Here is the weapon guide with locations, battle techniques and Dojo upgrades.
As a sub weapon it blocks enemy attacks (both melee and ranged) and performs a powerful counter attack when it successfully blocks a melee attack.
Dual wielding them with Wailing Mirror ability makes the block window last longer and rewards you with a Demon Fang when it blocks an attack (one per enemy).

When equipped as a sub weapon you can shoot the beads, but it takes a few seconds for them to return to you. Some rosaries shoot one at a button press, others shoot all of them at once.
Dual wielding them with Bead String ability gives you unlimited sub weapon beads to fire at enemies.

As a sub weapon it charges an attack, but also plants you in place.
Dual wielding them with Sword Dance ability you can charge both main and sub at the same time OR you can transfer the sub weapon’s charge to your main weapon.

Ink Bullet technique
To use Ink Bullet draw several dots over the enemy. Draw more dots to make more damage. Amount of ink used depends on how many dots are used.
- More attacks to your combos. This also increases damage.
- Dual wielding weapons (same weapon type in both main and sub slots): increases damage and unlocks new attacks.
3 hits → 4 hits (5,000 yen, Shinshu) → 5 hits (20,000 yen, Ryoshima)
Ability to equip both main and sub: 40,000 yen, Ryoshima
4 hits → 6 hits (7,000 yen, Shinshu) → 8 hits (30,000 yen, Ryoshima)
Ability to equip both main and sub: 50,000 yen, Kamui
2 hits → 3 hits (40,000 yen, Ryoshima) → 4 hits (50,000 yen, Kamui)
Ability to equip both main and sub: 60,000 yen, Kamui
By Morning Gaze