This guide does not contain R18+ patch version. hope this guide will help you.
This is Management Phase’s main menus.
This game’s goal is repay all of gold.
You can check Dept Payment and left days on right side.
You have already 10,000 G of Funds.
You can check Funds on left bottom side.
You can earning money with Monster Girls.
So, You need to buy Monster Girls from Slave Market.
If you do mouse over Monster Girls face, You can see information of her.
Stamina for action.
Mental for action.
When Stamina is 0, that Monster Girl can’t action.
When Mental is 0, that Monster Girl can’t action and getting status “Mind Break”.
If got Mind break status, can do nothing.
Only can do selling.
So, be careful to Mental 0.
Pride and Unexperienced is not much important.
Concern to getting exp points of skills.
more less Pride and Unexperienced more can getting exp point from action.
OBD, PSY, TEC is for Business skills.
Clientele wants that skills level.
★is already have skill level.
☆is potential for that skill.
Higher OBD levels make more Decreases the mental cost of working.
Higher PSY levels make more easier to riase mood.
Higher TEC levels make more Decreases the stamina cost of working.
and Decreases the downtime during work.
Increases client satisfaction.
TEC is look like being almighty.
But, little hard to raise up TEC level.
AFF also Concern to getting exp points or open actions.
and over 3 levels AFF and saw some events, Monster Girls fall loving to you.
Lovers getting 1 off all skills potential.
Some personality skills need AFF level.
Monster Girls have attribute.
Harpy have [Winged], [Optimistic], [Clumsy], [Egg Layer], [Enthusiastic]
Clientele wants some attribute.
There has 2 types of attribute,
Physical attribute and Personality.(Fetish)
But, Ver1.11d is don’t care about it.(Cuz, not working Exchange room)
So, You did bought Monster Girls.
You can training your monster girls when Management Phase.
There has many of options.
So, You can training with your choices.
But you can training only numbers of Action’s Heart mark on one day.
If you doing many times of training, your training levels up and getting more Heart mark.
If you had confused buying or training Monster Girls for.
Check about Today’s Clientele.
Click this Today’s Clientele buttons on Main page.
Then, you can check about Today’s Clientele.
Budget mean can getting golds from that guy.
But, If you can satisfying him about over than 100%, you can getting more golds from him.
Desire Type is require skill type and levels.
He wants level 2 OBD Monster Girl.
Example, if you select Monster Girl has level 2 OBD, his satisfying point will be +100.
if you select Monster Girls has level 1 OBD, his satisfying point will be +50.
If you select Monster Girls has level 0 OBD, his satisfying point will be at leaste +5.
It’s working percentage.
Energy also working with satisfying point.
If you did make him satisfying, Energy will decreases.(up to satisfying points)
When Energy is 0, He will give more golds to you and disappear from Current Client list.
(Normal 50% / Hard 100% / Expert 150%)
If you can’t decreases all of his energy, he will keep on Current Client.
So, don’t need to decrease energy on once.
Fetish also working with satisfying point.
If you did satisfying his Fetish per getting satisfying 50 points.
Fetish is mean Monster Girls attribute.
If you did all of task from Manage Phase, Next is going to End Phase.
Night Phase

You can choose Monster Girl for Clientele.

So, you can Earning gold from Clientele.
But Monster Girls need Resting time.
And next Clientele will coming your club.
If you want business all of Clientele, you need more Monster Girls.
Because, some girls doing resting, some girls need gonna working.
Normally, has 2 of Girls can work 3 of Clientele.
Sometimes you can getting Club Star experience.
Getting more Club Star experience, Your Club gonna level up.
Then more higher levels Clientele will coming you club.
And you can buying another higher level Monster Girls and items.
After closing time, Phase will return to Management Phase.
Repeat this cycle Management → Business → Management ….
Escort Agency

Escort Agency is look like Quest.

Can getting reward But, She will coming back after numbers of Day gone.
So, If you need Golds immediately, try this Escort Agency.
As the case may be can clear the game only doing Escort Agency.+If Monster Girls doing Escort service, you can use empty room.
But, If you want to her back, need empty room.

Level 1 need 50,000 Gold
Level 2 need 150,000 Gold
Level 3 need 500,000 Gold
Suite Room
Lv1 : Extending chance + 10%
Lv2 : Extending chance + 20%
Lv3 : Extending chance + 30%
Lv1 : Daily stamina recovery + 25%
Lv2 : Daily stamina recovery + 50%
Lv3 : Daily stamina recovery + 100%
Exchange Room(Not working without Patch on Ver1.11d)
Lv1 :Enables exchange ability.
Lv2: Exchange point +2 per one of training.
Lv3: Exchange point +3 per one of training.
Break Room
Lv1 : Daily mental recovery + 2
Lv2 : Daily mental recovery + 5
Lv3 : Daily mental recovery + 10
Lv1 : Increases the efects of recovery items +25%
Lv2 : Increases the efects of recovery items +50%
Lv3 : Increases the efects of recovery items +100%
Entrance Ad Sign
Lv1 : Increases the number of client visiting +1
Lv2 : Increases the number of client visiting +2
Lv3 : Increases the number of client visiting +3
Lv Max : Can choose close or open(spend 10 gold)
Pr Room
Lv1 : Increases club star experience gains + 25%
Lv2 : Increases club star experience gains + 50%
Lv3 : Increases club star experience gains + 100%
Slave Trainer’s Lodge
Lv1 : Allow a salve to be handed over to be automatically trained.
Lv2 : automatically train more +1
Lv3 : automatically train more +2
Tool s Cleaning Room
Lv1 : Increases slaves’ training growth rate +25%
Lv2 : Increases slaves’ training growth rate +50%
Lv3 : Increases slaves’ training growth rate +100%
Room upgrade
Lv1 : Max room +1 / 10,000G
Lv2 : Max room +1 / 50,000G
Lv3 : Max room +1 / 100,000G
Lv4 : Max room +6 / 50,000G
Lv5 : Max room +6 / 150,000G
Lv6 : Max room +6 / 300,000G
Lv7 : Max room +7 / 500,000G

If you did bought same item, become more expensive.
Example, Energy drink is 3,000G but, If you bought once, become to 3,500G.Bought Item Inflation limit is 4.
This game has Inflation
Monster girls and items will more become expensive every week.
1st Week : 100%
2nd Week : 120%
3rd Week : 150%
4th Week : 200%
5th Week : 250%
6th Week : 300%
Difficulty Inflation
Normal : 100%
Hard : 120%
Expert : 150%
Example, Normal Difficulty Energy Drink 1st Week is 3,000G and bought once is 3,500G
Expert Difficulty Energy Drink 1st Week is 4,500G and bought once is 5,250G
(3000+500)×1.5 = 5,250G
Youtube video : Hard Without Bonus Point
Without R-18+ Patch
Without Bonus Point
Difficulty is Hard
Fast Winding Game ×5
By Raccoon
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