Here’s a list of all endings for each scenario, some with brief hints for how to get them.
Spoilers below, proceed with caution!
All Endings
Only one ending, just get through it
The World Needs a Hero
Ignore the lair quest (don’t make a contract for it)
Succeed in the final quest
Only send one hero on the final quest
Fail the final quest
Ignore the final quest (don’t make a contract for it)
Get two of your heroes killed
Get fired (the fastest way is to never make contracts)
Get killed by a hero (have Urabeth fail 2 quests without dying)
The Cult of the Dark One
Confess to the pure hero
Get the pure hero killed
Get the pure hero to kill you
Get killed by a hero (hint: Peej is the least patient, have Peej fail 2 quests without dying)
Reached the end of day 12 without triggering another ending
Get fired (the fastest way is to never make contracts)
A Slimy Situation
Get either the paladin or the diplomat killed
Don’t send Robin on the meteor slime quest
Get fired (the fastest way is to never make contracts)
Choose the mercy option
Choose the smite option
Get killed by a hero (hint: Pike is the least patient, have Pike fail 2 quests without dying)
Sister Showdown
In the dialog choices, generally side with Sylvie over the Manager (and send Rikki on the story quests)
In the dialog choices, generally side with the Manager over Sylvie (and send Danbee or Ovlov on the story quests)
In the dialog choices, generally side with both the Manager and Sylvie (and send Rikki on one story quest and Danbee or Ovlov on the other story quest)
Get any of the heroes killed (hint: Rikki starts at the lowest level)
Get fired (the fastest way is to never make contracts)
Get killed by a hero (all heroes in this scenario are equally patient, pick one of them and make them fail three quests without getting them killed, just demoted)
Manager’s Vacation
Get Phennel killed
Survive to the end without triggering any other endings
Get fired (the fastest way is to never make contracts)
Get killed by a hero (hint: Knair is the least patient, just have Knair fail quest once)
Heroic Strike
Survive to the end without triggering any other endings, and give Azlet the puppy
Survive to the end without triggering any other endings, and DON’T give Azlet the puppy
Ignore either Benoite or Katryn’s demands
Choose not to send out an available hero on a quest, twice
Get baldy killed (using deadly quests, or by sending him out on his day off)
Ignore the Manager’s day off and send her out on a quest
Old Friends
Survive to the end without triggering any other endings
Don’t make a contract for the first quest
The End
Only one ending, just get through it
Thanks to DarZal Games for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. Enjoy the game.