A guide to marriage in Harvest Moon : Light of Hope. Includes info on how to begin marriage, who you can marry, and their likes/dislikes.
1. Introduction to this Guide

2. Marriage Requirements

All of the following MUST be completed in order to begin the marriage process.
2A.Complete the Main Story
This requires that all work retrieving the 5 tablets be done and the Lighthouse is fully restored.
2B. Complete BOTH upgrades to your house.
The 1st house upgrade can be completed after unlocking Doc (the inventor) and requires;
- 85,000k Gold
- 40x Hard wood Lumber
- 10x Glass
- 5x Mithril
The 2nd house upgrade unlocks after the Main Story completion, and requires;
- 180,000k Gold
- 50x Hardwood Lumber
- 5x Great Cotton Candy Wool*
- 3x Adamantite
*Cotton Candy Wool will be available from Cotton Sheep through Sophia, after main story completion.
2C. Raise your bachelor/bachelorettes affection to 4 notes AND Trigger all 4 His/her Note Events
The following bachelor/bachelorettes are available for marriage.
- Cyril
- Dean
- Edmond
- Gabriel
- Gareth
- Gorgan (DLC)
- Shirlock (DLC)
- Soleil (SE)
- Elise
- Jeanne
- Melanie
- Nova
- Tabitha
- Harvest Goddess (DLC)
- Michelle (DLC)
- Soleil (SE)
A detailed explanation of the bachelor/bacherlorettes, their likes/dislikes and the Note events is described in this guide, further below.
2D. Obtain the Blue Feather
After completing all the above requirements the player will sleep one evening and dream of the blue bird. After having the dream do as you did earlier in the story, visit the beach on a sunny, clear evening, after 7 pm. There you will be given the blue feather. Once you have obtained the blue feather speak to any bachelor/bachelorette whom you have completed all 4 note events with, and you will be given the option to “propose marriage”.
2E. Wedding Planning
In order to get married you will need to gather the items in order to make a Tux and Wedding Gown for yourself and your betrothed. The quest to create them can be started by speaking to Melanie, located at Gus’ Smithy. Gather the following;
- 3x Orichalcum
- 2x Great Cotton Candy Wool*
- 2x Great Silky Fur**
*Cotton Candy Wool will be available from Cotton Sheep through Sophia, after main story completion.
**Silky Fur will be available from Silky Donkeys through Sophia, after main story completion.
After bringing the items to Melanie it will take 7 days for her to complete the outfits. After the player collects the Tux and Gown your wedding date will be automatically be set 7 days later, so plan accordingly if you require a specific date.
3. Bachelors and Bachelorettes
Birthday Spring 14
- Favorite – Yellow Dahlia
- Loves – Seashells
- Likes – Flowers,Tree Crops, Fish, Milled Food
- Hates – Furs, Ores, Sugar, Salt, Stone, Lumber
Note Events;
- Note Event 1 : Beacon Town /Any Day/ Any Weather
- Note Event 2 : Mountains/ 6 am – 7 pm/ Sunny
- Note Event 3 : Beach/ Sun 6 am – 7 pm OR Weekday Anytime/ Any Weather
- Note Event 4 : Your House/ Wake Up/ Any
Birthday Spring 21
- Favorite – Flowers
- Loves – Seashells
- Likes – Fruits, Vegetables
- Hates – Green Peppers
Note Events;
- Note Event 1: Beacon Town/ 10 am – 8 pm/ Any
