A guide made for new players to understand all the kinda-hidden mechanics of the game
Microvolts has absolutely no mercy for newbies. It comes from a time where it was common for games to let player find out about the content by themselves, and this paired with the high amount of current skilled players might easily lead to an atrocious experience.
In this guide, I’ll mainly cover the stuff I missed when I started. I might omit things, and maybe even say wrong stuff, but at the very least, this should be a big help for clueless beginners.
There’s apparently some deeper stuff to remove the anticheat, I think this review sums it up pretty well : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198099168905/recommended/1426440/
Coupon codes
– Lucky Charm (melee) – EXFF-ORCJ-GB1L-ICBL
– Watson (rifle) – MHQU-FSEO-JCKM-9IJR
Since the player will need to choose one variant for each item, I suggest first going through the Weapons section.
…no, there’s currently no paste support in the game…
Any bought weapon can be tuned (upgraded), which can’t be done on the starting loadout.
Thus, it’s likely best to focus firstly on buying a couple cheap weapons (those at 100mp), and upgrade them as soon as possible, even though they look no different.
CAREFUL : right-clicking a weapon is a shortcut for selling it. Even though it then asks for confirmation, trouble happened to some.
A weapon’s variant affects its stats.
It is bound to the item, thus cannot be changed, requiring to buy another one with the desired variant if needed.
Sniper variant D is the same as B, excepted B has 2 levels of zoom.
Tuning a weapon specializes it even more towards certains stats, a sub-variant in a way.
This action can be accessed by selecting a weapon in the inventory, and usually costs 10mp and 400 energy (acquired through matches)
Contrary to variants, tuning can be changed (the process still costs ressources).
These are only newbie tips from newbie me. Once new players get the hang of it, their choice will depend on their playstyle.
As a starter myself, this was my go-to to try and steal a couple kills despite getting stomped on in every lobby.
I’d suggest to first go for the C variant for damage, then tune it into power.
Pretty much everyone uses max damage sniper, mostly D variant because the B’s double scope gets in the way in such fast-paced game (can still unscope by switching weapon).
D variant can oneshot a player even on body hit. Since default sniper cannot do that, it’s easy for new players to feel like everyone only hit heads on them.
A good weapon to work on early, but definitely less important than gatling for starters.
I got told most players rebind their explosives to keys easier to access, like E and C.
Bazooka and Grenade are especially annoying and require some thinking, so I think it’s good to start in lobbies in which these are disabled to get used to the game first.
Parts & accessories

Tuned parts affect running speed and / or max health, while accessories provide additional ammunition to specific weapons.
In a similar way, higher price only modifies appearance, and the default outfit cannot be tuned.
Since lobbies are often pure chaos, I rarely need to walk far to find a fight, so I think it’s better to put all in hp for a first set. Plus it will help tanking better, and surviving body shots from max-damage snipers.
Different parts types provide different amounts of stats, so might as well prioritize the highest ones (shirt and pants). Not as urgent as getting good weapons, though.

The Capsule tab is for RT, while Limited Capsule is for MP. I will focus on the later one.
Turns out the player has to click the Search Capsule button
The gacha system is a little weird in this game, but long story short, people throw boxes containing a set amount of items of each rarities, then anyone can come and pull from it. The more people pull, the greater chance to get the remaining items.
For 2300mp per pull, this is definitely a luxury, and even though the first 10.000mp comes pretty fast, I think it’s better to ignore gacha as long as newcomers still don’t have a first solid loadout, and resist the urge to pull beforehands [which I didn’t].
Various tips
Right after shooting any shotgun and holding left click down, quickly tapping the swap key twice (swap to previous weapon, then back to shotgun) reduces the time between shots, thus when choosing a shotgun, might as well get max damage.
I swear older games have a problem with shotguns… GunZ and Devil May Cry feature similar exploits
- Swapping into another weapon while scoped cancels the scope state
- Despite dynamic crosshair not reacting, jumping does reduce accuracy
- Hipfire deals low damage
Due to the camera position, players can hide near a corner and watch without being seen. Very handy for sniping.
Make sure to check the comments for tips other people share, and thanks to whoever shares them!
Even though skill comes with time, knowing the above is definitely very handy, especially since the game doesn’t clearly mention them, which can leave newcomers clueless and prone to uninstall before even understanding half of the game.
Thanks to Eglaios for his excellent guide; all credit belongs to his effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. Enjoy the game.