A guide listing prerequisites, easily missed/failed quests, start and fail conditions.

One frustration I’ve found in Legend of Mana is not knowing which events are missable, what their prerequisites are, or what their fail-states are. So I’ve made a basic guide for myself. There are 68 total events. I’ve organized them by quest line, so you can easily see where to go next if you’re trying to follow a specific storyline. The questlines themselves can usually be done in any order, however be aware that certain quests are failable or will disappear if you trigger a later quest.I’ve cobbled this together from a variety of different guides, so if I’ve made a mistake (or things are different in the Remaster) please let me know.What this guide is not: it’s not a map. I know the areas are mazes, but if you need help navigating, please refer to other guides. It also will not tell you how to defeat bosses.
BEWARE OF SPOILERS. I don’t go into details of what each quest entails, but I cannot guarantee that this is a spoiler-free guide either.
General Tips
- Do not leave an area before completing the event (if the event does not require you to leave)
- Do not return home with an event NPC/invite a different quest NPC while on an event with an NPC
- Save often, and keep a few backup saves
- Talk to Li’l Cactus after every event
- Because NG+ keeps the Orchard/Ranch/Workshops unlocked, you cannot(?) get the Li’l Cactus diary entries for the events that unlock them on a second time around. Make sure to talk to Li’l Cactus and record those events!
- During the quest Li’l Cactus, Li’l Cactus becomes unavailable for a while. It’s recommended to not start this quest until you’ve unlocked and cleared the initial quests in all areas you need to visit for this event, as you won’t be able to record them.
- Completing one of the major storylines (Faeries, Dragons, or Jumi) will trigger the Cage of Dreams quest, which grants you the Sword of Mana AF, which gives +3 to all elements to the surrounding lands. It’s recommended to place it next to Domina, to trigger two mana-dependent events.
- The quest Legend of Mana will complete the game. Clear everything you want to clear first! (You can do a NG+ from a clear save file)
Easily missed events
Below are the easily missed events. Note that more events than these can be missed/failed, but some would require you to go out of your way for that to happen.
- Gaia’s Wisdom: If you enter Gato Grottoes after completing Flame of Hope but before starting Gaia’s Wisdom, Gaia’s Wisdom becomes unavailable. Mission will be failed if you go to Gato Grottoes with Danae after starting the event.
- Seeing Double: 3 Shade required in Domina
- Peewee Birdie: 3 Wisp/3 Salamander required in Domina, DO NOT speak to Pewee birdie too often (10 times) or he will break and the event is lost. If you answer incorrectly during the event, the mission is failed.
- If you place the Sword of Mana AF next to Domina, you can be sure to have the required mana levels for both these events.
- Wimpy Thugling: 3 Dryad required in Duma Desert
- Gilbert: Love is Blind: Missed if you enter Geo’s café before doing it (this will trigger Gilbert: School Amour)
- Where’s Putty?: Unavailable if you complete Catchin’ Lilipeas and Diddle Had It! before this.
- Li’l Cactus: Unavailable if you complete Cosmo before this.
- Treasure Map: has a fail state
- Nordic Snowfield: has a fail state
- Pokiehl: Dream Teller: if you leave the area before completing the mission, it fails
- Diddle Had It!: if you leave the area before completing the mission, it fails
If you’ve found other quests that are missable/easy to fail, please let me know.
Events – Cactus Order (1-29)
Events – Cactus Order (30-68)
Event Details
In general:
- Never leave a quest area if you aren’t prompted to!
- Don’t boot an event NPC out of your party until you’ve completed the event!
- Always agree to help when asked!
On prereqs – in most cases, a prerequisite quest must simply have been either completed or failed. Thus failing a quest won’t usually lock you out of later events in the arc.* Completely missing a quest, however, will make subsequent steps impossible to access. (*The exception is “The Treasure Map”, which you must succeed in order to continue the quest line.)
A quick note on rewards: I’m only going to list artifact rewards. Most artifacts have multiple ways of getting them. If you already have both artifacts, you’ll get metal (for crafting) instead.
Primary artifact: You will always receive this artifact if you don’t already have it.
Secondary artifact: You will receive this one as well if you have 3 or fewer artifacts on hand, or you will receive only this one if you already have the Primary AF but not the secondary one.
Jumi Arc
- Prereqs: None
- Missable: Yes – if you start The Looking Glass Tower (entering Tower of Leires) first, The Lost Princess disappears.
- Failable: Yes – if you enter the Tower of Leires while on this mission, it will fail.
- Locations: Domina/Mekiv Caverns
- Rewards: Primary – Stone Eye, Secondary – Firefly Lamp
Go to the tavern in Domina. Talk to Elazul, answer however you want. Talk to Rachel to receive the Jade Egg (Mekiv Caverns). If you agreed to help Elazul, take him to Mekiv Caverns. If you didn’t agree to help him, or if you lost Elazul somehow (by picking up a different NPC or going home), the quest will trigger without him once you enter the Mekiv Caverns. Find Pearl, defeat the boss. You get slightly different dialogue based on whether Elazul is with you or not.
