This Guide contains:
Everything about Beginning
Informations how to get/cook/make Food
Crafting and more!
Note: if you are new to the game. you had better read this guide first. which will help you to learn how to win in the game.
That tutorial is helpful but it doesn’t tell you everything about protecting and gathering other materials!
So let’s begin!
When you will spawn look at the ground for small rock it looks like this:
Let’s begin by mining tree’s, mine them untill you will get 30 wood for useful stuff!
If you got 30 wood let’s make a workbench by going into inventory and clicking the table!
When you got workbench place it by clicking Right Mouse Button then make 2 times Barks if you made Barks go to Tools Bar and make Wooden Pickaxe and Wooden Axe
Now let’s go to other part about how to make House
Making your First House!
For the first night your house can be 1×1 or 1×2/2×2
Materials required for 1×1, 1×2, 2×2
3 Walls
1 Doorway
2 Floors
5 Walls
1 Doorway
4 Floors
7 Walls
1 Doorway
8 Floors
This is example of 1×1: (Ignore the grass)
1×1 House takes 12 wood to make
You can make it by placing floor then 3 walls, doorway and floor on top
1×2 House takes 20 wood to make
1×2 is 2 floors long (or wide) so the floors and walls are doubled
2×2 House takes 32 wood to make
2×2 is 2 floors long and 2 floors wide and it requires more time to make
Monsters and how to kill Them
There is currently 5 Monsters which I found during playing Game
Dino (Small Green Monster)
Easy to Kill with Rock and Basic Tools and other stuff
Fire Dino (Small Green Monster with Fire)
Harder to kill cause he damages you with Fire by throwing it at you (You don’t burn or get Fire Damage)
Best Strategy is to use bow or kill him while he is distracted
Goblin / Zombie Caveman (Caveman but Green)
Best way to kill him is to do circles around him and hitting him cause he will have no chance to hit you
Rock Monster / Small Chunk
Same Tactic as Goblin / Zombie Caveman
Big Rock Monster / BIG CHUNK
This one is hardest.
Use bow to shot him from far or if you have Friends(or solo) attack him when he will spawn there will be chance that you can lower his hp to 1000(if you have friends) or 1400(if you are without friends)
How to Find/Make Food
You can get Raw Meat by killing a cow this is how Meat Looks:
When you killed cow you can eat the meat or cook it in…
If you wanna get Cooked Meat make a Cauldron in a Workbench and then place it and put coal(or wood) and meat and it should cook
There are 4 Shrooms
Each of them regenerates one of our bars
Pink regenerates Stamina
Red regenerates Health
Yellow regenerates Hunger
And Rainbow regenerates Every Bar
Shrooms can be found on ground
Yes there exist’s Bread.
To make it collect 5 Wheat and make Dough at workbench. When you made the Dough make yourself Cauldron
If you made Cauldron place it and place inside coal(or wood) and Dough and wait untill it’s done
Bread can also be found in chest’s (Not the Powerup one’s)
You will need a Bowl and Cauldron
Place Cauldron and inside bowl and RAW meat then coal and wait untill it’s done
Soup can also be found in chest’s (Not the Powerup one’s)
Orange Juice / + Attack speed
Dumbbeli / +Base strenght
Horshoe / Increased critical chance
Crimson knife / Damaging Enemy regenerates your health
Bulldozer / Chance to knockback Enemies
Sniper Scope / Small chance to deal chunky damage
Adrealine / Falling below 30% of max health will boost damage
Knuts Hammer / Deals extra electric damage ( And his hammer was electric)
Wings of glory / Deal bonus damage when falling
Berserk / The lower the health, the higher the damage
Powerup’s for Health
Broccoli / Keeps regenerating Health
Red pill / Increases max Health
Blue Pill / increased shield
Danis milk / guess it’s like defense?
Dracule / Increases Max Health if killed a Monster
Powerup’s for Movement
Janniks Frog / +1 Jump
Sneakers / +Movement speed
Jetpack / Higher Jumps
Peanut butter / +Stamina
Checkered Shirt / Bigger Damage to resources
Piggybank / Better Loot in Chests
There are 3 Bars in-game:
Health Bar:
Hunger Bar:

Stamina Bar:
Related Posts:
- Muck: How to Make a Flying House
- Muck: All Items (How to Get)
- Muck Guide (Wood, Rocks, Ores, Food, Powerups, Tools)
- Muck: How to Build a Floating Platform
- Muck: All Elements (Woods, Ores, Generated Structures, Enemies and Foods)