This guide will help with getting all the achievements in Orcs Must Die! 3!
All achievements can be completed playing solo or co-op.
Campaign Achievements
The Drastic Steps Campaign unlocks after completing all the levels in the Old Friends Main Campaign.
There are 3 difficulties: Apprentice, War Mage, & Rift Lord.
Each level has a goal of 5 skulls. No enemies must reach the breach in order to get 4 skulls. Completing the level within its speedrun time will reward the 5th. Bonus skulls are rewarded for various other accomplishments, & are shown on the Stat Screen after completing a level.
Skulls are used to purchase Traps, Weapons, Trinkets, & their upgrades.
Combo Apprentice
Score 500,000 in any campaign scenario.
——-Old Friends Main Campaign——–
War Lord
Beat the first war scenario.
War Mage
Complete the main campaign.
– Complete all 18 levels on any difficulty.
Rift Lord
Complete the story campaign on Rift Lord difficulty.
Earn 5 skulls on every scenario of the story campaign on Rift Lord difficulty.
————–Drastic Steps Campaign————–
First Flight
Complete the Drastic Steps campaign.
The Landing
Complete the Drastic Steps campaign on Rift Lord difficulty.
Top Floor
Earn 5 skulls on every scenario of the Drastic Steps campagin on Rift Lord difficulty.
———– Scramble ————-
Cracking Eggs
Complete Tier 2 in Scramble.
Making an Omelet
Complete Tier 5 in Scramble.
Scrambled Eggs
Reroll a debuff in Scramble.
Combo Rift Lord
Score 5,000,000 total in Scramble.
———— endless ———
Survive 10 waves in a single endless match.
Can’t Stop Me Now
Survive 25 waves in a single endless match.
Combo War Mage
Score 5,000,000 in any endless match.
Challenge Accepted
Complete any Weekly Challenge.
Gear/Trap Achievements
Fair Trade
Purchase a new piece of gear.
Upgrade a piece of gear.
Well Equipped
Unlock all gear slots.
– Obtained after the slots on the loadout bar unlock. Can’t miss it.
Trap Achievements
There are 2 types of traps. Ones that are anywhere-use, & War Scenarios that can only be used in War Scenario levels.
Purchase all upgrades for a single trap.
– Obtained by buying all 3 upgrades, as well as completing the listed challenge & buying both special upgrades.
Acquire every item in the game.
-There are a total of:
42 traps (31 anywhere-use traps, 11 War Scenario traps)
15 weapons
7 trinkets
4 heros
Coins/Kills Achievements
Coins are only used in levels to place traps. Coins aren’t used for upgrading gear or traps, & are obtained by killing enemies.
Kill 100 minions.
Kill 10,000 minions.
Earn 100,000 coin.
Earn 1,000,000 coin.
Complete all achievements.
Thanks to for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.