- Note Event 2: Mountain/ 6 am – 7 pm/ Any
- Note Event 3: Carol’s Flowers/ 10 am- 7 pm/ Any
- Note Event 4: Your House/ Wake Up/ Any
Birthday Winter 2
- Favorites – Agate Ore
- Loves – Seashells, Gems, Grilled Fish
- Likes – Crops, Flowers, Bamboo Shoots
- Hates – Sweet Things
Note Events;
- Note Event 1: Beacon Town/ Any/ Any
- Note Event 2: Lighthouse/ 6 am – 7 pm/ Any
- Note Event 3: Goddess Spring/ 6 am – 7 pm/ Any
- Note Event 4: Exit Mine/ 5 pm – 9 pm/ Any
Birthday Fall 28
- Favorites – Fish and Egg Dishes
- Loves – Seashells, Great Butter, Cheese, Lumber, Stone, Bronze and Silver Ores
- Likes – Cabbage, Mushrooms, Egg, Milk, Rainbow Trout, Barbatus, wool
- Hates – Grapefruit, Fruit, Metal, Glass, Material Stone
Note Events;
- Note Event 1: Mountains/ Any/ Any
- Note Event 2: Sofia’s Livestock/ 6 am – 4 pm/ Any
- Note Event 3: Sofia’s Livestock/ 6 am – 4 pm/ Any
- Note Event 4 : Your House/ Wake Up/ Any
Birthday Winter 21
- Favorites – Flourite
- Loves – Seashells, Poinsetta, Fried Egg, Gems, Yogurt
- Lies – Apple, Orange, Grapefruit, Milk
- Hates – Fish
Note Events;
- Note Event 1: Mountain/ 6 am- 7pm / Any
- Note Event 2: Gareth’s House/ 5 pm – 9 pm/ Any
- Note Event 3: Gareth’s House/ 5 pm – 9 pm/ Any
- Note Event 4: Lighthouse/ 10 am-4 pm/ Any
Gorgon (DLC)
Birthday Fall 1
- Favorite – N/A
- Loves – Seashells, Crystals
- Likes – Eggs
- Hates – Juice
Note Events;
- Note Event 1: Underworld/ Any / Any
- Note Event 2: Goddess Spring/ Any/ Any
- Note Event 3: Mountain/ Any/ Any
- Note Event 4: Underworld/ Any / Any
Shirlock (DLC)
Birthday Summer 16
- Favorite – Fish Burger
- Loves – Seashells, Bread, Strawberry Jam
- Likes – Strawberries, Flowers, Bamboo Shoot, Eggs
- Hates – Milk, Lumber, Ores, Fertilizer
Note Events;
- Note Event 1: Mountain/ Any / Sunny
- Note Event 2: Underworld/ 6 pm/ Sunny
- Note Event 3: Beach (Must have repaired the pier)/ 9 am -10 am/ Sunny
- Note Event 4: Beacon Town/ 6 am – 7 pm / Any
Soleil (SE)
Birthday The date that Soliel’s Gem “hatched”
- Favorites – Seashells
- Loves – Gems, Ores
- Likes – Flowers
- Hates – Furs
Note Events;
- Note Event 1: Farm/ Soleil’s “birth” / Sunny
- Note Event 2: Farm (Must have completed Ch 3 and fed the Blue Bird)/ After 6 pm/ Sunny
- Note Event 3: Farm/ After 6 pm/ Sunny
- Note Event 4: Farm/ After 7 pm / Sunny
3B. Bachelorettes
Birthday Fall 14
- Favorites – Seasonings
- Loves – Seashells, Vegetables, Crops
- Likes – Flowers, Eggs
- Hates – Spicy Things
Note Events;
- Note Event 1: Farmhouse/ Any / Sunny
- Note Event 2: Beach (Must have repaired the pier)/ Any/ Sunny
- Note Event 3: Bastian’s Restaurant/ 10 am – 8 pm/ Sunny
- Note Event 4: Beacon Town/ After 7 pm / Raining
Birthday Winter 7
- Favorites – Seashells
- Loves – Vegetables, Bread, Butter, Mayo, Yogurt, Bamboo Shoot
- Likes – Tree Fruits, Fish, Flowers, Milled Food
- Hates – Ores, Salt, Sugar
Note Events;
- Note Event 1: Lighthouse/ Any / Sunny
- Note Event 2: Jeanne’s House/ Whenever Jeanne is at her house/ Any
- Note Event 3: Mountain/ 7 pm -12 am/ Sunny
- Note Event 4: Mountain/ 7 pm – 12 am/ Sunny
Birthday Summer 21
- Favorites – Furs
- Loves – Seashells, Gems, Flowers