- Prereqs: None
- Missable: No, but event will not start while Drowned Dreams is active
- Failable: No
- Locations: Gato Grottoes
- Rewards: Primary – Ancient Tablet, Secondary – Touch of Coral
Enter Gato Grottoes, go north (to town). Watch the cut scene. Follow the sproutling around the map, watch cut scenes. Agree to help. Go through the caves to get to the waterfall / cliffs, watch the cut scene to end the event.
Recommended: Do The Flame of Hope first.
- Prereqs: None
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Polpota Harbor
- Rewards: Primary – Pirate’s Hook, Secondary – Bottled Spirit
Talk to the employee on the right side of the hotel reception, agree to help. Head to the left side of the map, talk to the mermaid, go to the beach, talk to Thoma. Go through the hotel, take the lower right stairs. Talk to Inspector Boyd. Keep going to the restaurant, talk to the penguins. Return to the hotel entrance, watch cut scene with Basket Fish. Return to Inspector Boyd, ask him all the questions, then suggest Thoma. Go to the restaurant, watch cut scene with Thoma. Return to the hotel entrance to see Thoma and Boyd speaking. Go into the hotel and into the room on the left (where Basketfish and the dancer are). Talk to Thoma and watch the cut scene to end the event.
IMPORTANT: Complete The Lost Princess first!
- Prereqs: None, but Elazul can’t be in your party
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: The Tower of Leires
- Rewards: Primary – Frozen Heart, Secondary – Pirate’s Hook
Go to the Tower of Leires and talk to Pearl to begin the quest. Take her to the 11th floor of the tower. Fight a boss, then take her back down to the first floor. Fight another boss to end the event.
- Prereqs: The Flame of Hope, Drowned Dreams, The Looking-Glass Tower [+ Gilbert: School Amour IF you’ve already done The Spirits’ Light]
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Domina, Geo
- Rewards: Primary – Jade Egg, Secondary – Frozen Heart
Talk to Elazul in Domina’s inn, agree to help. Talk to Pearl, convince her to go to your home. Take Elazul to the Academy of Magic in Geo, watch the cut scene. Rest at the inn until it’s not Gnome or Undine Day. Talk to Esmerelda at the Academy. Rest until it’s Gnome or Undine day and meet Esmerelda at the Library. Change the day, talk to her again in the classroom. Change the day, talk to her in the Library. Offer to help her. Talk to Alex at the Jewelry Shop. The three cores you need to find are in:
- Mephianse’s office in the Academy (Dryad Day)
- The statue in Kristie’s palace basement
- Talk to Teapo at the café. Leave to the city map to receive it.
Go back to the Jewelry shop, pick up Elazul. Return to the statue in Kristie’s basement. Fight the boss to the end the event.
IMPORTANT: Complete Li’l Cactus before this one.
- Prereqs: Lucky Clover
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Home, Mekiv Caverns
- Rewards: N/A
Exit your home, talk to Elazul and agree to help him find Pearl. Go to Mekiv Caverns, talk to the mallard. Head through the caverns to find Pearl. Fight the boss to end the event.
- Prereqs: Cosmo
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: The Tower of Leires
- Rewards: N/A
Elazul will be in your bed. Talk to him and leave. Rinse and repeat until he leaves. Go to the Tower of Leires, talk to Elazul and agree to help. Take him up to the 11th floor. Agree to help and fight the boss to end the event.
- Prereqs: The Two Pearls
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Domina, Geo
- Rewards: N/A
Go to the Inn in Domina. Talk to Elazul and Pearl, agree to help. Take them to Kristie’s palace basement in Geo. Reassure Pearl, then talk to Kristie. You need to collect three keys, which are at the instrument shop, Mephianse’s office, and the city gates. Return to the statue, then go to the underground arena to end the event.
- Prereqs: Alexandrite, Reach for the Stars
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Geo
- Rewards: N/A
Go to the Jewelry Shop in Geo. Watch the cut scene, talk to Florina. You will enter a dream world. If you pay Niccolo, he will join you. Make your way through the dungeon. Fight the boss to end the event.
Important: Complete Daddy’s Broom before this one
- Prereqs: Fluorite, The Little Sorcerers
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Domina, Geo, Bejeweled City
- Rewards: N/A
Go to the Church and talk to Inspector Boyd. Answer “No, that can’t be,” then agree to help. Go to the Jewelry Shop in Geo, then leave again. You will see Pearl and Elazul enter. Follow them, examine the treasure box to be transported to Pandora’s Box. Talk to Pearl and Elazul, choose one of them as your companion. You will receive the Jumi Staff AF.
Exit to the world map and place the Jumi Staff to spawn the Bejeweled City. You will need to collect gems to unlock gates and fight bosses. Make your way through the city. Once you defeat the boss in the final area, the event will complete.
This is the end of the Jumi arc.
Faerie Arc
Important: This quest is highly missable. Do it ASAP.
- Prereqs: Find Danae at Luon Highway
- Missable: Yes – if you tell Danae that souls disappear, or that she should go on her own. Also missable if you enter Gato Grottoes after completing Flame of Hope & Murmuring Forest, or after completing both Niccolo’s Business Unusual & The Lost Princess
- Failable: Yes – if you part ways with Danae before taking her to Gaia, or if you enter Gato Grottoes with her.
