Mondealy: 100% Achivement Guide

Welcome to my simple guide to getting all achievements in this splendid game!



This guide will describe how to get all the achievements of this game. Most of them are pretty simple, but I still described how to get them. The guide includes a few spoilers, so please check it out after you’ve finished the game. If you have any questions, emotions, etc. while reading this guide, feel free to write about it in the comments!

Thanks for your attention <3


A couple of fairly specific achievements, I advise you to just read up on them and keep in mind that you need to complete them during your playthrough.

Crossing In the Wrong Place

Simply run in the traffic lane until you get hit by a car >,<

Style Versus Fashion

You just need to collect clothes from each area. The problem may only be with the water area. So, once you are in the dormitory – look through the room for clothes.

Oh, my muse

Searching for plush Corsics across the underground town! The location:
⋆ Riley’s room
⋆ Dressing room on the beach
⋆ Next to the door to Froggy’s house.
⋆ The looped room in Rufus’ house (it appears randomly, you just have to wander, wander, wander…)
⋆ The area at the top of the Upland area
⋆ Near the entrance to the forest
⋆ Close to the lake in a hidden part of the forest
⋆ Tory’s backyard
⋆ At a factory in the Water District
⋆ Next to a two-horse cabin

Being Authentic

You need to enter the portal wearing your forest costume and with hair ponytail, but you need to change your clothes a bit in advance before heading to the Upland with Rufus

Pocket Forest

After you’ve picked up 4 logs on the beach, return and….. continue to collect them! You will need to do this 11 times, and finally get 42 logs.

Police Assistant

As soon as it is possible, go to the police station (it is located in the right part of the city). Nearby you will find a lost document. Pick it up and run into the police station, exactly into Chelsey’s office. Tell her about your finding and get the achievement.


In order to do this terrible thing, you should go along to the right path from the castle. Shortly, on the left, you will notice a little bat peacefully sleeping in the gazebo. Persistently wake her up and receive the desired achievement.

Need a Helping Hand to Save?

Once you’re inside the castle, go to the princess’s chamber and get your stuff, and as a bonus, take the plush toy from the shelf. Then, go down to the main hall and go left to Corsic’s chamber. Save on his bed and get the achievement!

Simple Question – Simple Answer

Simply walking around the castle, you should walk up to simple girls – chatterboxes and simply answer their simple questions. Simple as that.

The Savior of Shy

Close to the small store, where Froggy asked you to go, there will be a couple sitting at the table. Walk up to them and begin to talk. Play along with snake and get the achievement.


Opposite achievement. Telling the snake that you don’t know him and ruining the couple.

Careful with the Horns

Give Corsic a hug! You can do this simply by starting a chat with him :3

Rufus’ house

All of these achievements can be completed in the liminal rooms at Rufus’ house


Doing an errand from Froggy, you will pass by Rufus’s house and rush to help him. Entering his house… 🙂 Do not be despair and go by the next combination:
⋆ 2 right
⋆ 2 up
⋆ 4 right
⋆ 1 up
…yes, it was more than just mumbling.
NB: If you cannot go this way thanks to the structure of room itself, search for a white room with a door to the exit. Leave the house and go in again until you are able to go through this combination.

Euclidean Minded

Wandering through the mazes in Rufus’s house, always go down.

Stories from an Outer World

Still wandering the mazes of Rufus’ house searching for the 8 notes.

Family Therapist

During the main quest, as you go around the castle and ask about Tori, you need to go into the central room and talk to Jana. Notice that she is feeling upset and find out some precious information. In Tory’s cottage, as soon as you get a chance, immediately remind him about Jana. Finally, in the castle at last, talk to her again.

Just One Drink

After drinking about 4 bottles of “Scarlet Blast” in a row, Michael asks if it’s enough, answer no :з

Mycelium Business

Enter the store in the forest and take a job from the seller for picking mushrooms. Listen to the instructions and go to collect mushrooms in the endlessly lasting woods ( the same path on which we went to Tori). In order to achieve it, you need to sell mushrooms for 100 coins.

Wild Harvest

Once again you go to pick up the mushrooms, but now you need to pick ONLY toxic funguses. Return to the shop and ask the seller to check up on your harvest 🙂

Demon’s Delivery

Slightly difficult achievement, but doable after all! Come to the kitty that sits near the cafe and help her find the demon. Next, after completing the quest with Tori, once you are in the castle, go to visit the deer again. Go to the backyard to the place where the blue flower was growing. Peek to the right and meet the Devil! Chat with him and then give him the wreath.


Around the World

RUN THE GAME IN UNDER TWO HOURS! Move only using the shift, do not explore the world, skip the dialogues and, accordingly, do not do extra quests. Move only the plot and be proud that you’re speedriner.

NB: In order to avoid wasting time, I advise you to find 2 bottles of “Scarlet Blast” in advance, as well as to take clothes for the water district (the one in the dormitory). “Scarlet Blast” can be found in trash cans or bought at the store.

A Little Walk

Get through the game without shift. Have patience!

Thanks to iwannaheroin for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.

About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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