- Likes – Bread
- Hates – Watermelon
Note Events;
- Note Event 1: Gus’ Smithy / 6 am – 6 pm / Any
- Note Event 2: Carol’s Flowers/ 10 am – 8 pm (When Dean is home) / Sunny
- Note Event 3: Beach/ 7 pm – 5 am/ Sunny
- Note Event 4: Farm/ After 7 pm/ Sunny
Birthday Spring 24
- Favorites – Oranges
- Loves – Seashells, Grilled Fish
- Likes – N/A
- Hates – Mushrooms, Bamboo Shoot
Note Events;
- Note Event 1: Bastian’s Restaurant/ 10 am – 8 pm / Any
- Note Event 2: Carol’s Flowers/ 10 am – 8 pm (When Dean is home)/ Any
- Note Event 3: Mountain/ 10 am – 7 pm/ Any
- Note Event 4: Mountain/ After 7 pm/ Sunny
Birthday Spring 28
- Favorites – Grapefruit
- Loves – Seashells, Fruit, Poinsettia
- Likes – Crops, Bamboo Shoots
- Hates – Cabbage, Ores
Note Events;
- Note Event 1: Tabitha’s House/ Any (When Tabitha is home) / Any
- Note Event 2: Tabitha’s House/ After 6 pm (When Tabitha is home)/ Any
- Note Event 3: Beacon Town/ After 10 am/ Sunny
- Note Event 4: Tabitha’s House/ Any (When Tabitha is home)/ Any
Harvest Goddess (DLC)
Birthday Winter 1
- Favorites – Strawberry Jam
- Loves – Seashells
- Likes – N/A
- Hates – Metals
Note Events;
- Note Event 1: Goddess Spring/ Any / Any
- Note Event 2: The Underworld/ Any/ Any
- Note Event 3: Exit Your House/ Any/ Any
- Note Event 4:Goddess Spring/ Any/ Any
Michelle (DLC)
Birthday Spring 16
- Favorites – Whitefish Carpaccio
- Loves – Seashells, Gems, Dairy
- Likes – Flowers
- Hates – Crops, Ores
Note Events;
- Note Event 1: Beacon Town/ 8 am – 7 pm / Sunny
- Note Event 2: Mountain/ After 12 pm/ Any
- Note Event 3: Mountain/ After 12 pm/ Any
- Note Event 4: Mountain/ After 12 pm/ Any
Soleil (SE)
Birthday The date that Soliel’s Gem “hatched”
- Favorites – Seashells
- Loves – Gems, Ores
- Likes – Flowers
- Hates – Furs
Note Events;
- Note Event 1: Farm/ Soleil’s “birth” / Sunny
- Note Event 2: Farm (Must have completed Ch 3 and fed the Blue Bird)/ After 6 pm/ Sunny
- Note Event 3: Farm/ After 6 pm/ Sunny
- Note Event 4: Farm/ After 7 pm / Sunny
4. Children

Children Timeline and Requirements
MUST be married to have a child
MUST have House upgraded to Max (2nd Tier upgrade)
MUST purchase a crib from Doc’s Store (The inventor). The crib requires;
- 2,500k Gold
- 5x Hardwood Lumber
- Sheep wool*
*Either quantity of – 5x Normal grade, 4x Great grade, 3x Ultimate grade, 2x Supreme Grade OR 1x Miracle grade Sheep’s wool.
30 days after you are married the female member of your family will not feel well, Jeanne will show up and announce that you are expecting a child.
30 days after the pregnancy announcement your spouse will ask you which gender of child you prefer (or you may choose random).
Some mornings later, Jeanne and Carol will show up to help deliver the baby. You will receive 1x rattle, 1x picture book, 10x baby formula and baby formula recipe will be added to your kitchen.
Formula Recipes
- Formula Milk – 2 Milk or 1 of any higher quality Milk
- Creamy Formula Milk – 2 Chocolate Milk or 1 of any higher quality Chocolate Milk
The child will continue to develop with a new growth steps occurring every 30 days until he/she has completed the “full grown event” (90 days after birth).