How to play, tips, general knowledge, and more in this guide!
How to play: Basics
-What the HUD means. There are two numbers on the HUD. The right one is your score. It goes up by running or collecting the “Doge coins”. Doge coins are counted in the bottom left and each one you collect in your run grants you 100 points.

-Next up is the pantsu which is the amount of bananas you can use. This’ll get explained later but right now all you need to know is that jumping from under a girl will restore one pantsu.
Enemies, Environment, and Those Damn Birds

– The second environmental enemy and easiest to overcome is the manhole. The manhole is a hole in the ground that can be jumped over. It’s that simple. Do watch out for those pesky bananas that’ll send you swan diving into the sinkhole.

-Now are those damn birds. Not the chickens but the little ones that ruin your day. The ones that you better hope to avoid otherwise it’s a near guaranteed game-over. There are two groups of birds. Large groupings and small groupings. Both are technically jump-able, but the latter is far easier. When you inevitably hit a single bird out of the many that are there, they’ll start to fly to the top left of the screen. They will then fly to the right. An angry bird icon will appear showing where the birds will fly at you. They will not stay at one elevation unlike the chickens. It takes an immense amount of skill to jump them so good luck.
-The crows are much easier to deal with although far more annoying. The crow appears near the top of the screen and never is near the street level. It is impossible to defeat without the help of a convenient banana so don’t even try. Your best bet is to either drop or banana bounce.
-The worst, horrific, most evil obstacle are the bicycles. They are impossible to defeat, avoid, or outsmart. They sit there menacingly, waiting to be ran into. The bicycles only appear in the third section (more on that in a bit) so I don’t have all that much experience with them, but I have yet to thwart them. There is one counter to the bicycles, the stairs. The stairs appear once, for a moment. If you miss the stairs, it’s game over.
Bananas, How to Use Them, Where They Are, and More

The Different Sections of the Game

The best tip I have is invaluable. From what I understand, the game detects when you left-click in the hit box of a girl to play the skirt animation and add the pantsu. So it doesn’t matter when you do it, but if you left click, you get the pantsu. If you left-click while in free fall, you can get the pantsu without having to jump. This makes the game so much easier, it’s hard to express. You could do things the game never intended for you to do, like banana bounce while having full pantsu.

Some other tips is when in doubt and on street level, jump on the banana. You usually won’t fail if you jump on the banana with a enemy in front of you. Also collect doge coins. If not for the skins, then for the 100 points it gives you. It’ll take much longer to get far without them. In my experience, if it’s between birds or chickens, go for the chickens. They are far more annoying if paired inconveniently with a crow and banana, but have a much higher chance of survival.
Some knowledge that’s useless is that there are four different girl skins. Best differentiated with the hair. One with long black hair, one with short brown hair, one with long brown hair, and the last with a ponytail. To be honest, I can’t tell if it’s grey and purple or brown and black. It’s some color.
Thank you for reading to the end of the guide. I would like to thank auto-correct. This guide would’ve been much worse without it. Thank you and have a good day.