Dungeon Defenders II: How to Add Ultrawide / 21:9

How to add Ultrawide / 21:9 (or I guess any) resolution options in the settings menu.

Go to your Dungeon Defenders 2 folder

Method 1

  • Open Steam
  • Go to your Steam Library
  • Right click “Dungeon Defenders 2”
  • Hover over “Manage >”
  • Click “Browse local files”

The “Dungeon Defenders 2” folder should now be open

Method 2

  • Open Steam
  • Go to your Steam Library
  • Right click “Dungeon Defenders 2”
  • Click “Properties”
  • Click “Local Files” on the sidebar of the popup
  • Click “Browse…”

The “Dungeon Defenders 2” folder should now be open

Method 3
Navigate to it via File Explorer, I’m not explaining that.

Navigate to the ini file

Inside your “Dungeon Defenders 2” folder

  • Open the “DunDef2” folder
  • Open the “UDKGame” folder
  • Open the “Config” folder
  • Open “DefaultDunDef.ini” with Notepad or other Text Editor
  • Inside of the “DefaultDunDef.ini” file, scroll down to the “[UDKGame.DunDefViewportClient]” section
  • Under that section there will be 15 ish “SupportedResolutions[_]=”___x___””
  • Pick one and replace the resulution in quotes with your desired reslution

For example I replaced: SupportedResolutions[15]=”3840×2160″ with SupportedResolutions[15]=”3840×1600″ because thats my mononiter’s reslution.


If you did it correctly when you launch the game and open the options menu the drop-down selector should now list whatever resolution you added

Thanks to CookieNinja50 for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.

About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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