- Locations: Domina, Luon Highway
- Rewards: N/A
Find Danae in the Domina Inn (room to the right on first floor). Talk to her, tell her you believe that souls live forever, then agree to take her to Gaia. Go to Luon Highway and talk to Gaia to end the event.
- Prereqs: Huntin’ Du’Cate
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Jungle
- Rewards: N/A
Go to the Jungle. Talk to the Flowerling and warp to the Courtyard of Rain. The monsters, talk to Selkie and she’ll cast a spell on you (might not be necessary if you did this step during Huntin’ Du’Cate). Make your way to the forest ruins (either by warping via the flowerling or walking there directly) and talk to Selkie. Agree to help her. Go to the fairie courtyard, watch the scene. Talk to Escad. Follow him through the forest. Defeat the Punkmaster to end the event.
- Prereqs: Murmuring Forest, Flame of Hope
- Missable: No, but event cannot be started while Escad is in the party.
- Failable: No
- Locations: Gato Grottoes
- Rewards: Primary – Stone Eye
Go to the backroom of the Temple in Gato Grottoes (you reach it via the stairs on the left/right of the main temple hall). Talk to Danae, watch the cut scene. Talk to Danae again, agree to help. Head for the caves, then talk to Escad. Danae will offer to warp you to the correct room. Agree or make your way there manually. Fight the boss to end the event.
IMPORTANT: If you miss this event, you lose out on Star-Crossed Lovers, Pokiehl: Dream Teller, and Heaven’s Gate as well.
- Prereqs: Two Torches
- Missable: Yes – if you refuse to help Matilda
- Failable: No
- Locations: Gato Grottoes, Lake Kilma
- Rewards: N/A
Go to Gato Grottoes and talk to Matilda in the temple backroom. Agree to help her (if you refuse, you will miss out on the entire Faeries Arc). Go to Lake Kilma, find Tote and talk to him. Find Danae. Keep going, fight a boss to end the event.
- Prereqs: In Search of Faeries
- Missable: Yes – If you refused Matilda in In Search of Faeries, you lose this event too. Will not trigger while Escad is in the party.
- Failable: Yes – if you leave the Mines during the event.
- Locations: Ulkan Mines
- Rewards: N/A
Find Pokiehl in the Ulkan Mines. He will take you to the dream world. Make your way through it. You must choose between Escad and Danae. If you choose Danae, there will be a boss fight.
- Prereqs: Pokiehl: Dream Teller, Teatime of Danger
- Missable: Yes – If you refused Matilda in In Search of Faeries, you lose this event too. Will not trigger while Escad is in the party.
- Failable: No
- Locations: Gato Grottoes, Mindas Ruins
- Rewards: N/A
Talk to Matilda in Gato Grottoes. After a cut scene, everybody will be at the Mindas Ruins. Make your way through the ruins (you can pay Niccolo for a quick warp when you find him), and you will be forced to choose between Danae and Escad. The one you choose will be available as an NPC follower for the rest of the game. Do the boss fight to end the event.
IMPORTANT: Complete Daddy’s Broom before this.
- Prereqs: Star-Crossed Lovers
- Missable: Yes – If you refused Matilda in In Search of Faeries, you lose this event too.
- Failable: No
- Locations: Gato Grottoes, Lucemia
- Rewards: N/A
Go to Gato Grottoes and talk to Matilda. The person you chose in the last quest will join you. Matilda gives you the Brooch of Love AF. Place it to create Lucemia. Make your way through Lucemia, fight the boss to end the event.
This is the end of the Faeries Arc.
Dragon Arc
- Prereqs: None
- Missable: No, but cannot be started if you have an NPC with you
- Failable: No
- Locations: Underworld
- Rewards: Primary – Skull Lantern, Secondary – Broken Doll
Go to the Underworld without an NPC (monsters/golems are okay). Larc will take you into the Underworld. Make your way down, talk to Olbohn, then talk to the Shadole in the Baptismal Chamber. Doors will now open for you, so you can go farther down the Underworld. Keep going until you reach a room with faces on the walls. Fight the boss. Answer however you like to end the event.
- Prereqs: The Fallen Emperor
- Missable: No, but Larc must be in your party
- Failable: No
- Locations: Norn Peaks
- Rewards: Primary – Dragonbone, Secondary – Tome of Magic
If he’s not already with you, pick up Larc from the Underworld, then head to Norn Peaks. The quest will automatically trigger. Make your way through the peaks. After the cut scene in the village, you’ll have to find and fight three guardians in the mountains to unlock the final path to the boss at the peak. Fight the boss to end the event.
- Prereqs: The Guardian of Winds, Field Trip
- Missable: No, but Larc and a monster/golem must be in your party
- Failable: No
- Locations: Bone Fortress
- Rewards: Primary – Green Cane
Put a monster or golem in your party. Pick up Larc from the Underworld, then head to the Bone Fortress and enter the dragon skeleton. You will be separated from your party. Search the area until you find your monster/golem buddy. Click on the “tables” in the elevator room. Take the elevator to the third floor, fight a mini-boss to get a key. Go to the second floor, find Larc. Go back to the first floor and click on the pedestals. Then enter the elevator again and go to the third floor. Make your way to the boss room to fight the boss to end the event.
