Requested walkthrough for Frio 2 with puzzle solutions since no other guide had them.
S and W will appear when you can walk in/out of a doorway, stairs or ladder.
Didn’t seem to matter which button i pressed regardless of what the screen showed.
Space will be your inspect / interact / pickup item or you can click the icon in the right corner.
If you have the necessary item when you approach something to interact with, the right corner icon will change and you can just do the action using [Spacebar] or click the icon in the right corner.
The only manual actions are when combining two items to create another or dropping something you no longer need. Just so you know, some items vanish after use, such as keys.
There are 4:
- Where you start.
- After getting the rope ladder and going out the window to 2nd part of Dark Street.
- In front of Preschool, after cutting the gate open.
- Leaving Preschool Floor B onto 3rd part of Dark Street / Playground.
But before they appear you can hear audible noises to help you avoid or be prepared.
- Press A / D (red and blue buttons) quickly.
- Press random keys sequence. Letters scroll across.
- Random click & swipe sequence. Directional arrows scroll across, left click and drag mouse in the direction of the arrow.
- In general when you see or hear one in time, just turn and walk the opposite way.
If fast enough sometimes you can escape to another room too. - When starting through a door you can hear screams or even see a ghost waiting sometimes. Just stop and then try again.
- If you see one laying on the ground ahead of you, always accompanied by a weird noise, you can step back once and it will go away.
- When picking up items, sometimes a hand will start to come through the floor, also accompanied by a noise. Stop & try again.
Beating with NoSave does not unlock the other either.
Minimum of 6 plays required for 100%.
- Easy Clear
- Normal Clear
- Hard Clear
- Easy – Nosave Clear
- Normal – Nosave Clear
- Hard – Nosave Clear
Thoughts regarding difficulty.For most I think Hard No Save is the only one that may be slightly challenging due to more ghost appearances. And counter actions increasing in both speed & amount of keys to press or swipe as the game progresses. A/D stays the same 2 buttons, but you will need to press the keys faster or maybe just longer duration, not exactly sure which or if both.
After going through the game once, on Hard difficulty (thus more ghosts) i was clocking 30 minutes per run following my guide. So I don’t think it would take too long for completionist.
First Die – First time you don’t beat the ghost
First Escape & First Evasion will be obtained from different counter attacks with the ghosts.

Riddle 1 Break – Electricity puzzle on claw machine – 2nd Dark Street
Riddle 2 Break – Mini piano – Mall 2F Music Academy
Riddle 3 Break – 4 digit lock with ♣️ ♦️ ♠️ ♥️ (card symbols) – Preschool 1F Floor
Riddle 4 Break – Claw machine to get toilet key – 2nd Dark Street
Riddle 5 Break – Safe – Preschool 1F Director Room
Riddle 6 Break – 3 digit door lock w/ telephone graphic – Mall 2F Soundproof Floor
Riddle 7 Break – 1F Advice Room door lock – Preschool 1F Floor
Riddle 8 Break – 5 digit lock on final chest – Preschool 1B Playroom
- Right till red circle.
- [SPACE] Item – Screwdriver.
- Left & into building.
Mall 1F Floor
- Through the doorway.
Mall 1F Wallpaper Shop
- Left till green gears.
- [SPACE] (press+hold) to use Screwdriver on the vent/fan.
- [W/S] to climb through duct.
Mall 1F Snack Bar
- Right & through door.
Mall 1F Floor
- Right to stairs.
- Cutscene.
- [W/S] Upstairs.
Mall 2F Floor
- Left till red circle.
- [SPACE] Item – Handle
- Right & Downstairs.
Mall 1F Floor
- Left & through last door.
Mall 1F Snack Bar.
- Left till green gears.
- [SPACE] to use Handle & Screwdriver on the drawer.
- [SPACE] Item – Chopsticks
- Right & through door.
Mall 1F Floor
- Right & Upstairs.
Mall 2F Floor
- Left till green gears (at sink).
- [SPACE] to use Chopsticks on the drain.
- [SPACE] Item – key
- Right & Downstairs
Mall 1F Floor
- Left till green gears.
- [SPACE] to use key & go in.
Mall 1F Depot
- Left to red circle.
- [SPACE] Item – portable ladder (rolled up)
- Leave.
