An overview for a fresh player to learn of some mechanics without having to learn it the hardway.
Fire damage
Fire damage is a great other option, some rooms wont have anything to be lit or they have been destroyed by mobs/traps. in this case by using fire damage your enemy will be set on fire causing them to emit light and therefore buffing you in combat.

Each run as you gain a corruption make sure you read and note what you are afflected by and play around your strenghs and weaknesess. you can check your corruptions from the inventory screen at any time.
at alters you can also offer your blood which will strike a balance of risk vs reward. Gold is the better way to buy stuff only sacrifice blood if you are desperate for that item and think it will pay off in the run.
After defeating a champion you get the opportunity to remove one corruption so choose wislely.
on a simple level you want enough to buy upgrades at the end of rooms and not finish the run with too much or its wasted. so take gold rooms until you feel you have enought to spend at a upgrade or attribute room. going into these rooms with no gold is a mistake or you’ll have to use blood which is not favourable.
As you venture through the dungeon there a breakables along the side some will show gold these of course you will want to smash. but the others dont contain random loot which is a nice change to dungeon crawlers. No longer do you have to smash everything you see for the small chance at an item. just keep a look out for the gold ones.
The mobs will have a set of attacks/moves you can learn to predict when you can attack and when you need to kite/ dodge. spend some time learning how to defend against the mobs dont blindly hack and slash into everything you see.
Stamina are the 5 dots below your character (Sometimes reduced to 4 with corruption)
your actions like rolling or power attacks will cost a point of stamina. waiting for a second or two will restore your stamina. When engaging a mob for a combo make sure you are at max stamina you effectively fight.
killing an enemy will restore a stamina (with some corruption it will restore 2)
Chain reaction
Often traps will be laid out in a manner that means when one goes off it will cause a chain reaction that could land you in a world of harm. keep an eye out for traps that are close to eachother. if possble set off traps that could lead up to some mobs.
enjoy a really cool game and any feedback appreciated!
Regards Lucid Lamb
I make music on Spotify aswell if you search Lucid Lamb
shameless plug