- Prereqs: The Ghost of Nemesis
- Missable: No, but Larc must be in your party
- Failable: No
- Locations: The White Forest
- Rewards: Primary – Torch of Coral
Go to the White Forest with Larc. Just make your way through. Larc will tell you if you’re going the right way or not. Watch the scene, agree to fight the mini-boss to end the event.
IMPORTANT: Complete Daddy’s Broom before this.
- Prereqs: The Dragon Princess
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: The Underworld
- Rewards: N/A
Go to the Underworld. Sierra will meet you there. Agree to help her, take her to the depths. Fight the boss. The Underworld will transform. Enter this new location and talk to Sierra at the entrance. Make your way through the tower. (If you get lost—turn battles off, consult a map or more detailed guide.) At the top, you will have a boss battle which ends the event.
This is the end of the Dragon Arc.
Niccolo Arc
- Prereqs: None
- Missable: No
- Locations: Domina/Luon Highway
- Rewards: Primary – Flame, Secondary – Medallion
Find Niccolo in Domina’s market and agree to help him with the bandits on Luon Highway. After a short cut scene at the item shop, Niccolo will give you the Wheel (creates Luon Highway). Go to Luon Highway, find and fight the bandits.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to do Wisdom of Gaia before this.
- Prereqs: Niccolo’s Business Unusual, The Flame of Hope
- Missable: No
- Failable: Yes—If you part ways with Niccolo while this event is active.
- Locations: Gato Grottoes
- Rewards: Primary – Broken Doll, Secondary – Medallion
Find Niccolo in the Gato Grottoes item shop. Agree to take him to the waterfall. You can run through the caves or simply warp to the waterfall. After Niccolo starts collecting things, leave the waterfall area by going to the right, then return. Stand on the log in the middle of the area until a faerie appears. Talk to it, answer however you want to end the quest.
- Prereqs: Niccolo’s Business Unusual: Part 2, Teatime of Danger
- Missable: No
- Failable: Yes—If you part ways with Niccolo this event is active.
- Locations: Lumina, Mindas Ruins
- Rewards: N/A
Go to Lumina and talk to Niccolo in the Shopping District’s item shop. Agree to help him. Go to Mindas Ruins and follow the sequence of events there. The event ends when you make it back to the Ruins entrance.
- Prereqs: Niccolo’s Business Unusual: Part 3, Mine Your Own Business
- Missable: No
- Failable: Yes—If you part ways with Niccolo while this event is active.
- Locations: Geo
- Rewards: N/A
Go to Geo’s bar, talk to Niccolo and agree to help him. Take him to Ulkan Mines and talk to Watts in his workshop. Leave the workshop. If you already have Gator Skin, re-enter and simply give it to Watts. If you don’t, go to Domina and talk to Yuka at the inn. Either way, give Watts the Gator Skin to end the event.
- Prereqs: Niccolo’s Business Unusual: Part 4
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Geo, Polpota Harbor, Gato Grottoes,
- Rewards: N/A
Go to Kristie’s mansion in Geo and talk to Niccolo and Kristie. Go to Polpota and find Niccolo at the beach. Return to Geo, talk to Kristie again. Go to Gato Grottoes and go to the Bird’s Nest. Watch the event, then return to Polpota Harbor and talk to Niccolo to end the Event.
- Prereqs: The Flame of Hope, Niccolo cannot be in your party
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Geo, Gato Grottoes, Lumina, Duma Desert
- Rewards: N/A
Go to Geo, talk to the bartender. Go to Gato Grottoes and find the room with the barrels in the caves. Talk to the nuns there to officially begin the event. There is a small boss fight, then return to Geo and talk to the bartender. Go to Lumina, talk to the bartender. Enter Duma Desert and find the spring. Watch the cut scene to end the event
- Prereqs: None
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Lake Kilma
- Rewards: Primary – Firefly Lamp, Secondary – Medallion
Go to Lake Kilma. Watch the scenes, follow the penguins around. Talk to Tote, then keep going. The penguins will usually be indicating the correct path. Fight the boss to end the event.
IMPORTANT: Talk to Valerie after watching the final scene. If you leave the area without talking to her, the event ends without you getting your rewards.
- Prereqs: None
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Madora Beach
- Rewards: Primary – Rusty Anchor, Secondary – Moon’s Mirror
Enter Madora Beach. Watch the scene, then head right. Just keep going. Fight a boss, watch another scene. TALK TO VALERIE. When you leave the area, the event ends.
- Prereqs: None
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: SS Buccaneer
- Rewards: Primary – Medallion, Secondary – Frozen Heart
Go to the SS Buccaneer and talk to Ramtieger. Tell him South, East, East. Go to the top deck, watch a scene. Leave and immediately go back to the top deck. Go talk to the Captain. Go back down two levels, search the barrel. Talk to him and convince him to give you the bottle. Head back up to the top deck to fight a boss and end the event.
Recommended: Save before you start this event.
- Prereqs: The Lost Princess OR Cosmo
- Missable: No
- Failable: Yes – THIS EVENT IS TIMED.