Mall 1F Floor
- Right & Upstairs.
Mall 2F Floor
- Right to window.
- [SPACE] to put ladder out window.
- [W/S] to climb out.
Dark Street – (Save point here.)
- Right
- Cutscene
- Ghost will attack.
- Continue Right.
- [SPACE] Item – Newspaper
- Left & Up ladder.
Mall 2F Floor
- Left to green gears – double glass doors.
- [SPACE] to use Newspaper and Chopsticks.
- [SPACE] Item – Music room key
- [SPACE] to use key to open the doors.
- Drop the Chopsticks, you won’t need it. (Left click them and drag out then let go.)
Mall 2F Music Academy
- Left to green gears.
- [SPACE] to use screwdriver to remove the hinges.
- Don’t go in. * This leads to Piano room (needs key) & Drum room (3 digit lock w/ phone graphic).
- Drop Screwdriver, you won’t need it.
- Left a few steps.
- [SPACE] Item – crowbar
- Leave room.
Go back to Dark Street (starting point).
———- Mall 1F Floor
Left to end of hall
through door
———- Mall 1F Snack Bar
through door outline
———- Mall 1F Wallpaper Shop
through door
———- Mall 1F Floor
Left step
through door outline
Dark Street – (save point available)
- Left to green gears.
- [SPACE] to use Crowbar on the rock by the door.
- [SPACE] Item – nippers
Back to the 2nd part of Dark Street
Into building
———- Mall 1F Floor
Step right
through doorway
———-Mall 1F Wallpaper Shop
through vent/duct
———-Mall 1F Snack Bar
through doorway
———-Mall 1F Floor
———-Mall 2F Floor
out window
Dark Street part 2 – (Save point on both ends.)
- Right till green gears – metal fence.
- [SPACE] to use Nippers to cut it open.
- Drop Nippers, you won’t need them.
- Walk ahead to the lamp post.
- [SPACE] Item – half of scissors
- Left & go inside.
Preschool 1F Floor
- Right a couple steps
- Into door with A on the wall.
- Walk Left to red circle.
- [SPACE] Item – Chalk
- Left to blue eye.
- [SPACE] to look closer.
- Write down the 4 rows of card symbols with numbers on back wall.
- Leave the room.
Preschool 1F Floor
- Left till yellow lock
- [SPACE] to start puzzle
- Door with 4 digit lock with the card symbols ♣️ ♦️ ♠️ ♥️ (club diamond spade heart)
- Solution:
Determine what number each shape is then add together to equal the number shown.
If you click the lock 13 times it will give you ♦️ & ♥️ making it cake to solve.I did many runs of testing on Hard difficulty & always got one of these 4 sets of numbers. The order of the rows may have been different but they were always grouped as shown below.
- 12 15 20 21 = 1743.
- 23 24 27 30 = 6728
- 16 19 20 24 = 3862
- 16 18 20 22 = 1539
* If you’re in a browser (not steam client) and this is too small you can zoom to increase the font size with CTRL + Mousewheel up/down.
- Enter the code into the lock.
Achievement Riddle 3 Break
- Drop the chalk before you go in, you’ll pick it up later.
- Left till red circle.
- [SPACE] Item – key to Class C
- Leave the room.
Preschool 1F Floor
- Right & upstairs
Preschool 2F Floor
- Right green gears.
- [SPACE] to use the key to open the door.
- Don’t go in yet. * You need a crank/handle first.
- Left for now.
- Cutscene
- Ghost will attack.
- Continue to green gears at the boarded up doorway.
- [SPACE] to use crowbar to open it & go in.
Preschool 2F Prop Room
- Left a couple steps
- [SPACE] Item – 2nd half of Scissors
- Drag one piece to the other to combine for Large Scissors.
- Leave.
Preschool 2F Floor
- Right & Downstairs.
Preschool 1F Floor.
- Just right of the stairs,
- [SPACE] to use the Large Scissor and cut down the mannequin.
- Downstairs
Preschool 1B Floor
- Drop the Large Scissors on this floor, you will need them here later.
- Right into doorway with B on the wall.
Preschool 1B Class B
- Left to red circle.
- [SPACE] Item – crank / handle
- Leave.
Back to Class C.
