Includes a full video playthrough and written guide for all the achievements. Includes details for all the hidden gnome hat locations and all 3 endings.
Porcelain Tales is a 3d platform game where you play a gnome to help a witch steal a set of teeth from a vampire . It generally takes about 30 mins to complete a playthrough and has 10 achievements to unlock.
Note: It will take you at least 3 runs to get all the achievements.
0:00 Intro
2:00 Going through the tutorial area
2:55 Entering the main hallway
5:50 Solving the weight puzzle
8:08 Solving the bedtime stories puzzle
10:24 Solving the locked amulet chest puzzle
11:18 Collecting the remaining hats in the vampires room
12:56 Collecting the remaining potion ingredients for puzzle
15:45 Collecting remaining gnome hats in the main hallway
17:38 Solving the moonlight puzzle
20:20 Mixing the ingredients for the poison
21:34 Mixing the ingredients for the sleep potion
22:10 Spiking the vampires glass
22:58 Collecting and delivering the vampires teeth
25:10 Ending
Started a new Chapter
Unlocked as soon as you start the game
You reached the top of the shelf in the hallway
Unlocked as you climb to the top shelf in middle of the main hallway.
You broke thirty items from a great height
Simply knock objects off tables and shelves until this unlocks.
Picked the Vampire’s favorite flower.
Story related and unlocked when you solve the light puzzle in the main hallway.
The Vampire could not find you
Let the vampire find you (the eye indicator turns red) and then hide (it turns yellow). Stay hidden until the eye indicator turns back to white, the achievement will then unlock.
You have finished all four puzzles
Will unlock once you’ve completed all the main 3 objectives AND the amulet chest puzzle.
Uh oh, you broke the item the Witch desired most
Towards the end of the game, simply throw/drop the vampires dentures from a large height.
Finished the bad ending
Story driven and unlocked when you complete the bad ending. See Father Time for details.
You unlocked all endings to finish Chapter One
There are 3 different endings to the game requiring at least 3 playthroughs. They all involve mixing the 2 recipes in the small pot (cauldron?) on the kitchen room counter in a particular order. These are…
- Purple ingredients make poison.
- Yellow ingredients make the sleeping powder.
1) Happy ending – mix the sleeping powder and use it on the vampires glass. Do NOT mix the poison.
2) Poison ending – mix the sleeping powder and use it on the vampires glass. Then mix the poison as this will affect the dentures/witch.
3) Bad ending – mix the poison and use it on the vampires glass. Do NOT mix the sleeping powder.
Whichever ending you plan to take, you have to deliver the vampires dentures to the witch’s study room to complete the game.
You collected all the twenty missing Gnomes
As the title describes, collect all 20 hidden gnome hats. You can either watch the playthrough above or use the timestamps and guide below.
Hidden Gnome Hat Locations
2) 3:38 – (white hat) – on table in main hallway.
3) 4:05 – (red hat) – in the open area under the table in the kitchen.
4) 4:42 – (yellow hat) – inside the cupboard at the back of the kitchen.
5) 4:53 – (red hat) – on a shelf behind some stacked ups on a wall in the kitchen.
6) 5:32 – (blue hat) – next to the ingredient dish on the counter in the kitchen.
7) 5:40 – (purple hat) – behind a leaning book on the counter in the kitchen.
8) 7:31 – (red hat) – on top of the cooker in the kitchen.
9) 7:42 – (cyan hat) – in a pan on the stove in the kitchen.
10) 9:52 – (purple hat) – hiding inside a bottle on a table in the vampires bedroom.
11) 11:24 – (cyan hat) – behind the suitcase/bookcase in the vampires bedroom.
12) 11:42 – (cyan hat) – under the desk in the vampires bedroom.
13) 12:12 – (purple hat) – on the first shelf above the desk in the vampires bedroom.
14) 12:22 – (cyan hat) – on the top shelf above the desk in the vampires bedroom.
15) 12:48 – (yellow hat) – on the vampires side table in vampires bedroom.
16) 16:07 – (yellow hat) – on a table at the back of the main hallway.
17) 16:55 – (cyan hat) – on the top shelf, above the kitchen door in the main hallway.
18) 17:20 – (purple hat) – at the very end of the top shelf in the main hallway.
19) 23:40 – (yellow hat) – use the amulet in the available slot in the bookcase in the witch hallway (as soon as you exit the main hallway).
20) 24:32 – (white hat) – on one of the shelves in the witch study (last room).
Thanks to shezzor for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.