- Locations: SS Buccaneer, Mekiv Caverns
- Rewards: N/A
Talk to Ramtieger on the SS Buccaneer and tell him North, North, East. Go talk to the Captain, agree to help. You’ll now be at Mekiv Caverns. Make your way through the caves quickly, catching all the dudbears with map pieces. If you’re too slow, Rodger will show up and you fail the event. The event ends when you have all eight pieces.
Recommended: Save before this event!
- Prereqs: The Treasure Map, Can’t Look Back
- Missable: Yes, if you failed The Treasure Map
- Failable: Yes – if you talk to the wrong fairy at the end.
- Locations: SS Buccaneer, Fieg Snowfields
- Rewards: N/A
Talk to Ramtieger on the SS Buccaneer, tell him South, South, West. Talk to the Captain, agree to help. Go through the snowfields, talking to various faeries in order to unlock the ability to see more faeries. After unlocking the ability to see all faeries, save the game. Make your way to the last area, and speak to one of the three faeries. Only one of them is the correct one. If you talk to the wrong faerie, the event fails, so reload and try again.
- Prereqs: A Siren’s Song, must stomp on 20 crabs on Madora Beach.
- Missable: No
- Failable: Yes – if you don’t bribe the dudbears after finding the treasure.
- Locations: SS Buccaneer, Madora Beach
- Rewards: Primary – Firefly Lamp, Secondary – Stone Eye
Talk to Ramtieger on the SS Buccaneer, tell him West, West, North. Talk to the Captain, agree to help. You’ll be on Madora Beach. He will give you 15 coins. You’ll have to use the coins to trade with dudbears and bribe them to leave their posts. Once you find the treasure, give one coin to the dudbears. Event ends.
- Prereqs: Mine Your Own Business
- Missable: Yes – if you clear both Catchin’ Lilipeas and Diddle Had It! before this
- Failable: No
- Locations: Ulkan Mines, SS Buccaneer, Polpota Harbor
- Rewards: N/A
Enter Ulkan Mines. You will be taken to the bottom. Watch a cut scene. Go to the SS Buccaneer, make your way to the bottom. Click on the moving barrel. Go to the beach at Polpota Harbor. Watch the scene to end the event.
Gilbert Arc
- Prereqs: None
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Lumina
- Rewards: Primary – Trembling Spoon, Secondary – Sand Rose
Go to Lumina, head to Monique’s shop (on the far right of the map—there’s an impossible to see path in the main square). Talk to her to trigger the event. Leave the shop, talk to Gilbert and agree to help sell the lamps. You will need to go to the Tavern and talk to the barkeeper to learn the dudbear language. Once you do that, there are three dudbears (two in the tavern, one in the central square) you can attempt to sell lamps to. If you fail, exit Lumina and re-enter to reset the dudbears. (Or just look the answers up.)
Once you’ve sold all three, talk to Gilbert and watch the scene. Leave the shop, watch the scene. Re-enter the shop and watch the final scene that ends the event.
- Prereqs: Drowned Dreams, The Spirits’ Light, Summer Lovin’
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Lumina, Polpota Harbor, Madora Beach
- Rewards: N/A
Go to the Lumina Tavern and talk to the soldiers in the alley. Go to the Lamp Shop. Talk to the soldier. Go to Polpota Harbor, to the path between the restaurant and the hotel. Talk to Monique, then go to the beach and talk to the soldiers.
Go to Madora beach and make your way through until you find a mermaid. Talk to her. After that, pretend to leave. When the mermaid disappears, run back, past the mermaid (before she reappears) to fight a boss and end the event.
- Prereqs: A Siren’s Song
- Missable: Yes – if you enter Geo’s café before doing this, Gilbert: School Amour will trigger, causing Love is Blind to disappear.
- Failable: No
- Locations: Madora Beach, Polpota Harbor, SS Buccaneer
- Rewards: N/A
Head to the Madora Beach lighthouse and ask Elle to join you. Go to Polpota Harbor and talk to Gilbert in the restaurant. Return to Madora beach and talk to Elle again. After the cut scene, go to the SS Buccaneer. Watch the scene, go talk to the Captain. Head back up to fight a boss and end the event.
IMPORTANT: Do Gilbert: Love is Blind before triggering this event!
- Prereqs: The Spirits’ Light
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Geo
- Rewards: N/A
Enter the café in Geo and watch a cut scene. Talk to Gilbert and agree to help. You will need to convince Kathinja’s students to go back to class. They’re scattered throughout the city (including the Academy), twelve in total. If you fail to convince them, just talk to them again and pick the different choice. One student in the Item Shop will only return when all other students have been convinced. Now attempt to leave Geo and watch the cut scene at the main entrance.
- Prereqs: Gilbert: School Amour, A Siren’s Song
- Missable: No, but Niccolo can’t be in your party
- Failable: Yes – if you pick only the bottom options when prompted.
- Locations: Geo, Ulkan Mines, Lumina, Madora Beach
- Rewards: N/A
Go to the palace basement and search the Gilbert statue. Go to the Ulkan mines and use the Dudbear express, then read the book. Roger will kick you out. Return to read the book again. Talk to Roger, then search the mines until you find the statue. Click on it.
