The new Spirit Ascension System. How to get a spirit weapon and other basic information.
Basic Information
Once a weapon is contracted with a spirit you can no longer trade said item. Not even if you use a Trade Unlock Potion. It cannot be dropped or stored in pets, banks. It can be stored in your special inventory.
Unlike before you can now use NPC’s to repair your Spirit Weapon.
You can also choose your spirit’s avatar instead of it being set to a specific type of weapon. (For example: Sword Spirit with a Bow Spirit avatar.)
Spirit level colors are still similar to the Classic Spirit Weapons.
Spirit Weapons can now be contracted to weapons with Special Upgrades, Reforges, and Erg levels. You can also build those up even after making the contract.
Now you can interact with your spirit even when it isn’t equipped by using the Spirit Info button on the game’s menu bar or by pressing the / key.
You can now have up to 3 spirit weapons contracted to one character, but cannot have 2 of the same kind. (Ex: You can have a bow and crossbow but not two bow spirits or you can have a blunt and sword but not two swords.)
Weapons Available to Contract:
- Swords
- Axes
- Blunts
- Lances
- Crossbows
- Atlatls
- Wands
- Staffs
- Cylinders
- Knuckles
- Control Bars
- Dual Guns
- Shurikens
- Chain Blades

- Be at least cumulative level 500
- Must complete the quest Meeting the Ancient Spirit
After completing the quest you can talk to Berched in order to Convert, Transfer, or Destroy your Classic Spirit Weapon.
[You can find Berched in Taillteann using the Druid’s Moongate near the Taillteann Shadow Mission Stonehenge. Go north on the Taillteann map if coming from town.]
- Reach cumulative level 500
- Talk to Berched
- Hear about the materials needed for a spirit contract
- Receive a Barri Spirit Dungeon pass from Gilmore*
- Ask Edern to refine the Ancient Spirit Fossils
- Ask Berched to enhance the Spirit Stone
- Talk to Berched after collecting all the Spirit Contract materials**
- Form a Contract with a Spirit
- Hear about the growth of Spirits
- Talk to Berched
- Regular Gem Powder x10
*Gilmore now has a section in his Shop that sells this pass instead of needing a Keyword like before.
**One of the material is Elemental Removers || which can be acquired by:
- NPC Purchase: Price (Check Traveler’s Guide to see where he is located), Galvin in Emainn Macha, and Lassar in Tir Chonaill. Lassar only sells 1 which is 1k each, Galvin and Price sell both 1 and 5 stacks(5k).
- Monster Drop: Most Advanced dungeon monsters as well as Venomous Sand and Rock Scorpions in Connous
- Fishing in Port Cobh.
**Spirit Liqueur is also needed for many of them. They can be bought on Auction House or in Player Shops. As well as made through the Potion Making skill with 1 White Herb, 1 Piece of an Ancient Spirit Fossil, and 2 Elemental Removers.
Spirit Conversion
Note: You can’t reverse the change after the conversion so make sure you’re ready!
You will need:
- Classic Spirit Weapon
- 5 Elemental Removers
- 1 Magical Spirit Stone
- 1 Spirit Liqueur
Conversion uses the Classic Spirit Weapon’s stat with the highest level for conversion bonus purposes. (Ex: A Classic Spirit Weapon with a Luck Level of 50 and other levels at 45 will convert into a Level 90 Spirit Weapon.)
Spirit Transfer
You will need:
- 5 Elemental Removers
- 1 Spirit Liqueur
- If the new weapon is different from the previous (ex chainblade to cylinder) all Ego Points must be reset in order to transfer. Resets cost Gold. The price scales by the spirit level, highest reset cost at level 100, being 5M.
- The original weapon is not lost in the process and retains all special upgrades, ergs, etc.
- Any Spirit Transformation Liqueurs applied to the original weapon will also transfer over.
- You will not lose any current exp on the Spirit Weapon during the transfer.
Destroy Contract
You will need:
5 Elemental Removers
1 Memory Spirit Liqueur
1 Empty Spirit Stone
Memory Spirit Liqueur is sold by Berched for 100k.
Empty Spirit Stones can be acquired during the refining process of the Ancient Spirit Fossils.
Once destroying the contract you will receive a Remembering Spirit Stone if the Spirit was level 5 or more. Only 50% of the spirits’s level will remain.
You will need:
- 1 Spirit Transformation Liqueur*
Once the effect is used it will replace the default glowing ball.
Unlike the default glow each liqueur has a different glow based on the Spirit’s level.
*Flame, Flare, Feather, and Basic are always obtainable by giving Dorren Spirit Transformation Stones mined from Blackstone Beach. Others are obtainable from Player Shops, Auction House, and sometimes Events, Gacha, and Cash Shop.
Only 30 items/gems/powders can be fed at a time.
