Unlock all achievements with this one simple trick.
1. Purpose of this guide
Hades can take a lot of time to 100% so I want to gift you a quick hack to move on with your life.

2. Finding the game files
- Go to your steam library
- Find hades and right click it
- Go to manage
- Browse local files
3. Find the right file
The final path should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Hades\Content\Scripts\AchievementLogic.lua
Once you find it, open it with your editor of choice, mine will be notepad for the sake of simplicity.
4. Find what to edit
line numbers should be 20 and 22.
5. Make the changes
so again, the first line which we have to replace is:
if not achievementData.DebugOnly and not SessionAchivementUnlocks[achievementName] then
which will become
if true then
AND the second one is:
if achievementData.CompleteGameStateRequirements ~= nil and IsGameStateEligible( CurrentRun, achievementData, achievementData.CompleteGameStateRequirements ) then
which will become
if true then
and we save the file