Iron Danger: 100% Achievement Guide

This guide is meant to help you getting every achievement in Iron Danger.
The game saves at every mission start so if you miss a achievement you can come back to it later.
This makes every achievement unmissable.



Singleplayer trophies: 23
Multiplayer trophies: 0
Approximate amount of time to 100%: 16-20 Hours
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0 (Chapter Select)
Glitched trophies: 0
Does difficulty affect trophies?: No
Do cheat codes disable trophies?: No cheats available.


I allways like 100% guides for one simple reason.
I like to know what i need to look out for, to avoid missing missable achievements, before i get to the point of no return.
This is also the reason i decided to write my very first guide, because every game deserves to have at least one 100% guide and there is none for Iron Danger at the moment.
The good news! Iron Danger does not have any missable achievement at all.
The worst thing that can happen is that you need to play through a small part of the game again.

Regarding achievements Iron Danger is easy to go for 100%.
There are only a few where you need to go out of your way to get them.
Allways use your Berrys and Mushrooms when you find new ones and can´t pick them up. So you get the two collecting achievements out of your way as soon as possible.
Look at the section for Skill related and Misc. achievements to minimize reloading missions to a minimum.


This achievements are story related and will unluck automatically while you complete the game.
All of them are unmissable and nothing needs to be done from then player to get them.
They are listet in order of appearance.

First Shard
Unlocks in Chapter 1 Part 2

Found the Healer
Unlocks in Chapter 1 Part 4
I am not sure about when it unlucks exactly, maybe 1 or 2 missions later. I did not realy plan in writing a guide at that time, so i did not took notes ;). As it is a Story achievement anyway it will come on its own never the less.

Second Shard
Unlocks at the end of Chapter 2 Part 4

Third Shard
Unlocks at the end of Chapter 3 Part 4

Fourth Shard
Unlocks at the end of Chapter 4 Part 4

Fifth Shard
Unlocks at the end of Chapter 6 Part 3

Finished Iron Danger
Unlocks at the end of the game


For all cumulative achievements you can reload missions and kill / collect stuff and it will count towards the needed numbers.

Keyu Exterminator
While playing the game you should be able to kill more then 30 keyus with ease. If you somehow managed to get through the game without killing 30 keyus reload any mission with keyus in it and kill the remaining ones.

Champion of Kalevala
While playing the game you should be able to kill more then 100 enemies ease. If you somehow managed to get through the game without killing enough enemies reload any mission with enemies in it and kill the remaining ones.

Death is Merely a Setback
Die 100 times. Another easy achievement that will most likely come natural during gamplay. If not simple let yourself be killed, rewind back, get yourself killed again and repeat until you get it.

Berry Nice
You need to collect 20 Berrys. Hit the Alt key to highlight objects. It is easy to collect enough for the achievement without going out of your way to much. If it happens that each of your characters allready carrys 5 Berrys eat one and pick the new one up.

Mushroom Forager
You need to collect 30 Mushrooms. Hit the Alt key to highlight objects. It is easy to collect enough for the achievement without going out of your way to much. If it happens that each of your characters allready carrys the max amount of mushrooms use one and pick the new one up. Later in the game Lemichen will need different mushrooms for his skills this will speed up the collecting process for this achievement too.

Skill related

The following three achievements are related to character skills.

Ring of Fire!
For this achievment you need to cast Flamming weapon on Topi and then use his Earthquake ability.
This achievement unlucked for me only after i have upgraded Topis earthquake skill to Greater earthquake and then killed an enemy with it while Flamming weapon was active on him. So if it does not unluck for you keep this in mind.

Green Thumb
After you get the spell in Chapter 2 part 5 cast Plant growth 20 times and another easy achievement is yours. Best done on cooldown while exploring.

Natural Selection
One of the Skills Lemichen gets through mushrooms is explosive shot, for this achievment you have to cast Flamming weapon on Lemichen and then shoot an explosive arrow. The arrow will detonate right away and this achievemnt is yours. Rewind back and continue playing normaly.
When i did the achievement both characters where at max health and both got hit by the explosion at the same time, so position them close together in case you have trouble unlocking it.


I have listed the chapter and in bracket the mission nr., of the autosave, where you can get this achievements in order of appearance.

Chapter 2 Part 1 (Mission 8)

Good Stew
Click the recipe beside the kettle in the marked location

Chapter 4 Part 4 (Mission 25)

Big Fish
The Alpha Roosterfish you need to kill can be found in the marked location. You do not need to go there for the mission. Use the Auomaton and it will fall with ease.

Chapter 5 Part 4 (Mission 29)

Tastes Like Chicken
Click the roosterfish over a campfire in the marked location.
I decided to provide this location because you need to kill the enemies for the mission anyway so you can get the achievement while completing the story. Unlike the two previous occasions in Chapter 4 part 3 or Chapter 5 part 3. The fights in this two missions, to get to the roosterfish, are optional and you cant interact with it in the middle of a fight.

Chapter 5 Part 8 (Mission 33)

Avian Veterinarian
At the beginning of the mission, after a few steps, you will meet the Tyrannogrouse from the first temple again. Use Kapinos Heal spell to heal the Tyrannogrouse to full health and this achievement will be yours.

Bird Butcherer
In the same location as Avian Veterinarian. After you healed the Tyrannogrouse kill it. You can also get it without healing the Tyrannogrouse first.

Chapter 6 Part 2 (Mission 35)

Troll Hunter
For this achievement you have to kill 7 Trolls in three different missions.

Troll 1-5 can be found in Chapter 6 Part 2 (35)
Troll 6 can be found in Chapter 6 Part 5 (38)
Troll 7 can be found in Chapter 6 Part 6 (39)

1 = Troll is Fighting with Northlanders
2 = Troll is Fighting with Northlanders
3 = Troll is hiding by a fallen wagon beside a tree
4 = Troll is hiding by a tree. A iron giant and a northlander is nearby
5 = Part of the story, as soon as you open the temple gates he will charge at you
6 = Troll is hiding in plain sight just make sure you pay him a visit on your way out of the temple
7 = Troll is hiding between trees (Troll will be there in Chapter 6 Part 6)

Chapter 7 Part 3 (Mission 43)

Knock, Knock!
When you begin the Mission there will be three mission markers on the map. Destroy all three gates on all three locations before you proceed to the next level. The achievement unlocks as soon as you destroy the third gate

For this achievement you need to lure a Troll into a Northlander Camp. To do so wake up the Troll at location 1 and bring him to location 2. At Location 2 is another entrance into the Northlander Camp which is not shown as a mission marker. Burn down the wood that blocks the way to the entrance and distract the Troll until the way is free. Now bring your two characters as close as possible to the entrance and wait until the troll is there as close as possible too. Click the entrance to the Northlander Camp. The achievement unlucks at the beginning of Chapter 7 Part 4.

About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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