———- Preschool 1B Floor
———- Preschool 1F Floor
———- Preschool 2F Floor
Right to Class C
Preschool 2F Class C
- Cutscene
- Left till green gears,
- [SPACE] to use the crank handle on the box & open the Jack in a Box.
- [SPACE] Item – Toy Rake
- Leave.
Go to Dark Street part 3, the playground.
———- Preschool 2F Floor
———- Preschool 1F Floor
———- Preschool 1B Floor
through doorway.
Dark Street part 3, playground – (Save point here.)
- Right to blue eye.
- Note symbols & letters on the metal sheet for the next lock. ★ ▼ ◆
* Roughly 15 games never got the same code. - Continue till green gears at the sand box.
- [SPACE] to use Tiny Rake
- [SPACE] Item – Coin
- Drop Toy Rake, you won’t need it.
Head back to the 2nd Dark Street.
Left & back inside Preschool
———- Preschool 1B Floor
Left & Upstairs
———- Preschool 1F Floor
Step right
down through outline of the door
- Left to claw machine.
- [SPACE] to start electricity puzzle.
- Solution:
Subtract the Right & Left numbers. Then use (1-8) to add to that total.* With testing I got different sets of numbers but often the same totals as some others. Also be warned, seems a bug if you get 31 as a number. The answer was always 1 higher, as if the 31 should have been a 32.
Totals I got and the numbers to equal to it.
- 16 = 8 7 1
- 18 = 8 7 3
- 19 = 8 7 4
- 20 = 8 7 5
- 21 = 8 7 6
- 22 = 8 7 6 1
- 23 = 8 7 6 2
- 24 = 8 7 6 3
- 27 = 8 7 5 4 3
- 30 = 8 7 6 5 4
- 32 = 8 7 6 5 4 2
Examples of what I mean with 31.
- 51 – 31 = 20, should be 8 7 5 to unlock, but it was 8 7 6 which = 22
- 52 – 31 = 21, should be 8 7 6 to unlock, but it was 3 4 8 7 which = 22
- 58 – 31 = 27, should be 8 7 5 4 3 to unlock, but it was 8 7 6 4 3 which = 28
Achievement Riddle 1 Break
- [SPACE] Use coin.
- Now a yellow lock. [SPACE] to play game.
- Solution:
Use the arrows to move the claw to the poop w/ key.
Press the button to grab it.
Achievement Riddle 4 Break
- [SPACE] Item – Toilet key
- Up the ladder.
- Left till green gears, Toilet sign on wall.
- [SPACE] to use the key & go in.
Mall 2F Toilet
- Left
Cutscene - Ghost attack.
- Continue Left.
- [SPACE] Item – key with lattice keychain
- Leave.
Go back to the preschool.
———- Mall 2F Floor
out the window
———- Dark Street
enter preschool door
Go Left till red circle
[SPACE] to pickup the Chalk you dropped earlier.
Continue till green circle.
[SPACE] to use the key on the metal bars.
Go forward & [SPACE] to view the lock on the door.
Enter the 4 numbers with ★ ▼ ◆ , from the playground.
Achievement Riddle 7 Break
- Left to the back of the room
- [SPACE] Item – Mortar and Pestle .
- Drag the chalk to it to create chalk dust.
- Right
- [SPACE] Item – piano key
- Leave.
Go back to the Mall.
———- Preschool 1F Floor
down through door outline
———- Dark Street
up the ladder
———- Mall 2F Floor
Left to the end
through double glass doors.
- Green gears on the piano now.
- [SPACE] to add the key.
- Now yellow lock. [SPACE] to play the piano
- Solution
Repeat the melody. Click the music note to replay it.
Achievement Riddle 2 Break
- [SPACE] Item – key to art room
- Leave.
———- Mall 2F Floor
out the window
———- Dark Street
into Preschool
———- Preschool 1F Floor
Preschool 1B Floor
- Left till green gears, door w/ paintbrush on the wall.
- [SPACE] to use key & go in.
Preschool 1B Artroom
- Left.
- [SPACE] Item – brush
- Drag the brush to the chalk powder to get Brush with chalk powder.
- Leave
Preschool 1B Floor
- Left & Upstairs
- Left & through the first door.
- Left till green gears.
