how to tell when someone will leave behind a bomb in the laundromat to defuse
Spotting the Bomber
In the latest update for Christmas, the bomber customer has been added; a masked guy who will leave behind bombs in the coin laundry machines. You will have a window of opportunity to defuse it or else it will explode and break the machine which you will then have to repair with the wrench.
What he looks like:
What to Do
Hitting him with a wrench will not stop him from using the coin laundry machine, so there is not yet a way to prevent him from entering and using the laundromat. Fortunately, he does still pay for the machine even if he leaves a nasty surprise behind. If you are working the bakso cart and see him going in, there is nothing to do but wait for him to finish using the machine and for the bomb notification to pop up on the left-hand side of the screen.
If you see which machine he was using or what machine he is walking away from, it makes it easier to tell where the bomb is, but if not, it is bright blue so easier to see than the clothing that is left behind. Simply press F to defuse it and earn progress towards the achievements for defusing it.

Achievements for defusing the bombs left behind are as follows:

- defuse 10 bombs left behind
- defuse 25 bombs left behind
- defuse 50 bombs left behind
You most likely aren’t going to be hanging outside the coin laundry waiting to spot the bomber the entire in-game day, but if you are working the bakso cart or bringing in boxes and happen to see a masked man heading in to the coin laundry, it will at least let you know that you’re going to have to defuse a bomb soon. Alternatively, you can let it explode and leave behind a machine to repair if you want to grind more for the repairing a machine achievements.
Credit: Mosspath