Get 100% completion for Enter Digiton. Includes; Mask locations, achievements and collectables.
Jump Like A Pro
Here is a nifty trick to help you on your journey. You can gain extra jump height by throwing your shield downwards while in the air. To do this HOLD the Jump + Down buttons (analog stick down), then press the throw button. Voilà!
The Digiton Caves

Everything here is straight forward. The only obscure thing is obtaining the Carnival key when you get your Teleport upgrade. Use this to unlock the Carnival, deposit souls until the bar fills up and receive your hard earned mask.
The Lame Gulf Mine

Iceberg Tundra

Upgrades that are required are the Teleport upgrade and Bubble upgrade to obtain all collectables. There is also a hidden achievement here marked on the map. Simply smash the ice and talk to the snowman to obtain it.
The Deep

On order to obtain all the collectables, the Bubble and Teleport upgrade is required. There are two shops, selling a total of 3 masks.
Sanguine Castle

This area only has collectables. You should have all the upgrades by now, so they won’t be too much of a problem.
By Morne Venter
Hey could you show thr key locations as well? I have 4 upgrades but cant find the green key in the depuis? And what is the purpose of defeating the corrupted bosses? I beat one and nothing happened.