Hello my fellow gamers. I’m here to make your life easier in the painfully boring process of adquiring the 100% achievements in this highly skill-capped game. If you’re like me and had the wonderful idea of going 100% on all troll steam birthday gifts you received (or you just feel like reading a guide for this game, maybe even get a few achievs along the way), then you’ve come to the right place.
Welcome to my guide, fellow gamer. I don’t know what circumstances brought you here to this humble first guide of mine, or even to this game, but I welcome you nonetheless. As such, in the following sections, I’ll do my best to make your life easier and hopefully prevent you from wasting too much time figuring out all of this yourself. Please use the section links to jump straight to what you need, so we can minimize the time spent here. Man, I could be playing some Oblivion right now.
A helpful note: I’ll use bold for key-words so you all can skim read through this garbage.

There are a total of 6 weapons (and one type of grenade). Here’s a tl;dr ranking list:
- Sniper / Rocket Launcher;
- Laser;
- M4;
- AK47;
- Shotgun;
- Grenades.
You can pick one up when you spawn. This weapon is decent at most, and will do its job while you farm up the money required to open a weapon crate.
Best single-target weapon due to its one-shot kills (and also 1 of the 2 weapons that were actually fun). Seems to be rare, since I only ever found 1. Kills the Evil Rabbit in 2 shots.
Worst weapon. Short range, low damage, slow reload. Never pick this up.
Best AOE weapon. Deals a decent amount of damage. This weapon is great when there’s a mob of bunnies after you, specially since the corpses’ hitboxes don’t interfere much with the explosions. Just spam rockets at groups of enemies and you have an easy 50-kill achievement in no time.
A better AK47.
This is the weapon of choice if you just want to brainlessly hold the left mouse button and spam shots at enemies. It has the biggest clip size and decent enough damage. Pick this up over the AK47 and the M4.
Garbage. Never buy them, never use them. They deal no damage either way.
Let’s talk about the different kinds of enemies we have to deal with.
Tl;dr: bearded-bunny good, shielded bunny bad.
The standard type of enemy. Only uses melee attacks at close range.
Attacks with a purple missile that has a very short range, so they’re pretty much melee with a bit more range.
These bunnies blow up when close enough to you.
These bunnies can be melee, ranged, or explosive. They’re the worst kind since it takes way too much time to kill them.
Best bunny in the game. When killed, spawns 4-5 mini bunnies that can be easily killed, speeding up the 50 required kills for the achievement and the 20 needed to spawn the Evil Rabbit.
Golden Kunai Locations
Let me help you fams out there with this hide-n-seek achievement and save you around 30min of running around the map trying to find that one last Golden Kunai. To try and make things clearer, I divided the map into 3 levels: the lower level (where you spawn), the mid level (where most of the houses are, right up the ramp), and Evil Rabbit level (where the Evil Rabbit is, obviously).
Also, I’ll be using the spawn location (with your back against the gate) as a reference. So the left side of the map will be the side in which the quest giver and skin changer bunnies are (left side of your character when you spawn). The right side will be everything else.
Pro-tip: if you walk underneath a Golden Kunai/Cat, you’ll pick it up. So if you don’t find any of these, maybe you’ve already picked them up by accident.
Lower level, right side of the map, between the house and the ramp that takes you up to the mid level. This ramp is close to the right portal.
Lower/mid level, left side of the map, up on the third floor the house next to the left side portal. You can climb the stairs from the lower level or cross the small bridge from the mid level.
Mid level, left side of the map, first floor beneath the stairs of the second house from left to right. You can see the Kunai from the stone road outside.
Mid level, right side of the map, in the corner behind the portal.
Lower/mid level, right side of the map, on the second floor of the last house (from left to right) in the lower level, can be accessed from the mid level. This is the house from Kunai #1.
Golden Cat Locations
The same thing as the Golden Kunais, let’s save time and go straight to business.
Lower level, left side of the map, in the corner inside the last brick building.
Lower level, left side of the map, in the corner behind the portal.
Lower level, right side of the map, on top of the wooden platform on the wall. You can get it by jumping beneath the platform or going up the stairs inside the brick building next to it and jumping on the platform.
Lower level, right side of the map, in the corner behind the portal.
Mid level, left side of the map, in the corner inside the house closest to the portal.
Mid level, left side of the map, on the second floor of the house in the screenshot below (you’ll see it after you go up the middle ramp).
Evil Rabbit level, on top of the houses in the middle of the mid level, underneath a fake roof. You can get to it by jumping from the Evil Rabbit level.
Evil Rabbit level, left side of the map, on top of the terrain elevation.
Lower/mid level, right side of the map, on the second floor of the house from Kunai #1. You can access it by using the house’s stairs from the lower level, or by walking into the second floor through the mid level.
Mid level, right side of the map, inside the house in the first screenshot (I’m standing on top of the ATM).
How to kill the Evil Rabbit 5 times
This is the most annoying achievement to get. You have to kill the Evil Rabbit 5 times. But how to do it? Here’s the loop you’ll have to go through:
- Kill 20 enemies;
- Spawn and kill the Evil Rabbit by touching the white stone at his spawn point;
- Press ESC to open the menu, click SAVE & CONTINUE and then SAVE & QUIT;
- Press Play.
Do this 5 times without closing the game.
Thanks for trust the game achievement
So, how do you support the game and get this achievement? I have no idea. I got it randomly while doing the Evil Rabbit loop. This achievement is probably related to your play time, so you’ll likely get it while trying to get the others.
Outside the map
There are 2 spots I found that you can use to get out of the map.
The first one is on the lower level, right side of the map. There’s a gap between the wall and the mountain. You can easily jump outside and do whatever you want.
The second one is on the Evil Rabbit level, left side of the map. Jump on the elevated terrain, touch the wall as I’m doing in the screenshot, and then double-jump while walking forward. You’ll glitch onto the wall, then just spam jump and walk left+forward.
Why is this map SO BIG? So much useless space, no kill-box anywhere. I walked for a good couple minutes until I finally found the map limit, then jumped into the void and fell for another couple minutes until the map disappeared and the game started getting some visual glitches. Here are the screenshots so you peeps don’t have to go through this mess.
Hello there! Thanks for sharing the guide. I changed my profile link from /Fabulani to /kabano, so if any of you want to send me a message or whatever, use the new link. Good luck peeps.
Thanks for reminding me. I had updated your profile link.