Head to Lumina and talk to Monique. Head to the Madora Beach Lighthouse, watch some scenes. Return to the statue in the Ulkan Mines and select these options: “Heavens bless the earth with life-giving showers of rain. The ancient memories of Mother Earth fill our souls with bliss. Know the truth that is the ultimate tower of energy for all.” (if you screw this up, you fail the quest)
Bud & Lisa arc
- Prereqs: Niccolo’s Business Unusual OR The Lost Princess
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Home, Domina
- Rewards: N/A
After clearing your first event (Niccolo’s Business Unusual or The Lost Princess), go home. The pelican will tell you about Domina Outskirts being taken over by pumpkins. Go to Domina Outskirts, fight Bud & Lisa.
- Prereqs: The Little Sorcerers
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Home, Underworld, Jungle, Luon Highway, Lake Kilma, Gato Grottoes + various
- Rewards: N/A
After Bud & Lisa join you, talk to Bud in your home and agree to help him meet the seven (actually six) wisdoms. He’ll join your party. This is a longer quest, but you will need to take Bud to see the wisdoms. Their locations:
- Gaia: Luon Highway
- Rosiotti: Jungle (recommended: take Bud with you to do “Huntin’ Du’Cate” or “The Murmuring Forest”)
- Tote: Lake Kilma (recommended: take Bud with you to do “The Gorgon’s Eye”)
- Pokiehl: various, incl. Ulkan Mines, Lumina, Underworld (recommended: take Bud with you to do “Mine Your Own Business”)
- Olbohn: Underworld
- Selva: Gato Grottoes. Will only be there after you’ve met the other five wisdoms.
After speaking to Selva, return home to conclude the quest.
- Prereqs: The Little Sorcerers, The Infernal Doll [+ The Seven Wisdoms must be started]
- Missable: Yes – If you complete The Crimson Dragon OR The Teardrop Crystal OR Heaven’s Gate and have placed 18 artifacts on the map
- Failable: No
- Locations: Home, Junkyard
- Rewards: N/A
Return home (without Lisa in the party) and watch a cut scene. Head upstairs to talk to Li’l Cactus. When you head down again, Lisa will be gone. You can agree to take Bud with you. Go to the Junkyard and go to the boss area (remember, you need to follow the toy box’s directions exactly to unlock the boss area). Fight the boss to conclude the event.
Note: while this quest is active, Lisa will be unavailable. If you kick Bud out of the party after agreeing to help him find Lisa, he will also be gone until you conclude the quest.
Recommended: While this quest is active, Li’l Cactus will not be available and you risk losing out on Cactus Diary entries. Make sure you have the required artifacts. If you don’t have the Pirate’s Hook already, you would need to clear an event that gives it to you—and you wouldn’t be able to record it in the Cactus Diary.
- Prereqs: The Little Sorcerers, visiting Geo [+ maybe The Infernal Doll]
- Missable: Yes – If you start/complete Cosmo before beginning this event. Quest will not activate while Lisa or Bud are in your party.
- Failable: No
- Locations: Home, Domina, Luon Highway, Geo, Jungle, SS Buccaneer
- Rewards: N/A
When Bud falls ill (triggered after entering Geo for the first time), talk to Lisa. Go to Domina and talk to Meimei (the fortune teller). This will be the official start of the event. MAKE SURE YOU WON’T NEED LI’L CACTUS DURING THIS EVENT.
Return home to talk to Li’l Cactus, but he won’t be there. Go to Luon Highway, talk to Gaia. Go to the Jungle, talk to Selkie (one of the penguins by Rosiotti in the Forest Ruins). Go to Geo, talk to Brownie (one of the students by the Academy entrance). Go to the SS Buccaneer, talk to David (penguin two floors down). Go to Domina, talk to the Pelican at the outskirts.* Return back home and find Li’l Cactus in your mailbox.
*If you’ve already triggered the beginning of Diddle’s Letter, the Pelican might not be there. Talk to the Sproutling in front of the inn, then go inside the inn, watch the cutscene, return to the outskirts to watch another scene. Then you can leave the area and return to the outskirts, and the Pelican will available.
Diddle & Capella Arc
- Prereqs: Niccolo’s Business Unusual OR The Little Sorcerers
- Missable: No, but cannot trigger while “Seeing Double” is active.
- Locations: Domina, Luon Highway
- Rewards: N/A
Enter Domina and talk to Diddle by the fountain. Leave Domina, re-enter and go to the fountain area again. You might need to repeat this a few times, but eventually Diddle will leave. Go to the left to the Outskirts, and when you return, talk to Capella. Head to the main area, talk to the Sproutling. Enter the inn, watch a cutscene, then go to the outskirts once more. Talk to Capella. Leave, then return to the outskirts and talk to the Pelican.
Go to Luon Highway (you can use the Boink to warp you to the fork). Talk to Capella, then head to the bandit caves. You can answer Diddle’s question however you wish, but telling the truth is faster. (If you lie, you will have to walk all the way to the entrance of Luon Highway, and then right back to the caves). Make your way through the caves and fight the boss to end the event.
