This guide helps players save time by telling them which choices give what results. It also helps with exploration portions of the game.
Common Route
The Common Route ends when the player is forced to choose a partner in Chapter 6.
Chapter 1
“Stall” – August liked that.
“Ask how he’s doing,” “Ask about his past murders,” or “Ask about his past life” (Any option) – August liked that.
“Ask about the train” – Julian liked that.
Chapter 2
“Because you saved my life” – August liked that.
“Ask about the religion” — Julian liked that.
“Ask about the towers” – Liam liked that.
“You could do better” – Julian liked that.
Chapter 3
“Let August keep going” – August liked that.
“Thanks” – Maddy liked that.
“No” – Liam liked that.
“You might be helpful.” – Maddy liked that.
“Hug him” – Liam liked that.
“Lock him up” – August liked that.
Chapter 4
“Stay calm and talk” – Liam liked that.
(Note: Choosing the other option will yield two CGs, so it might be worth it to do so even if you’re aiming for Liam’s route.)
Chapter 5
No choices affect character affections.
Julian’s Route

Chapter 6
“Ask about the game he was playing” – Julian liked that.
“Tell her you were discussing trust” – Julian liked that.
“Offer a plan” – Julian liked that.
Chapter 7
“Insist you did the right thing” – Julian liked that.
“Come up with a plan” – Julian liked that.
“Admit you know about silver” – Julian liked that.
Chapter 8
“Suggest we intervene” – Julian liked that.
“Fire a shot” – Julian liked that.
“Spare him” or “Kill Giles” – Julian liked that.
“Require assurances” – Julian liked that.
Chapter 9
“Answer truthfully” – Julian liked that.
“Kiss him” – Julian loved that. (Only appears if you’re on your way to the good ending)
“Tell the truth and confront her” – Julian loved that.
(There are achievements for becoming a vampire and remaining human, so be sure to save when this choice comes up. Whichever you choose doesn’t affect Julian’s affection though.)
Chapter 10
(Suggestion: Going to the clinic, school, or Dollar Store lead to running into Liam, but the clinic is most interesting, imo.)
No choices affect Julian’s affection at this point.
Liam’s Route

Chapter 6
“Bribe him” – Liam liked that.
“Yes” – Liam liked that.
Chapter 7
“Thank him” – Liam liked that.
Chapter 8
“Give an apology” – Liam liked that. (Delayed until a later scene.)
“You deserve better” – Liam loved that.
“Kiss him” – Liam loved that.
“Yes” – Liam liked that.
Chapter 9
“Take off your jacket” – Liam liked that.
“Let him drink your blood” – Liam loved that.
Chapter 10
No choices affect Liam’s affection at this point.
Maddy’s Route

Chapter 6
“Yes, I do” – Maddy liked that.
“No, I’m glad we did it” – Maddy liked that.
“Yes, you have a point” – Maddy liked that.
Chapter 7
“It’s a good idea” – Maddy liked that.
“Kiss her” – Maddy loved that.
“Expose his lie” – Maddy liked that.
Chapter 8
“Confront Wagner” – Maddy loved that.
“Ask if you can get closer” – Maddy loved that.
“We have to try” – Maddy loved that.
Chapter 9
No choices affect Maddy’s affection in this chapter.
Chapter 10
“We have to arrest him” – Maddy liked that. (The effect is slightly delayed.)
August’s Route

Chapter 6
“Ask about the book” – August liked that.
“Agree” – August liked that.
“Yes” – August liked that.
Chapter 7
“Agree to not use my gun” – August liked that.
“Let August handle it” – August liked that.
Chapter 8
“Unlock the cell” – August liked that.
“I want to take this town back” – August loved that.
“Kiss him again” – August loved that. (Only appears if you’re on the path to the good ending.)
Chapter 9
No choices affect August’s affection in this chapter.
Chapter 10
No choices affect August’s affection in this chapter.
Exploration Assistance

This section is for people who are struggling to figure out what to do during exploration parts of the game. Most of the time, it’s fairly straightforward or a matter of looking around carefully, but lots of gamers are in a hurry.
It’s also worth stating that some people who play visual novels do so because they have a disability that prevents them from playing action-filled video games. Exploration requires the use of two hands and if someone is struggling to get through it because of their disability, this part of the guide should at least help them get through it as fast/easy as possible.
Common Route
Chapter 1
Beginning: Move to the blue van and interact when the option comes up. Then, head to “Steve’s Liquor”, which has big red letters saying LIVE BAIT off in the distance.
In City Hall: If you immediately turn to Erika’s desk (with the white pillars around it), you can interact with it for dialogue about the phones. Then, go over to August and interact with him. Go back to Erika’s desk and interact with it again. Then, go to the door.
Chapter 2
At the cabin: Interact with the books on the bed. Then, interact with the stairs to the attic. Finally, go back to the door.
In the church: Interact with Julian, then interact with Charlotte and Liam. Lastly, head to the door.
Chapter 4
In the school gym: Interact with the body twice. Then, talk to Maddy. Then, August.
Chapter 5
In City Hall: Go to the door and interact with it to open it, then go straight across the hall to the mayor’s office.
Julian’s Route
Chapter 6
In City Hall: If you try to talk to Liam, he’ll just complain about the blood, so go to the door, then turn left to find the mop, then return to the blood stain, then talk to Liam.
Wagner’s House: You can check the filing cabinet, but it’s optional. To progress the story, go past the TV, turn left and interact with the door there to enter Wagner’s bedroom.
Chapter 9
At the mansion: You can inspect Julian’s room (door on the left from starting point), but there’s nothing in there that gives new information. Charlotte’s room is straight ahead. In Charlotte’s room, to the right, there’s a giant vanity mirror you interact with to progress the story.
Liam’s Route
Chapter 6
In City Hall: Leave the office room, turn right and interact with the door at the end of the hall.
Chapter 9
In the tower: Head straight forward, toward the giant sculpture. Interact with each object: model tower, sculpture on a pedestal, telephone, clock/bowl of fruit, and American flag. Try walking back toward the entrance and the story will progress.
Maddy’s Route
Chapter 8
On the train: This really is straightforward. Just keep going to the next car’s door and interacting until you reach the front of the train.
August’s Route
Chapter 8
Inside the City Hall: Head across the room to the stairwell and interact with it. After the scene transitions, turn around to the stairwell and select to “go up” four times.