A list of possible modifiers on days, and descriptions of their effects. Note that this guide will contain spoilers as to the nature of some modifiers and locations, so if you want them to remain a surprise, please don’t read it, and experience them on your own

This guide details all the possible modifiers in the game and what they do.
1. Road Closed
2. Exit
Effect: Denotes the last day of a location before the next is unlocked. A story cutscene will play on finishing this day.
3. Foodtruck Attack
Effect: At some point in the day, the CSD truck will be attacked by another truck, impacting on the player’s holding stations in different ways.
Gun – Damages one or more holding stations, losing the player any food that was prepped in them and rendering them unusable for the remainder of the day.
Ram 1 – Blocks the CSD truck from its intended exit and significantly increases holding station orders.
Ram 2 – Rams the CSD truck, causing it to lose all of its holding station contents. The holding stations themselves remain undamaged.
Hack – Stops the player from seeing the number of holding station foods required at the following stops.
Notes: The Food Truck Reinforcements upgrades negate the effects of food truck attacks.
4. Impatient Customers
Effect: Customer patience is significantly decreased compared to normal.
Notes: The Special System Analyzer upgrade can help mitigate the effects of this modifier quite effectively, but customers will still have less patience than on a normal day with the upgrade.
5. Crazy Customers
Effect: Similar to Impatient Customers, but patience is even more decreased.
Notes: Special Systems Analyzer will still help with this modifier, but the standard caveat applies.
6. Minimum Prep Stations Required
Effect: Specifies the minimum number of prep station upgrades needed for that day.
7. VIP Guest Orders
Effect: VIP orders are in effect, meaning that SO foods can be ordered at any time, and not just between stops. Careful menu planning is essential.
8. Random Foods