- Prereqs: Diddle’s Letter, The Fallen Emperor
- Missable: No, but cannot activate while Crimson Dragon is active
- Failable: Yes—If you leave the Underworld before completing the quest
- Locations: Lumina, The Underworld
- Rewards: N/A
Find Diddle and Capella in Lumina’s bar. Talk to them. Leave/Re-enter Lumina, head to the bar to watch Diddle leave. Talk to Capella. Leave Lumina and head home, then exit to the world map again. You should see Shadoles entering Lumina. Go back to Lumina, talk to Capella/Shadoles. Go to the Underworld. You will be warped to the bottom.
You will need to navigate your way up without touching any Shadoles. If you do touch one, you get warped back to the bottom where Pokiehl is. Once you find Diddle, there will be a boss fight and the event concludes.
- Prereqs: Diddle Had It!, Catchin’ Lilipeas
- Missable: Maybe? If “Diddle Had It!” was failed.
- Failable: No
- Locations: Domina, The White Forest
- Rewards: N/A
Go to the Church of Mana in Domina and watch a scene with Roger and Dudbears. Go to the fountain area and watch a scene with Diddle and Capella. Head to the White Forest. You need to knock out any dudbears you see in order to progress (otherwise, they’ll take you somewhere else). Find Diddle, fight a boss, event ends.
School Events
IMPORTANT: Do not enter Fieg Snowfields while this quest is active!
- Prereqs: None
- Missable: Yes – if Can’t Look Back is active when you talk to Kathinja in Duma Desert.
- Failable: Yes – If you talked to Kathinja once, leave to activate Can’t Look Back, then come back to talk to Kathinja again (both quests will fail).
- Locations: Duma Desert
- Rewards: Primary – Torch of Coral, Secondary – Broken Doll
Enter Duma Desert. Agree to help Kathinja. Make your way through the desert until you find the event area. Watch the cut scene the end the event.
IMPORTANT: Do not enter Duma Desert while this quest is active!
- Prereqs: None
- Missable: No
- Failable: Yes – if you talk to Kathinja in Duma Desert while Can’t Look Back is active
- Locations: Fieg Snowfields
- Rewards: Primary – Rusty Anchor, Secondary – Broken Doll
Enter Fieg Snowfields. Watch a scene. Find Mephianse at the camp, talk to him. Find the snow witch, watch a scene, go fight the boss to end the event.
- Prereqs: None
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: The Bone Fortress
- Rewards: N/A
Enter the Bone Fortress. Talk to the student in the middle who says he’s looking for components. On the screen to the right, gather Faerie Scales (blue student at top), Starsparkles (male flowerling to the lower right) and Silver Spotted Shrooms (purple flowerling). Return these to the student looking for components. You might need to fail at least once before it will allow you to succeed. The event will end.
Misc Events
- Prereqs: None
- Missable: Yes – if you complete Catchin’ Lilipeas before starting this
- Failable: Yes – if you start Catchin’ Lilipeas while this event is active
- Locations: Jungle
- Rewards: Primary – Sand Rose, Secondary – Ancient Tablet
Enter the Jungle. Watch a scene, head right. Immediately return to watch the Lilipea walk off screen. From here on out, follow the Lilipea. It will guide you through the Jungle. When you find Skippy, talk to him and agree to help (don’t mention Hamson). Talk to Rosiotti. When you find Hamson, talk to him and agree to help (don’t mention Skippy). Follow Skippy towards the right, fight the boss to end the event.
IMPORTANT: Do Huntin’ Du’Cate and Where’s Putty? before this one!
- Prereqs: None
- Missable: No, but cannot activate while The Dragon Princess is active or while Larc is in your party.
- Failable: No
- Locations: The White Forest
- Rewards: N/A
Talk to Sotherbee in the forest. Make your way through the forest, talking to people and watching events. Find the town, talk to the lilipeas. Fight a boss. The event ends.
- Prereqs: None
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Mindas Ruins
- Rewards: Primary – Bottled Spirit, Secondary – Rusty Anchor
Enter Mindas Ruins. Watch an event, make your way through the ruins. Find the flowerling that activates psychokinesis, return to the ruins and enter them. Fight the boss to end the event.
- Prereqs: None
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Ulkan Mines
- Rewards: Primary – Moon’s Mirror, Secondary – Torch of Coral
Go to Watt’s workshop. Talk to Pokiehl. Find Watts in the mines. Fight a boss to end the event.
- Prereqs: Mine Your Own Business
- Missable: No, but cannot be started while Pokiehl: Dream Teller is active.
- Failable: No
- Locations: Ulkan Mines
- Rewards: N/A
Talk to Watts in his workshop. Agree to help. Find his hammer, return it to him. The event ends.
- Prereqs: None
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Junkyard
- Rewards: Primary – Tome of Magic, Secondary – Moon’s Mirror
Enter the Junkyard, watch the scene. Talk to the toybox at the beginning. It will tell you the path to take. You must follow this path exactly or the boss room will be blocked off. If you screwed up, go back to the beginning and try again. Fight the boss to end the event.
- Prereqs: The Infernal Doll
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Junkyard, Lake Kilma
- Rewards: N/A
Go to the Junkyard. Talk to the flowerling and have it warp you to Prof. Bomb’s lab. Agree to help. Go to Lake Kilma, follow the golem. Fight it to end the event.