**Be careful of the Auto select button so as not to feed them an unintentional item!**
Just as before the amount of exp is determined by the type of item/powder and the size of the gem given.
Each Spirit Weapon type will have a preferred gem that will give them a bonus when fed.
There is also a chance to get a Great Success that will give double Exp than what would normally be received. Thus it is recommended that you only give HALF of what is needed to level up the Spirit just in case the Great Success activates during feeding.
It is also recommended to feed the Spirit when it’s Bond Meter is at max.
There are 2 ways to raise the Bond meter:
1. Remain in combat with the Spirit. 5 minutes will increase the bond by 5%.
2. Chat with the Spirit.
You can chat with the Spirit 3 times a day in game(every 36 mins). Using any keyword will increase the bar by 10%. (30 = 30%)
Note: There is a weekly amount limit of 400k Exp that can be given to each spirit. This resets every Saturday.
Ego Points

Receiving EP:
- 1 EP is received when the Spirit levels up.
- Additional EP is also received from Spirit Calling Quests that are given for every 5 levels raised.
- If the Spirit is leveled while having a full Bond meter addition EP is awarded started at level 55. Once you reach level 54 the quest Spirit of the World will be given that will explain the bonus EP.
Ego Quests
How to Get Quest:
- Reach level 5 with the spirit
- Defeat 50 monsters with NAME
- 1 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Second Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 10 with the spirit and complete their First Calling quest
- Clear a dungeon in Uladh (except Peaca Abyss, Coill Abyss, or Rabbie Phantasm)
- 1 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Third Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 15 with the spirit and complete their Second Calling quest
- Feed a preferred gem that is 1 CM or larger to NAME
- 1 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Fourth Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 20 with the spirit and complete their Third Calling quest
- Defeat 50 Dire Wolves with NAME
- 1 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Fifth Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 25 with the spirit and complete their Fourth Calling quest
- Complete any Elite Shadow Mission
- 1 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Sixth Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 30 with the spirit and complete their Fifth Calling quest
- Feed a preferred gem that is 2 CM or larger to NAME
- 1 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Seventh Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 35 with the spirit and complete their Sixth Calling quest
- Defeat 50 monsters from Baltane Missions with NAME
- 2 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Eighth Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 40 with the spirit and complete their Seventh Calling quest
- Clear Peaca Abyss
- 2 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Ninth Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 45 with the spirit and complete their Eighth Calling quest
- Feed two preferred gems that are 4 CM or larger to NAME
- 2 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Tenth Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 50 with the spirit and complete their Ninth Calling quest
- Defeat 50 Black Ship Rats with NAME
- 2 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Eleventh Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 55 with the spirit and complete their Tenth Calling quest
- Complete Sidhe Finnachaid Advanced in any mode.
- 2 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Twelfth Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 60 with the spirit and complete their Eleventh Calling quest
- Feed 3 preferred gems that are 6 CM or larger to NAME
- 2 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Thirteenth Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 65 with the spirit and complete their Twelfth Calling quest
- Defeat 50 Cobweb Mummies with NAME
- 2 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Fourteenth Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 70 with the spirit and complete their Thirteenth Calling quest
- Complete any Avalon Purification Mission
- 2 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Fifteenth Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 75 with the spirit and complete their Fourteenth Calling quest
- Feed 4 preferred gems that are 8 CM or larger to NAME
- 3 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Sixteenth Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 80 with the spirit and complete their Fifteenth Calling quest
- Defeat 50 Ancient monsters with NAME
- 3 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Seventeenth Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 85 with the spirit and complete their Sixteenth Calling quest
- Clear Rabbie Phantasm
- 3 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Eighteenth Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 90 with the spirit and complete their Seventeenth Calling quest
- Feed 5 preferred gems that are 10 CM or larger to NAME
- 3 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Ninteenth Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 95 with the spirit and complete their Eighteenth Calling quest
- Defeat 50 monsters in Feth Fiada with NAME
- 3 EP
[Spirit] {Spirit’s Name}’s Twentieth Calling
How to Get Quest
- Reach level 100 with the spirit and complete their Ninteenth Calling quest
- Clear an Elite Tech Duinn mission
- 3 EP
More Information
NPC Locations:
- Berched: Located at the Druid’s House north of Taillteann – use the Druid’s House Moongate and go north
- Dorren: Located in Taillteann in front of the Alchemist’s House
- Edern: Located in Bangor at the Blacksmith’s shop near the entrance to Barri Dungeon
- Gilmore: Located slightly behind the bank in Bangor, look for General Store on the Map to locate him quickly
- Galvin: Located in Emain Macha square near the Observatory Tower
- Lassar: Located inside the School in Tir Chonaill right behind the NPC Ranald
- Price: A moving NPC that can be located through the Traveler’s Guide on the Menu bar, he changes locations every game day at 12am
By SuicydeBunny