- [SPACE] to use the brush with chalk powder on the safe.
- Now yellow lock. [SPACE] to solve the puzzle.
- Solution:
Press the buttons with most prominent fingerprint to lightest/blurry one.
* Roughly 15 games never got the same code.
Achievement Riddle 5 Break
- [SPACE] Item – key with star keychain (opens playroom)
- Drop the brush, you won’t need it.
- Leave.
- Right & Downstairs
Preschool 1B Floor
- Pickup the Large Scissor [SPACE] you dropped earlier.
- Left till green gears, the door with shapes on the wall.
- [SPACE] to use the key to open it.
- Left till green gears.
- [SPACE] to use the Large Scissor to reveal numbers on the banner behind it.
- Subtract the 2 numbers.
* This is the lock for the drum door in Mall 2F Soundproof Floor.
* Roughly 15 games never got the same numbers or totals. - Drop the Large Scissor, you won’t need them.
- Leave room.
Go back to Mall.
———- Preschool 1B Floor
———- Preschool 1F Floor
Step right
down door outline
———- Dark Street part 2
up ladder
———- Mall 2F Floor
through double class doors
Mall 2F Music Academy
- Step left & through the doorway.
Mall 2F Soundproof Floor
- Left till yellow lock. (Left door w/ drumset graphic.)
- [SPACE] to enter the answer from the banner.
Achievement Riddle 6 Break
- Green gear, [SPACE] to use Crowbar on drum.
- [SPACE] Item – Drum skin with a maze. .
- You can drop the crowbar here.
- Leave.
Go back to Dark Street (starting point)
———- Mall 2F Soundproof Floor
down through door outline
———- Mall 2F Music Academy
through door
———- Mall 2F Floor
———- Mall 1F Floor
Left to last door.
———- Mall 1 F Snack Bar
down through door outline
———- Mall 1F Wallpaper Shop
through door.
———- Mall 1F Floor
step left
down through door outline
Dark Street
- Right till green gears.
- [SPACE] to use the maze on the glass/mirror to see a maze with numbers.
- Blue eye. [SPACE] to look closer.
- Note the numbers encountered to get from the top arrow to the bottom arrow.
Did roughly 15 test runs & the path was always the same, but the numbers changed. Never got the same sequence of numbers. Path shown below in blue.
Go back to the Preschool Playroom.
Into building
———- Mall 1F Floor
Through doorway
———- Mall 1F Wallpaper Shop
Through vent
———- Mall 1F Snack Bar
Through doorway
———- Mall 1F Floor
———- Mall 2F Floor,
Out the window
———- Dark Street part 2
Into Preschool
———- Preschool 1F Floor
DownstairsPreschool 1B Floor
- Left to the end of the hall
- [SPACE] to look closer at the box.
- Enter the numbers from the maze.
Achievement Riddle 8 Break
[SPACE] Item – shape for the box in the Wallpaper Shop
———- Preschool 1B Floor,
———- Preschool 1F Floor,
step right
down through door outline.
———- Dark Street
Up the ladder
———- Mall 2F Floor
down the stairs
———- Mall 1F Floor
Left to last door.
———- Mall 1F Snack Bar
down through door outline
Mall 1F Wallpaper Shop
- Right to the box.
- [SPACE] to use the piece on it.
- [SPACE] Item – key
Go back to the Music Academy
through the vent.
———- Mall 1F Snack Bar,
———- Mall 1F Floor
up stairs
———- Mall 2F Floor
through double glass doors
———- Mall 2F Music Academy
Left through the door
Mall 2F Soundproof Floor
- Left to green gears, First door with the piano graphic on the wall.
- [SPACE] to use the key and enter.
Mall 2F Piano Room
- [SPACE] Item – key
- Leave.
Go back to second floor of the preschool.
———- Mall 2F Soundproof Floor
Step Right & down through door outline.
———- Mall 2F Music Academy
———- Mall 2F Floor
out the window
———- Dark Street
———- Preschool 1F Floor
Preschool 2F Floor
- Left to the double doors that are chained and locked.
- [SPACE] to use the key & go in.
– Easy Clear
– Normal Clear
– Hard Clear
– Nosave Clear Easy
– Nosave Clear – Normal
– Nosave Clear – Hard