Some troubles finding the new resources?
No problem, this small guide is for the new resources places.(Still in development).
Some areas have many aliens around, CAUTION!
Surface ore Proteus 2
-7.9 -3.8 Zinc
-1.3 -2.9 Tungsten
-1.7 -3.7 Chromium
-3.3 -8.4 Sulfur
-1.6 -9.6 Lithium
4.5 -9.2 Carbon
8.2 -6.6 Titanium
9.2 -3.9 Copper
10.7 -1.7 Lithium & some aluminum
8.8 0.2 Cobalt & O2 vain
5.1 5.3 Nickel
3.9 5.9 Mercury
1.0 8.0 Molybdenum & Magnesium
-2.8 7.4 Silver
-3.2 8.4 Iron
-9.2 1.4 Copper
-9.5 -3.3 Aluminum
-7.6 -7.6 Aluminum
1.1 -0.9 Tin
-3.6 -7.5 Uranium
-0.2 3.7 Gold
-2.9 1.3 Gold
Mines Proteus 2
3.9 -4 Mine 2, Lead, silver, diamonds, mercury & cobalt. + chance to find (in boxes)
the next tire mining tool, also titanium and diamond ore. (is very large, take enought
supplies for the trip).
-4.3 -9.7 Mine 1, lead, silver, mercury, no loot inside.
1.1 -2.8 Hydrogen
10.6 4.7 Hydrogen
-0.6 -10.8 Oxygen
-9.1 4.7 Oxygen
-9.6 3.3 Oxygen
-3.4 -8.9 Nitrogen
-10.5 5.2 Chlorine
Fibre, leather
The alien fibre can get easily by harvesting the bushes, like Cactoid, Cinnafein and Large leaf plant, also some special trees can give it.
For get leather you need to craft at least the stone sword in F2 menu. Different types of weapons harvest different stuff. You will need it for make better weapons at the starter table (craftable in F2 menu also).
Will be only listed as the RED (Redfern Tree), and BLUE (Fern Tree) Trees, that gives you the “red” and “blue” berries.
Lat. Long. Type
-9.3 -5.8 RED
-8.9 -5.3 BLUE
-8.6 -8.1 RED
-8.1 -8.2 RED
-4.2 -5.4 BLUE
-1.4 -5.9 BLUE
-1.5 -7.9 BLUE
4.3 -9.2 RED
7.8 -3.7 RED
9.1 -0.6 RED
9.2 -0.8 BLUE
9.1 6.9 RED
6.7 5.9 BLUE
2.8 1.6 RED
Old buildings-Loot
they respawn so is better to leave them.
Lat. Long.
3.5 -9.0
8.4 -3.9
6.8 5.9
I revised the ore list some – not sure how to share it though.
I Will try it here