
Get 2 or more headshots with a single Lever Action shot

Pop 250 enemy heads

Deflect 25 thrown hatchets

Decapitate an enemy with a hatchet from over 20 meters away

Fully upgrade a weapon

Forget to thrown the dynamite.

Headshot an enemy from 50 meters away with the pistol

Kill an enemy with an eyeball

Defeat the Abomination. (Final Boss)

Clear a map without taking any damage
>>>Quicksave is your friend<<<
It is done.
Clear Chapter One on Extreme
>>>Quicksave is your friend<<<
Heh heh heh… thank you
Spend $15,000 in the shop in a single Survival match

Ma’am I do my own plumbing
Clog a toilet with body parts
Don’t tell David
Obliterate an enemy with the soap
Rescue Mission
Rescue a teddy bear from a map.
There’s no time for resting.
Rest on the Throne.
Prop Sniping
Kill an enemy with a chair from over 25 meters away
Great Minds Think Alike
Kill a Ghost with the prop they’re currently holding
Return to Sender
Reject an incoming TNT delivery
Barrels O’ Fun
Kill 5 enemies with an explosive barrel
My deepest shame
Discover my deepest shame
Thanks to Raxrr for his excellent guide, all credit to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.