → 5TENKCODE30 minutes of all boosts → UPDATE1030 minutes of all boosts → 500KHALFMILGIFTCODE30 minutes of all boosts → SOCLOSETO500KO30 minutes of all boosts → 480K480KL30 minutes of all boosts → UPDATE950 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → GEEEM_430K50 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → WEREACHED470K30 minutes of all boosts → SOMEKINDOFCODE460K30 minutes of all boosts → UPDATE850 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → 4FIDDY50 Gems, 15 minutes d’Extra Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Gold Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Extra Drop Boost et 15 minutes de 2x EXP Boost → 444440K200 Gems and all other boosts for 30 minutes → THANKSFOR200MVISITS50 Gems, 15 minutes d’Extra Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Gold Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Extra Drop Boost et 15 minutes de 2x EXP Boost → GEEEM_430K50 Gems, 15 minutes d’Extra Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Gold Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Extra Drop Boost et 15 minutes de 2x EXP Boost → THESPECIALCODE50 Gems and 15 minutes of all boosts → 4FIDDY20 minutes d’Extra Drop Boost et de 2x XP Boost → UPDATE750 Gems, 15 minutes d’Extra Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Gold Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Extra Drop Boost et 15 minutes de 2x EXP Boost → 410KGOFOR500K100 Gems, 15 minutes d’Extra Boost, 30 minutes de 2x Gold Boost, 30 minutes de 2x Extra Drop Boost et 30 minutes de 2x EXP Boost → 400KMASSIVEGIFTCODE50 Gems, 15 minutes d’Extra Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Gold Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Extra Drop Boost et 15 minutes de 2x EXP Boost → BOOOSTS_390K50 Gems, 15 minutes d’Extra Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Gold Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Extra Drop Boost et 15 minutes de 2x EXP Boost → 3K8K0KCODE20 minutes d’Extra Drop Boost et 2x EXP Boost → UPDATE750 Gems, 15 minutes d’Extra Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Gold Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Extra Drop Boost et 15 minutes de 2x EXP Boost → ABC370KDEF50 Gems, 15 minutes d’Extra Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Gold Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Extra Drop Boost et 15 minutes de 2x EXP Boost → OUTOFCODENAMES30 minutes d’Extra Drop Boost et de 2x XP Boost→ UPDATE530 minutes d’Extra Drop Boost → UPDATE4100 Gems, 15 minutes d’Extra Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Gold Boost et 15 minutes de 2x EXP Boost → 350KALREADY15 minutes d’Extra Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Gold Boost et 15 minutes de 2x EXP Boost → LIKESSPEEDRUN100 Gems, 2x Gold Boost, Extra Drop Boost et 2x EXP Boost pour 15 minutes → 300KPOGGERS30 minutes d’Extra Boost → UPDATE630 minutes d’Extra Boost → UPDATE330 minutes d’Extra Boost → UPDATE250 Gems, 15 minutes d’Extra Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Gold Boost et 15 minutes de 2x EXP Boost → QUARTERMILCODE35 minutes d’Extra Boost → UPDATE115 minutes d’Extra Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Gold Boost et 15 minutes de 2x EXP Boost → SOCLOSETO300K30 minutes d’Extra Boost → LAUNCH15 minutes d’Extra Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Gold Boost et 15 minutes de 2x EXP Boost → 1MLIKESWHEN100 Gems, 15 minutes d’Extra Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Gold Boost et 15 minutes de 2x EXP Boost → SOMEHOWREACHED200K100 Gems et 30 minutes d’Extra Boost → YAY150K15 minutes d’Extra Boost, 15 minutes de 2x Gold Boost et 15 minutes de 2x EXP Boost → ULTRALONGCODE175K100 Gems, 20 minutes d’Extra Boost et 20 minutes de 2x Gold Boost → INSANE125K100 Gems, 30 minutes d’Extra Boost et x2 boosts de 30 minutes → NOWAY100K30 minutes d’Extra Boost et 100 Gems → SOMETHING75K30 minutes d’Extra Boost → 50KDROPS150 x Gems → TYFOR30K30 minutes d’Extra Boost → 20KADGIFT30 minutes d’XP 2x → FIRSTCODE
How to Redeem Codes in Anime Dimensions
Image Credit to Gamewave
- Click the gray button located at the top-left of your screen in-game with a Twitter logo.
- Input your codes in the new gray window called “Codes”.
- Click the “Go” button to redeem and get your rewards.
About Roblox Anime Dimensions
Anime Dimensions is a game developed by the studio Albatros Games and launched on June 11, 2021. Inspired by major Japanese manga titles such as Kimetsu no yaiba, One Piece, Naruto, Dragon Ball or Jujutsu Kaisen, Anime Dimensions will allow you to travel through different dimensions in which you will have to overcome the bosses present in each anime. Many characters are available to satisfy all the fans, characters that you will have to make evolve thanks to the fights but also to cards that will boost the capacities of your favorite hero. However, don’t forget that boosts and gems are rare and important resources, so don’t hesitate to use the Anime Dimensions codes available in the list at the top of this guide.
New code at 980,000 likes! Check the in-game code table for the latest codes. 🗲 ESPER RAID UPDATE 🗲 🗲 LIMITED TIME Esper Raid (Level 15+) Raid Rewards: Esper, Black Wings(Mythic), Esper Cards Shadow Pet Capsule: 7 New Pets - In Speed Raid Shop Esper Pet Capsule New Characters: Esper, BiriBiri, Shadow Ramuri New Limited Costumes: Shadow Monarch (Butler), King of Heroes (Butler), Susky (Butler), BiriBiri (Maid), Meguretsu (Maid), Mika (Maid) Combat Titan Raid added to Speed Raids Other: Raid Tokens are now obtainable from the AFK place - Click "Change Currency" button to switch between gems and raid tokens Twitter Verification Toaru Lobby
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