- Prereqs: Gilbert: School Amour, The Lost Princess
- Missable: Yes – if you missed The Lost Princess, you miss this one too
- Failable: No
- Locations: Domina, Geo
- Rewards: N/A
You will need to talk to Mark and Jennifer when they aren’t working a few times to trigger the event. Since they work on different days of the week, you’ll need to leave and re-enter a few times so you can catch them either in the marketplace (Jennifer) or in their house/Rachel’s room (Mark). Once the event triggers, talk to Teapo. Go to the Academy Library in Geo on Salamander day. Watch the event. Return to Domina, repeat the talking to Jennifer and Mark thing a few times until the event ends.
- Prereqs: The Little Sorcerers, 3 Shade on Domina
- Missable: Yes – if Domina doesn’t have the required mana levels
- Failable: No
- Locations: Domina
- Rewards: N/A
Enter Domina and follow the shadow person around town. Fight it to end the event.
- Prereqs: 3 Aura, 3 Salamander on Domina
- Missable: Yes – if Domina doesn’t have the required mana levels, if you broke Pee-Wee
- Failable: Yes – if you talk to Pee-Wee too often or refuse to bring the items.
- Locations: Domina
- Rewards: N/A
Talk to Yuka at the Domina Inn. She’ll ask for some items. Find them all and bring them to Pee-Wee Birdie. Don’t talk to it too much or it will break. Once you’ve handed over all the items the event will end.
- Prereqs: Have 3 Dryad on Duma Desert
- Missable: Yes – if Duma Desert doesn’t have the required mana levels, if you missed Reach for the Stars
- Failable: No
- Locations: Duma Desert
- Rewards: N/A
Before you start, remove any golem/pet and NPCs from your party. Make sure you have an empty space in your Monster Corral. Go to Duma Desert, talk to Tikkle. Make your way through the desert, fight the boss to end the event.
Crafting Events
IMPORTANT: Talk to Li’l Cactus before harvesting your first fruit. Talk to Li’l Cactus immediately after this event ends.
- Prereqs: Talk to Gaia on Luon Highway
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Home – Orchard
- Rewards: N/A
Talk to Gaia on Luon Highway. He will mention Trent. Return home and go to the Orchards. Give him some seeds. Leave and come back “in a few days” (wander around the map, or go do another quest). TALK TO LI’L CACTUS FIRST IF YOU DID ANOTHER QUEST. Harvest your first fruit – this will end the event. GO TALK TO LI’L CACTUS – you can’t get it this Cactus Diary entry on a NG+.
IMPORTANT: Talk to Li’l Cactus immediately after the event ends.
- Prereqs: Niccolo’s Business Unusual OR The Lost Princess [+ The Little Sorcerers if it’s already been triggered]
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Home, Domina
- Rewards: N/A
Go to the Outskirts of Domina to find a monster egg. Follow the tutorial. Event ends. GO TALK TO LI’L CACTUS – you can’t get it this Cactus Diary entry on a NG+.
IMPORTANT: Talk to Li’l Cactus immediately after the event ends.
- Prereqs: Watts Drops the Hammer
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Home – Workshops
- Rewards: N/A
After clearing Watts Drops the Hammer, enter your workshop to trigger this event. If you get the answers wrong, you can try again. The event will end. GO TALK TO LI’L CACTUS – you can’t get it this Cactus Diary entry on a NG+.
IMPORTANT: Talk to Li’l Cactus immediately after the event ends.
- Prereqs: Reach for the Stars OR talk to all four students in the Geo Magic Academy classroom
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Home – Workshops
- Rewards: N/A
Go to your workshop, follow the tutorial. Event will end. GO TALK TO LI’L CACTUS – you can’t get it this Cactus Diary entry on a NG+.
IMPORTANT: Talk to Li’l Cactus immediately after the event ends.
- Prereqs: Professor Bomb’s Lab
- Missable: No
- Failable: No
- Locations: Home – Workshops
- Rewards: N/A
Enter your workshop. Professor Bomb will give you a quiz. If you answer incorrectly, you can try again. Event ends. GO TALK TO LI’L CACTUS – you can’t get it this Cactus Diary entry on a NG+.
- Prereqs: The Crimson Dragon OR The Teardrop Crystal OR Heaven’s Gate
- Missable: no
- Failable: no
- Locations: Home
- Rewards: Primary – Sword of Mana
After clearing one of the major story arcs, return Home and talk to the sproutlings. Go to your Workshop, watch a cut scene. You will be warped to a dream world. Go through the caves, find the Sproutling to end the event.
IMPORTANT: This is the final event. Once you clear this one, the game ends, so do anything else you want to do first.
- Prereqs: Cage of Dreams
- Missable: no
- Failable: no
- Locations: Tree of Mana
- Rewards: N/A
Enter the Tree of Mana, make your way up. Fight the boss at the top. Once you beat the boss, you’ll see a cutscene and the end credits will roll. You will be prompted to make a new save – this will be a NG+ save that carries over all your levels, abilities/STs, inventory, monsters/golems, and Cactus Diary entries.
Thanks to yhibiki for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.
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