A guide to Advantage, Damage Types and Armor Types, and just generally how it all works. Also a little bit of discussion about my issues with it, because all I ever do is complain.
For those who already understand the system and just want the match-up chart, it’s in it’s own section and you can find it there.
Anyways, let’s not waste time and get on with it.
What Advantage Is, and How to Check It
Essentially it is this game’s version of the Fire Emblem weapon triangle. For those unaware, the Fire Emblem weapon triangle is a system that series has where certain weapon types will gain advantages or disadvantages based on what weapon type your opponent is holding. It varies from game to game, but the core mechanic is something like this.
Simple, right?
Now, Dark Deity has a very similar mechanic, except this time, there’s two factors to consider: damage types and armor types.
In total, there are (to my knowledge) NINE damage types and FOUR armor types. I’ll quickly list them now for clarity.
- Piercing Damage (Red)
- Slashing Damage (Green)
- Crushing Damage (Indigo)
- Cleaving Damage (Yellow)
- Projectile Damage (Blue)
- Arcane Damage (Pink)
- Storm Damage (Also Yellow?)
- Fire Damage (Orange)
- Holy Damage (White/Tan-ish?)
- Rune Cloak
- Leather Armor
- Chain Armor
- Plate Armor
Like Fire Emblem, these will give bonuses and penalties based on what is attacking what, but I’ll get more into that later. For now, let’s focus on where to find them and what to look for. Every single class in the game has one damage type and one armor type to their name. To showcase this, I’m going to use Sophia. Why? Because I like Sophia.
First, let’s click on her and hit Shift (using keyboard controls for this btw) to check up on her stats.
As pointed out by the helpful arrow (whoever put that there must be super nice! :D) these are your DAMAGE TYPE and ARMOR TYPE. Damage Type is on top, while Armor Type is on the bottom. All of it is dependent on the class. As Sophia is a Witch Hunter, her Damage Type is Projectile and her Armor type is Chain Armor. You can also check these on the map by hovering over a unit with your cursor.
I won’t get into the Damage and Armor types of every class, since I’m sure people much smarter then me have already listed those out and you can find them very easily. What I will tell you is that, when ranking up, it’s worthwhile to check to see how the Damage and Armor type will change upon promotion. Class variance is importance, folks, not just in TF2! You can check these out right here on the promote screen.
(Hint: It’s in the blue circle.)
With the basics out of the way, let’s delve into the actual meat and potatoes of how the heck these interplay with each other.
What Effectiveness Is, and How to Check for It

Secondly, weapon effectiveness ONLY applies to pure damage. Any other stat changes, such as accuracy, dodge, crit rate, etc is handled by the weapon system. In other words, this effectiveness PURELY deals with damage, nothing else. As an example here, despite having an advantage against the former enemy and a disadvantage against the latter one, Aurima still has better accuracy against the lackey he has disadvantage towards, even when choosing the least accurate option.
Side note: I missed the more accurate attack on taking that screenshot lmao
Third, since it’s damage type against armor type, the enemy CAN have advantage over you even if you have advantage over them. In other words, the game calculates this system by doing a check of Damage Type ➔ Armor Type for both sides.
Fourth, let’s discuss what Mastery does to affect these values. To put it simply, the higher a unit’s Mastery is, the more effective type match-ups will be when they are favorable. The letters from the pre-battle screen are essentially meaningless, they just exist to show how good a match up is in the units favor. To TL;DR it even more, if you have better Mastery and a higher letter, you have better Advantage.
Anyways, with all this out of the way, let me show you all a quick chart I made to concisely illustrate what is good against what.
The Chart of Advantage Matchups

Anyways, this is it for the “tutorial section”. For the last segment, I want to quickly discuss what I feel is lacking about this system, and possible ways it can be fixed on the off chance a developer of this game reads this.
My Issues with this System, and Possible Solutions
1) The game really needs a tutorial on this. I know that there’s a brief explanation for it in the Tutorial Section, but I think a more detailed version of it should be shown in Chapter 1. Yes, players don’t like to have their hands held, but even a simple “Would you like a tutorial on Advantage? y/n” would be very helpful.
2) I think exact match-ups should have an indicator on the pre-battle screen. There is an indicator on the map screen, but it still doesn’t give you a good idea of how advantaged or disadvantaged you are, and it also doesn’t show you the enemies advantage over you. I think a simple arrow showing the bonus or penalty the characters are getting in the pre-fight screen would go a long way in making this concept easier to keep track of. Here’s a quick edit I made to show what I mean.
3) I also think it’s possible percentages for these could be streamlined. As I showed in the chart, it seems every weapon was intentionally designed with one minor advantage, one major advantage, one minor disadvantage, and one major disadvantage. I think if these had set percentage values instead of being different for each match-up (i.e. always -10% for minor disadvantage, always +25% for major advantage, etc), it could make them easier to keep track of for players.
Thanks to salveagerfan123 for his great guide on How the Advantage System Works. all credit to his effort. you can also check out the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.
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- Dark Deity: Basic Beginner’s Guide
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- Dark Deity: Unit Guide (Default Growthrates, Personal Skills, Class Skills and Class Growth Rate Modifiers)