Here is a guide on how to build the best Techomancer in OUTRIDERS game.

Skill Tree



- Killing Spree: Mod dismantled from the Amber Vault – Killing shots increase damage by 25% for this weapon for 20 seconds. Bonus deteriorates with time and stacks up to 3 kills.
- Brain-Eater: Critical shots do not consume ammo.

The Godroll would be the following,
Bonus Firepower
Close Range Damage
Long Range Damage
- Euthaniser: This mod can be obtained by dismantling Plague Sower’s Hands – Deal 25% more damage against enemies afflicted by Toxic.
- Toxic Lead: Killing enemies afflicted with Toxic will instantly replenish 40% of ammo in your magazine.

The Godroll would be the following,
Bonus Firepower
Long Range Damage
Close Range Damage
- Vein Ripper: Critical shots inflict Bleed on enemies.
- Bloody Boost: Boosts your damage against enemies afflicted with Bleed by 15%.

The Godroll would be the following,
Bonus Firepower
Long Range Damage
Close Range Damage
- Captain Hunter: This mod can be obtained by dismantling Gauntlets of the Cannonball – Increases your damage against Elites by 25%.
- Critstack: Critical shots build up a 5 second stacking effect that grants you 3 500 Anomaly Power and 7 723 Firepower bonuses. Stacks up to 5 times.

The Godroll would be the following,
Bonus Firepower
Long Range Damage
Close Range Damage
- Sharp Eye: This mod can be obtained by dismantling Sergio’s Beret or Boots of the Borealis Monarch – Killing enemies while aiming down sights grants you 16 089 Firepower for 20 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.
- Radical Therapy: Deal 15% more damage against enemies afflicted by Toxic.

The Godroll would be the following,
Bonus Firepower
Long Range Damage
Close Range Damage
- Tainted Blood: This mod can be obtained by dismantling Seismic Commander’s Leg Armor – Increases the damage dealt to enemies afflicted with Bleed by 25%.
- Bloodlust: Killing Shots increase your Firepower by 17 505. Stacks up to 3 times and deteriorates every 10 seconds


By VorteK
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