This guide contains all the fishing spot locations, and the probabilities about what you can catch at each location
As of now there is no obtainable items in the game that grants fishing luck modifiers, but I included the probabilities calculation for it just in case.
This guide contains all fishing spots and the catch probabilities in game as of v0.6.1.6
Spot Types
There is a +-20% random modifier applied to the catch duration
Attempts before depleting: 4
Catch Duration: 9 seconds
Attempts before depleting: 8
Catch Duration: 7 seconds
Attempts before depleting: 10
Catch Duration: 6 seconds
Attempts before depleting: 10
Catch Duration: 5 seconds
- Sum all the probabilities in the list
- Generate a random number between 0 and the summed up value
- If there is a fishing luck modifier: Multiply the random number with (1 – fishing luck modifier percentage)
- The reward will be the last item in the list where the random number is smaller than the sum of items probabilities up to (and including) that item’s probability
Note: This means that having a fishing luck modifier will decrease the probability of the last item in the list, and increase the items’ probabilities before it
- No fishing luck modifier [335 * (1 – 0.0)]
- 10% fishing luck modifier [335 * (1 – 0.10)]
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